Hengdao Sixteen Kingdoms

Chapter 525 Windfall

Chapter 525 Windfall
The overt and covert struggle surrounding Salmon gradually became fierce.

However, it did not affect the lives of ordinary people. On the contrary, with the propaganda of Honglu officials, Samana and Jie Zhao were linked, which aroused the opposition of many people.

Taking this as an opportunity, many hidden secrets were implicated.

The school affairs office has achieved remarkable results.

It has been determined that the biggest enemy hidden in Samana is Shi Anshi.

This man was also a disciple of Fo Tucheng. He was from the Wu Zhongyang family in Peiping. He was of the same clan as Yang Zhuan, an important minister of the Yan State. He was very good at managing and amassing money. When the world was in chaos, he took the opportunity to absorb the population and occupy the land.

After Daliang opened business, he seized the opportunity and flourished everywhere, owning properties in almost all big cities.

Money can drive away ghosts, and most monks are on his side.

People like Shi Dao'an who devoted themselves to preaching and promoting Buddhism were naturally no match. However, they all had real talents and knowledge and were determined. Although they were at a disadvantage, they did not compromise.

The internal fighting among the Samanas became more and more intense, and public opinion gradually developed in a direction that was unfavorable to the Samanas.

The bullies and scoundrels in Buddhist temples wear monk robes and do a lot of wicked things.

But Fu Jian was not idle. He built Da'an Temple in Chang'an to add fuel to the fire.

Encouraged by him, the Samanas were ready to take action. The sound of forging weapons could be heard in some temples in Hebei at night, and many die-hards gathered around the temples.

After struggling for several months, it was almost time for the autumn harvest. Li Yue decided to close the net. All conditions were ripe.

Those who should compromise have secretly surrendered to the court, and those who are uncompromising can only be sent to see the Buddha.

"Instructions are sent to the local governments to evacuate the people near the temples. The town troops must be stationed next to each temple. The Yezhong Xiaoqi Army and Xuanjia Army are on standby at any time."

Monks who can escape cannot escape from temples. Samanas use Buddhist temples as their gathering points, which is their Achilles heel.

As soon as the edict was issued, the situation immediately arose.

This is a precursor to action.

Sure enough, Salmon couldn't keep his temper, and Shi Anshi escaped from Yecheng overnight under the auspices of the school affairs office.

In less than half a month, 890 three temples and 510 two temples were attacked one after another. The big one gathered nearly a thousand people, and the small one more than a hundred people called on believers to attack the prefectures and counties.

Shi Anshi gathered tens of thousands of believers in Zhaozhou and claimed to be the reincarnation of the Buddha. He wanted to save the people from fire and water and tear down the pillars.

This man had some military strategy and led his troops to attack Xiangguo.

If you capture Xiangguo, you will have a place to stand. If you defend it for a month or two, other forces will inevitably send troops to respond.

"Shi Anshi has Mao Song, General Guo, Zhai Sui and other Qin generals under his command. Your Majesty... you must be careful."

When the rebellion broke out, Shi Daoan took the initiative to enter the palace and proved his innocence.

Li Yue glanced at Yang Lue and said, "This is an unexpected gain. The master is serious about it. He sent an order to Zhang Hao and Liu Laozhi. I will hear the good news within ten days."

Not to mention the three Qin generals, even if Fu Hong, Fu Jian, and Fu Xiong were resurrected, there would be nothing they could do.

Shi Daoan is a smart man and knows how to take sides.

Rather than saying it was a Samana rebellion, it would be better to say that Li Yue took the initiative to squeeze out this abscess.

With the surrender of Shi Dao'an and others, Shi Anshi can't make any waves, they are just a bunch of rabble.

Cui Hong said: "Fu Jian has stationed a large number of troops in Pu Ban. Your Majesty must be on guard."

The relationship with Di Qin has finally reached this point.

But this is also to be expected. Fu Jian is determined to unite the world into one family and regards the barbarians and Di as innocents. It is only a matter of time before the two sides break up.

