Hengdao Sixteen Kingdoms

Chapter 515 Fairness

Chapter 515 Fairness
"Your Majesty has to make the decision for us. The King and Your Majesty are married to each other. Murong Chui attacks me without any reason, takes my cattle and sheep, and kills my people. It is really disrespectful to Your Majesty!" Tuoba Gu, the envoy sent by Dai Guo Crying with runny nose and tears.

The second monk Li Yuezhang was confused. Instead of cleaning up Henan and the north of Yinshan Mountain, why did he go to Yunzhong?
Besides, Tuoba Shi Yijian always claimed to have an army of 10,000+, so Yunzhong was just lost?
The news received recently is that there was a great victory on the north road and many prisoners were captured, but there is no news coming back from the west.

However, with Murong Ling on the west road, he hit it off with Murong Chui, so it was not impossible to attack Yunzhong.

"I'm already aware of this matter. We'll discuss it after we find out." Li Yue held back.

"Murong Chui is ambitious and rebellious. If he annexes Yunzhong and becomes stronger, he will definitely collude with the Yan Kingdom. Your Majesty must be on guard!" Tuobagu said sincerely.

"Your Excellency, you are worrying too much. I have my own discretion." Li Yue waved his hand.

Tuoba Gu retreated.

Who doesn’t have ambition these days?Murong Chui has it, but Tuoba Shi Yijian doesn't?
Two days later, various news came back from the west and north, and Li Yue finally understood the general outline of the matter. It turned out that the person behind everything was not Murong Chui or Murong Ling, but Huan Yi.

5000 people dare to fight in the clouds.

Murong Chui did not send troops at all, but just wandered around Yanmen, and Tuoba Shi Yijian fled with his tail between his legs.

He threw Yunzhong to Huan Yi, and Huan Yi ordered Murong to seize Shengle City. He sent out his troops in all directions and took advantage of the opportunity to plunder and capture more than [-] people and more than [-] cattle and sheep...

"Tuoba Shi Yijian has formed an alliance with His Majesty's in-laws after all. If he is pushed too hard, he may surrender to Di Qin." Chang Wei advised.

Huan Yi suggested above that he should simply join forces with Murong Chui to directly destroy Tuoba Shi Yijian and occupy Hetao to prepare for the future attack on Guanzhong.

However, this also brought about another problem. If Murong Chui sent troops, the benefits would be divided half with him. Murong Chui was too powerful and occupied important areas in Bingzhou. It would not be so easy to control him in the future.

Ambition grows with the growth of strength.

Share benefits with him and your strength will increase.

Regardless, Murong Chui is separated from his heart and virtue.

After taking the Loop, half of Bingzhou was caught in the middle, which pushed Murong Chui's forces into a strategic impasse. Even a dog would jump over the wall in a hurry, let alone a figure like Murong Chui?
Murong Chui was only stationing troops in Yanmen, so he should have realized that Tuoba Shi Yijian could not be destroyed now...

The world is like a chessboard, one move affects the whole body.

"The time is not yet ripe to capture the Hetao. I have ordered Huan Yi and Murong Ling not to advance lightly." Li Yue suppressed his desire for land.

The purpose of this battle was only to plunder, not to destroy Dai State. If the Hetao was really captured, Dai State would be forced to Fu Jian's side.

Moreover, to lay down the Loop, troops and manpower must be invested in management and defense.

Li Yue doesn't have that energy for the time being. To govern the country, one must have strategic determination. The national policy now is to recuperate and cannot be easily interrupted.

"Your Majesty is wise." Chang Wei breathed a sigh of relief.

After this battle, Tuoba Shi Yijian should be more honest.

Li Yue sent Tuoba Gu back and promised to return Yunzhong County, but the captured people and livestock would belong to Daliang.

Today's Daiguo is not qualified to negotiate conditions with Liangguo.

Tuobagu could only hold his nose and admit it.

The "hunting" on the grassland continued, and Li Yue was greatly satisfied with the performance of these new generals. They killed decisively and unscrupulously, and captured a lot.

Nearly [-] herdsmen moved south.

There are nearly 30 war horses, [-] to [-] cattle, sheep, and livestock, as well as mountains of all kinds of wealth.

With these trophies, Shangshutai has nothing to say.

