Hengdao Sixteen Kingdoms

Chapter 518 Involvement

Chapter 518 Involvement
More than a dozen dead soldiers swarmed forward.

hum, hum, hum...

The crossbow arrows whizzed away, nailing these unarmored men to the ground. They didn't even have to aim at such a close distance.

One man was hit by three arrows, but Lin rushed forward with a bloody courage.

Before he could get closer, the sword wind roared beside him. Yang Zhuer held up a horse-slaying sword with one hand and slashed the head of the sword, and fell to the ground with his head and shoulders.

Li Yue held the knife, stepped over the broken corpse, and walked towards Dong Run step by step.

All the friendships in the past disappeared at this moment, and it was only life and death on the battlefield.

Li Yue gave these people all opportunities, but they all rejected them.

"Wow..." Ran Zhi sat down on the ground and howled in horror. A child born in a greenhouse, how had he ever seen such a purgatory on earth?
Jiang Gan's face was also trembling, and his sharp teeth were completely useless.

Only Dong Run had the sword in his hand.

At this time, the Su Wei army had already entered the mansion. Anyone who refused to surrender with a sword would be stabbed to death with random spears.

The scene in the mansion soon became one-sided.

"Catch them alive!" Lu Guang's scolding came from the screams.

Soon, a group of soldiers rushed to the mourning hall and surrounded the city.

The dead soldiers knew that there was no way to survive and fought bloody battles without retreating.

However, under the stranglehold of the Suwei soldiers, no matter how brave he was, it was of no avail.

With a "clang" sound, the two knives struck together, bursting out with a burst of fire. Li Yue didn't take a step back, but Dong Run took two steps back.

Li Yue held the knife in both hands, his face covered with blood was extremely ferocious, and he slashed down with the knife, which made Dong Run unable to lift his head.

In recent years, many people only know that he is the emperor, but have forgotten that everything today was all achieved with swords and spears on the battlefield.

Since Liang Du raised his army, Li Yue has participated in almost all the wars in the world.

Jiang Gan on the side gritted his teeth and rushed forward with his knife in hand. He was shot to the ground by a crossbow as soon as he took two steps forward. He was babbling as if he wanted to say something, but he only spat out a mouthful of dirty blood.

After Han Nu made seven or eight sword blows, there was a "ding" sound, and Dong Run's sword was chopped off, while Li Yue's sword only broke out with a few small holes.

The blade was raised and fell hard without any hesitation.

The sword flashed across, blood spattered, and Dong Run's head rolled to the ground.

At that moment, surprise and fear were still flashing in his eyes, and then they gradually faded away.

Li Yue kicked the body away, swung his long knife, and the blood drops on the blade fell to the ground. He turned to Ran Zhi and Song Bin, "Who provoked it? I'll give you a good pleasure."

Song Bin protected Ran Zhi and exited the mourning hall step by step.

But outside the hall, there was already a mountain of iron armor and a forest of spears.

A dead soldier can only be a dead soldier in front of a soldier who has experienced hundreds of battles.

Li Yue chased him out of the mourning hall, covered in blood, and his murderous look shocked all the Heiyun soldiers present.

The emperor had always been tolerant and kind-hearted in their impression, but today he seemed to be a different person.

This is exactly what Li Yue wants.

Shi Hu was so cruel, but he was able to maintain his rule because everyone in the world was afraid of being killed. In his early years, Shi Hu also had an enemy of 1 people. He fought in the north and south, and he was decisive in killing.

Talking about kindness in an era of war and chaos is self-defeating.

Li Yue did not want to learn from Shi Hu, but wanted to establish his authority.

In the past, when the world was in chaos, rebellions everywhere were enough, but now the country is peaceful and prosperous, and others dare not move. However, people like Ran Zhi and Dong Run are causing chaos, and they must use thunderbolt measures!
The way to govern a country is to put authority first and then virtue, and to combine leniency and severity.

Blindly benevolent and righteous will not only harm the world, but also harm yourself and future generations!

Song Bin protected Ran Zhi and fled everywhere, and was gradually sheltered in a corner.

Li Yue originally felt like he was being tortured alive, but he thought deeper that the people behind the scenes were so cautious, as steady as an old dog, and as forbearing as a thousand-year-old tortoise, so they would definitely not leave any clues.

