Chapter 52 Thief

As soon as the cavalry on the opposite side retreated, the infantry also retreated slowly, deterred by the momentum.

"Kill!" After a long distance, Xu Cheng roared again and again, and led the crowd to kill from the east.

This also became the last straw that crushed them.

The Mi County people turned around and fled.

Wei Shan shouted: "Don't miss this opportunity, today is the day to break through the secret city!"

How could Li Yue let them go?My heart is hot, if I can directly enter Mi County, all problems will be solved.

But after chasing for a while, I felt something was wrong. Don't look at the other party in a mess, he ran very fast, picking the rough path, every time he saw that he was right in front of him, but he couldn't catch up.

After entering the mountainous area, the other party slowed down perhaps due to the decline in physical strength.

But one's own physical strength also declined quickly.

Looking at the vertical and horizontal hills and ravines all around, Li Yue suddenly had a very bad premonition in his heart.

It's not that the opponent is incapable of fighting, but he turns around and runs away.

Generally speaking, the fleeing side discarded their armor and armor, but they kept their weapons firmly in hand as they fled.

"General, beware of tricks to lure the enemy!" Xu Cheng came panting from behind.

"Stop!" Li Yue quickly ordered.

The tooth flag around him fell down, and the soldiers shouted loudly: "Stop!"

The soldiers turned their heads in a daze. Although they were puzzled, they stopped after all.

The people of Mi County have disappeared into the hills and dense forests.

The surrounding area was quiet, not even a bird chirping, and it was a bit stuffy.

Cold sweat oozes from Li Yue's forehead. Heiyun Mountain has developed very smoothly in the past few months. After eating Jijiabao, annexing refugees and bandits, it has expanded three times compared to Heiyun Mountain in Zhao Guang's era.

But that doesn't mean it's all that weak around.

Thinking about it carefully, Jijiabao's strength is not bad, almost wiped out the [-] elites of Fangtou, if Ji Yong hadn't publicly preached surrender to Jienu and lost popular support, it would have cost more to break Wubao.

"Back!" Li Yue made a prompt decision.

A single defeat can turn Heiyunshan's bottom upside down, and he himself will be forever lost.

The dental flag stood up and shook back again and again, and the soldiers retreated step by step.

The hills were still silent.

However, Li Yue still heard a "buzzing" sound, as if a swarm of bees were flapping their wings.

It was the sound of countless bowstrings being pulled.

Then, countless figures emerged from the woods, men, women and children went into battle together, forming a half-surrounding trend.

Fortunately, Li Yue discovered something was wrong in time, and after more than 30 steps forward, he completely entered their ambush circle.

"The thieves and bandits of Heiyun Mountain listen up, under the order of Zhang Inspector, destroy you and others, and surrender, only punish the chief villains Li Yue and Bo Wu. If you resist, there will be no chickens or dogs left in Heiyun Mountain!" A person in the forest shouted .

The voice came with the autumn wind.

Governor?Li Yue was shocked. Sizhou was called by the Jin people. Luoyang was the capital of the Wei and Jin Dynasties, and the Sili Xiaowei Mansion near Luoyang was named Sizhou.

Shile established the country, Luoyang was not the capital of the country, it was changed to Luozhou.

However, the hearts of the people in the south of the river are still on the Jiangdong court, and they still habitually refer to the area around Luoyang as Sizhou.

There can only be one governor near Xuanyuan Mountain and Mi County——Zhang Yu, the governor of Yuzhou!
The expansion of Heiyun Mountain did not attract the attention of Yecheng, but it aroused the vigilance of Zhang Yu in Xuchang.

If he set his sights on Heiyun Mountain, then the strategy of expanding southward would go bankrupt.

No matter how arrogant Li Yue is, it is impossible for him to confront a big state.

At least not now.

Thinking about it this way, everything made sense, why four groups of troops besieged him at the same time, why Xuanyuan Mountain suddenly became hostile to Heiyun Mountain, the driving force behind it was Zhang Yu, the governor of Yuzhou.

Now it seems that Xuanyuan Mountain brought a mob up, but it was actually perfunctory.