Some time ago, Huan Wen moved away the people of Chengdu and retreated to Bazhong, which was equivalent to handing over Shuzhong.Today, Fu Jian is truly full-fledged and has basically annexed all the surrounding forces that he can annex. He wants to strike while the iron is hot and show his strength to Daliang.

"I'm waiting for him to send troops." Li Yue hoped that Fu Jian would provoke him.

"While the war is going on, I pity the people of Guandong..." Shi Daoan looked pitiful.

"The people of Guandong will not be affected in any way, and there will be no war. Master, you can rest assured. Now that the Samanasa Zheng has a pure origin, I regard the master as a monk, in charge of the monastery, and translate Western Buddhist scriptures so that they can be integrated into China and benefit the common people." Li Yue Have high hopes for him.

Shi Daoan was originally a well-educated Confucian scholar. He joined the sect of Fotu Cheng and has been translating Buddhist scriptures.

As long as it can promote the prosperity of Chinese civilization, Li Yue will support it.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Shi Daoan clasped his hands together.

On the territory of Guandong, no matter how strong Shamen is, he is no match for Heiyun Elite. What's more, Zhang Hao and Liu Laozhi are sent out with two thousand enemies, followed by [-] brave cavalry troops and [-] Xuanjia battalions. In this battle, If they can't win, Zhang Hao and Liu Laozhi can just wipe their necks.

Local rebellions could not succeed without the support of the people. The school affairs office had invaded the inside in advance, and the town troops were surrounding it outside.

A monastery is considered good if the monks and believers can make up a thousand people.

But what they have to face is at least [-] local suppressing troops, and the Black Cloud Army is behind them.

There is no way to fight this battle.

In just six days, the heads of Shi Anshi, Mao Song, Guo Jiang, and Zhai Li were sent to Li Yue.

However, Zhang Hao and Liu Laozhi were extremely murderous. Only more than 1 people rebelled in total. They chased and beat them fiercely, killing more than 8000 people...

Cleanses were also carried out in various places, and those who participated in the rebellion were uprooted. Many monasteries that were not in rebellion were also affected.

The chaos lasted only a month and was quickly extinguished.

The cleared land, money, grain, and industry were more than the school government had expected in advance.

With a population of more than [-], the treasures and treasures can be converted into five baht worth tens of millions of dollars, and there are also various precious classics...

This does not include the bronze and gold Buddha statues on the four sides of the Buddhist temple. Later generations were plated with gold and copper. In this era, they were directly cast from all copper and were more than one foot high. They were plated with a layer of gold on the outside and covered with brocade cassocks. They were jeweled and rich.

The key is that a Buddhist temple has more than one Buddha statue...

Shockingly arrogant.

"In the past, Shihu worshiped Buddhism, and most of the property collected by the people was offered to ascetics to eliminate their own sins..." Shi Daoan explained.

Li Yue had heard some things about this.

When Fo Tucheng persuaded Shi Hu not to kill, he once said: It is not a crime to kill someone who is violent and willful. Even if the law of wealth is restored, there will be no solution to the disaster.

The word "Qing" in Qingcaishifa shows Shihu's generosity towards Buddhism.

Thinking about it this way, Shi Hu is also a part-time worker...

If we include the industries controlled by the monks and various loan sharks, I am afraid that the money seized will be doubled several times.

No wonder the promising kings in history wanted to attack them. The country was poor and drank from the northwest wind. They were so rich that they could only get in and out. No one could stand it.

"From now on, no monks or generals in Daliang are allowed to engage in business! Monks who have received ultimatums will be given salaries by the court. The temples are no longer allowed to have properties, fields or servants in their name. Buddhas are not allowed to be made of bronze, only earth and stone!"

Li Yue's edict was directed at those monasteries that did not rebel.

China has always been short of gold, silver, copper and other minerals. They have all been used to make Buddha statues. How can they mint coins?
Daliang cast new five-baht coins, which happened to be short of copper.

Shi Daoan remained silent.

(End of this chapter)

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