He picked up a knife and stabbed Song Bin to death.

Ran Zhi collapsed on the ground, and Li Yue picked him up, dragged him to the mourning hall, and asked him to kneel in front of Dong's memorial tablet.

"Your Majesty... have mercy on me, I, I, I don't dare to... anymore..." Ran Zhi burst into tears and looked cowardly.

Li Yue threw him a knife, "You are Ran Min's son, don't embarrass your father! Don't embarrass your mother either!"

Ran Min has done many wrong things in his life, and his methods are somewhat bloody and cruel, but it is undeniable that without his order to kill Hu, the country of Northern China would have become what it would be.

You, Cao, Yi, Di, beasts and the like are especially proclaimed emperors. How can I, a hero from Central China, not be proclaimed emperor?

Ran Min's heroic words before his death have already spread throughout the world and are deeply affecting.

However, Ran Min, who had been a hero all his life, never expected that his son would be so cowardly.

"Your Majesty, I, I am still a child..." Ran Zhi looked at Li Yue pitifully.

Li Yue almost sprayed a mouthful of old blood on his face. He was already seventeen or eighteen years old... but he was so childish...

"What are you waiting for? Do you want to cut him into pieces with a thousand knives and cut him in half?" Li Yue said sharply.

Ran Zhi's whole body trembled, and he put the knife across his neck, but he couldn't move his hand.

The only death is the hardship of the ages.

Li Yue stepped forward and pushed his hand. Blood spattered and Ran Zhi fell down weakly, his eyes wide open.

Li Yue reached out and closed his eyes.

Everyone must be responsible for their own actions, and it is impossible for Li Yue to forgive him if he reaches this point.

Otherwise, it would be the greatest disrespect for yourself and Daliang.

"The whole city is under martial law. Yang Lue is in charge of torture. Lu Qing and Zhang Zhu'er are in charge of arresting the families of Dong Run, Jiang Qian, Miao Song, Song Bin and other people who were directly involved in the rebellion. They are taking them to Changjie and beheading those who abandoned the city and implicated them. The author will be examined by the Division!"

The cold wind is getting stronger and stronger, and the snow seeds are hitting my face like a knife.

The blood stains in Ran Mansion were frozen into blood ice.

If the mutiny succeeds, I am afraid that the fate of my family will be even more miserable, and the people of Guandong will once again fall into the abyss.

That's the truth.

Li Yue sat in the mourning hall with his sword pressed, waiting for the results of Yang Lue's torture.

But as expected, nothing crucial could be found. It was Song Bin who gave money, silk, and land to Dong Run. Song Bin was under the instruction of Ran Zhi. When Ran Zhi moved, Dong Run, Jiang Qian, and Miao Song also You can only move along.

After checking again and again, they found a housekeeper in the Ran Mansion. The housekeeper had already committed suicide.

But there are still some clues.

This housekeeper was a Buddhist believer during his lifetime.

When Buddhism was at its peak, there were three Buddhist temples in Jie Zhao. At that time, people competed to build temples and led them to become monks. However, there were many types of temples, including ghosts, ghosts, and snakes.

There are four in Yecheng alone, and there are countless more hidden in the streets.

Even Shi Hu at that time believed that there were many ascetics, some of them were treacherous and avoided service, and most of them were not their own.

Li Yue's heart skipped a beat, how did Ran Wei lose?He just listened to Fa Rao's instigation and attacked rashly.

Fa Rao is both a monk and a Taoist...

After the fall of Jie and Zhao, there were successive wars in the northern kingdom. Many people took refuge in Samana to avoid military disasters, taxes, and corvee labor.

Li Yue originally didn't want to touch them, but they came to him on their own.

How was Liangzhou destroyed?

It was precisely because Buddhism was so prosperous that it colluded with Fu Jian and reached some kind of agreement, so they were combined inside and outside.

These days, neither monks nor Taoists are good people.

"Don't act rashly first. Let's investigate secretly. I'll wait until I defeat Ran Wei's Yichen first, and then I'll take care of it." Li Yue rubbed his forehead.

Pulling out the radish and bringing out the mud, the person behind the scenes was not found out, and another force was involved.

The strength of Buddhism is by no means inferior to that of the nobles, and it has many believers.

(End of this chapter)

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