Heiyun Mountain's annexation of Jijiabao, if it is small, will not attract the attention of Yecheng, but if it is large, it will definitely arouse the vigilance of Yuzhou.

Various thoughts ran wildly in Li Yue's mind, but the soldiers were emotionally stable, retreating step by step, and the formation was not chaotic at all.

All of a sudden, there was a "buzz" in the forest, and countless sharp arrows swept up from the forest like locusts, tearing through the blue sky blackly.

Then it fell down densely.

Clinking, shields and iron armor blocked most of them, but the people in the middle line who wore leather armor and those without armor suffered a lot. There were screams, and more than 20 people were shot dead on the spot, and many more were injured. Not saying a word.

Fortunately, the range of the bow and arrow is only enough for this time.

On the hill, the enemies poured out densely, men and women, old and young, old and weak, women and children, no fewer than ten thousand people, carrying forks and hoes, and some even held kitchen knives.

There were also soldiers among the crowd.

It is obvious that these common people are regarded as consumables of war.

"Kill the thief!" Everyone had a look of disbelief on their faces.

Li Yue's heart sank, not because he was afraid of their momentum, but because the sound of "killing the thief" was quite ear-piercing...

Perhaps whether it is Jiezhao or Jiangdong, Heiyun Mountain is just a gang of thieves in their eyes.

"It's not that Zhang Yu is here, so we can fight!" Wei Shan raised his long knife, his eyes were full of murderous intent.

The person who persuaded him to surrender said, "by order of Inspector Zhang", which means that Zhang Yu didn't come, but when he came, it wouldn't be these old and weak women and children who went into battle.

"Zhang Yu is still on the way if he didn't come. You can't stay here for long. Let's go back."

This kind of bitter battle without benefits cannot be fought.

Mi County is the northwest gateway of Xuchang, and it is impossible for Zhang Yu to let it fall into the hands of others.

Once caught in the tug-of-war with Zhang Yu, how could it be possible to consume the entire Yuzhou with the small Heiyun Mountains?
The opponent was very powerful, but they didn't dare to really attack. They sent the Heiyunshan tribe back to Weishui, and they also retreated.

You have been tossing back and forth for so long, and the casualties on both sides were not large.

It seems that they are just cooperating with each other and acting in a play.

The people in Xuanyuan Mountain are acting, and the people in Mi County don't seem to have the determination to fight bloody.

But that's fine, as long as everyone knows it.

They are born from the same root, so why rush each other?They are all Han Chinese, why bother to work hard for the Jie people?

Looking at the rushing Weishui, Li Yue laughed out loud, making the guards around him baffled, "Build a Weishui fort here with a deep ditch and a high fort."

Southward expansion is impossible in the short term.

Now Li Yue only hoped that Zhang Yu would not fight over. The deep ditch and the high fortress told him that he only wanted to defend the territory of Sishui Fort in Heiyun Mountain.

What happened today also made Li Yue sober up a lot, knowing what he lacked.

In addition to the Jie people, the enemy also has various forces nearby, large and small.

There is also a prefect of Xingyang on top of his head.

If the name is not right, the words will not go well. Caught between the two major forces, there is only a slogan but no status, so it is difficult to mix it up. Even if you have a certain strength, in the eyes of the people of the Central Plains, they are nothing more than "thieves".

This is the reality and the rule of this era.

Zu Ti and Li Ju set off such a big momentum, aren't they also controlled by Jiangdong?

"Wei Liaozi" has a saying: Soldiers use martial arts as their plant and literature as their seed.Wu is for the table, and text is for the inside.If you can judge the two, you will know the outcome.

War is a continuation of politics, and recklessness is definitely not an option. Even if the blood in Heiyun Mountain is drained, it will be difficult to open the situation.

Li Yue wondered if he should send someone to Jiangdong to get an appointment from the Sima family.

But after thinking about it, what is my identity?
Will the Jiangdong court think highly of themselves?

Even if he got Jiangdong's appointment, the Jie people from Yecheng would come in a blink of an eye.

For now, this appears to be a dead end.

(End of this chapter)

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