Li Yue's goal of using war to support war was achieved. The Ministry of Household Affairs made a rough calculation and found that the investment totaled 53 stone grain and 1000 million yuan. The captured livestock alone covered the investment, not to mention war horses and people.

It can be called a profitable business.Compared with investing hundreds of millions and spending countless manpower and material resources to build the Great Wall and Wubao, it is simply not easy.

However, there are many prerequisites for this approach. First, the cavalry can suppress them, and secondly, there must be a group of soldiers who are not afraid of the bitter cold. It is human nature to like to be idle and hate work. After the Yiguangs crossed south, the Jin people settled on the left side of the Yangtze River, not because of the water and soil of the east of the Yangtze River. Mild and humid, but bitterly cold in the north?
In the end, the grassland will be a mess, and no powerful forces like the Xiongnu, Donghu, and Kirby can appear.

Otherwise, if a small group of cavalry goes north, they can only serve food to people.

After decades of wars in Middle-earth, a large number of strong-willed soldiers were trained. Thanks to the killing of Hu Ling, martial arts flourished in the Northern Kingdom.

The Black Cloud Knights were equipped with iron horseshoes. In the past, they would turn around and run away if they couldn't win, but now they couldn't run away even if they wanted to. Their running ability was far superior to that of the prairie cavalry. The crossbows counteracted their cavalry fire, and they were able to crush them with their equipment.

Seeing that the weather was getting colder, he ordered all the troops to return to Yecheng, after all, they wanted to give the grassland a breath.

If the lake is exhausted and fished, there will be no fish next year.

If they couldn't catch fish, the soldiers would be reluctant to go north, and there would be no sustainability.

"Your Majesty, Mrs. Wei Guo died of illness." Yang Lue came to report.

After all, Dong did not survive this cold winter.

The former empress had a transcendent status and actively cooperated with the transition to Ran Wei. Now that she died of illness, Li Yue naturally had to go to pay her respects.

"So, they are planning to take advantage of the funeral to cause trouble?"

During this period of time, the attention paid to Ran Wei Yichen exceeded the hunting grassland.

"Exactly, I have found out that Dong Run, Zhou Cheng, Jiang Qian, Miao Song, Song Bin and others secretly gathered the deceased and arranged them to be next to Ran Zhi in advance. They can only start the incident on the day of the funeral."

"Is Zhou Cheng also involved?" Li Yue was slightly surprised.

The most powerful general under Ran Min has been claiming to be ill and idle at home, but now he is no longer willing to be lonely.

"Yes." Yang Lue was as calm as ice.

Li Yue pondered for a while, "Their methods must not stop there. Wang Qiu, the governor of Zhaozhou, He Song, the governor of Taizhou, and Fan Wen, the governor of Qizhou, are all the descendants of Ran Wei. If there is an uprising in Yecheng, they will definitely respond to it. The school administration will keep a close eye on anyone who acts erratically, and we must not let them harm the people and destroy the achievements I, Daliang, have made in the past few years."

In order to take over Ran Wei, many compromises were made to stabilize the situation in Hebei.

But compromise comes at a cost.

"Your Majesty, don't worry. Everyone who has anything to do with Ran Wei is under surveillance. However, someone recently went to Chang Lingjun's house..."

Li Yue frowned. Chang Wei was also Li Nong Ran Min's man back then, but Ran Zhi actually went to find him. It seemed that he had put a lot of effort into stabilizing Chang Wei, and thus Yecheng was stabilized.

"Chang Lingjun will never betray me, so there is no need to worry about it. Send more people to protect Chang's mansion."

Back then, Chang Wei actually looked down on Li Nong and Ran Min before choosing him. How could he like Ran Zhi now?

Such a person will not betray.

"I have secretly sent a lot of extra people." Yang Lue handed over his hand, "I feel that behind Ran Zhi, in addition to Qin Yan's careful support, there should be someone else working in tandem."

"It's inevitable. No one has a thread, how can they wear a pair of pants?"

People like Feng Yi and Quan Yi are top counselors.

It was no longer possible to defeat Daliang on the frontal battlefield, so he began to use conspiracy and tricks.

But these are not on the table.

It just so happened that Li Yue could take the opportunity to cleanse some old forces.

(End of this chapter)

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