Hengdao Sixteen Kingdoms

Chapter 547 Preparation

Chapter 547 Preparation
"Murong Ke is as profound and wise as Yan's Kong Ming. It's a pity that the year never ends." Fu Jian's face was filled with worry.

Once Murong Ke dies, the world situation will change dramatically again.

The Yan State was sandwiched between Liang State and Goguryeo, and it was difficult to support it.

And the Liang State after annexing the Yan State will become even more powerful.

In order to resist Liang Guo, Di Qin had already been under tremendous pressure. The previous fight for Bingzhou and domestic rebellions broke out, giving Fu Jian a headache.

"We, Da Qin, will never stand idly by and watch!" Fu Rong said solemnly.

"Wang Meng's tens of thousands of elite troops are guarding Taiyuan and are eyeing Guanzhong. Why do our troops do this?" Fu Jian had already experienced Wang Meng's power.

With the same strength, they used offense as defense, and were bold and careful. They blocked Fu Jian in Puban for half a year.

"All the elite soldiers of Liang are united in Taiyuan and Hedong, but three places are empty." Quan Yi held out three fingers with a gloomy face.

"Oh?" Fu Jian suddenly became interested.

"Hetao, Shangyong, Nanyang!" Quan Yi looked at Fu Jian, "Longliang can be chosen by Hetao, Hanzhong can be chosen by Shangyong, and Wuguan can be chosen by Nanyang."

Di Qin built Pu Ban into a copper wall and an iron wall, but this copper wall and iron wall also trapped Di Qin. If there was any move in Guanzhong, all eyes would immediately turn to Pu Ban.

Guanzhong does have many geographical advantages over Guandong. If you go out, you can attack, and if you enter, you can defend.

And sending troops to Hetao, Shangyong, and Nanyang can bypass the heavily defended Hedong.

If done properly, it can have the effect of making sounds from the east to the west.

There is only one King Meng in the Liang Kingdom, and he will be unable to do anything else.

Moreover, Hetao, Shangyong, and Nanyang have not been affiliated with Liang for a long time. Hetao produces horses and Nanyang produces grain. The current situation is that all military strategists must fight for it. Taking any land at will can greatly relieve the strategic pressure in Guanzhong.

Liang Guo's core elite Black Cloud Army is only about 16.

The Wangmeng tribe in Taiyuan is [-], the Weishan tribe in Hedong is [-], the Xucheng tribe in Nanyang and Shangyong combined is [-], the Gaoyun tribe in Hetao is [-], Xu and Luo are thousands, and Jianghuai is thousands.

Li Yue sent out at least [-] main troops, and left more than [-] troops to defend Yecheng. Only a handful could support the western battlefield.

"I understand!" Fu Jian's eyes suddenly became sharp.

This is an opportunity. Even a small victory over Liang Jun on a local battlefield can boost the morale of Guanzhong and boost the determination to confront Liang Guo.

And Fu Jiante needed a victory against Liang Guo.

"But what can we do if the treasury is empty?" Fu Rong asked the most realistic question.

These words were like a cold wind pouring into the hall, immediately extinguishing the heat in everyone's hearts.

It is difficult for a clever woman to make a meal without rice, and Di Qin has also reached the time when the oil is exhausted and the lamp is dry.

This year’s harvest is pretty good, but it’s just barely enough.

The holes in the previous years have not been filled, and there is no food. No matter how elite and fierce the soldiers are, they are reduced to a mob.

In recent years, Fu Jian has been busy attacking from all sides. Although he encourages cultivation and sets an example himself, nothing can be accomplished overnight. The irrigation system in Guanzhong has not been restored. No matter how much cultivation is done, the harvest will not be able to increase.

If taxes are increased, the people in Guanzhong will immediately be forced to rebel.

The powerful Qiang and Guanxi tribes who make up the majority of the population are definitely not that easy to talk to.

The reason why Di Qin was able to establish a country was because he had the support of the powerful people in Kansai.

For example, Deng Qiang, who has shone brightly in the past two years, was born in the Ding clan, a descendant of Deng Yu, the prefect of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and the son of Deng Shi, the former prefect of Wuwei.Without their support, with tens of thousands of Di people, no matter how hard they fight, they will never be able to gain a foothold in Guanzhong.

Fu Jian raised his head and closed his eyes, pondered for a long time, and said quietly: "Tomorrow, I will personally go to Guzang to worship the Buddhas, welcome the Buddha's bones, and build the Da'anguo Temple in Chang'an!"

The powerful do not dare to move, the common people cannot move, and now only Buddhism can reach out.

Buddhism in Liangzhou was extremely prosperous, with thousands of believers, and they were all powerful people. They poured out their wealth to worship Buddhism and refused to accept anyone who came. They had absorbed a lot of people's support and support, and they were the only ones who could support Fu Jian in this battle.

"The Liang Kingdom destroyed Buddhism, and Li Yue is the enemy of Buddhism. If he rises, it will be a catastrophe for Buddhism. The king of heaven has a clever plan!" Quan Yi said with admiration.

Fu Jian has always had a good relationship with Buddhism. While promoting Confucianism and Taoism, he also vigorously advocated Buddhism.

Without the support of Buddhism, Fu Jian would not have been able to swallow Liangzhou so easily.

"I also have the intention to restrain the powerful, but the current situation does not allow it. If I win this battle, it will be done without delay." Fu Jian's ability to stand out in the Fu family is by no means a fluke.

Since Fu founded the country, the clan, nobles, and powerful men have been arrogant, domineering, and unscrupulous.

If you want to compete with Liang Guo, in the long run, you must reform internally, otherwise you will be the big Yan State.

Fu Jian had always had the ambition of "the world is one family, and the barbarians and the Di are pure sons", and he did not lack the courage to innovate.

"This battle can also take advantage of the power of Jiangdong to divide the Liang Kingdom." Quan Yi cupped his hands and said.

"Jiangdong?" Fu Jian sneered, "Wen defeated Ba Shang before and Hefei later. In six or seven years, he again poured out the imperial army. He couldn't avoid retreating because of his mistakes. He only wanted to thank the people and then deposed the king to please himself. How could he be like the whole world!" As the proverb goes, "If you are angry at your family and make love to your father," that's what Huan Wen calls him!"

Fu Jian was originally angry with his wife, but showed his anger to his father. Fu Jian used this to describe Huan Wen's treasonous act of deposing the emperor.

The last Northern Expedition to Hefei not only failed to weaken the Liang State, but also actively sent forward the results of Gengxu's territorial destruction. Even Jiangdong's orthodoxy was cut in half, which fulfilled the Liang State.

Liang Guo jumped up and initially had the strength to dominate the world.

Therefore, in Fu Jian's eyes, the Jin Kingdom should just stay in Jiangzuo.

In all previous Northern Expeditions, except for Zu Ti, all of them sent people, food, and weapons to the Northern Kingdom... Even Zu Ti's tribe was eventually forced by Jiangdong to surrender to Shi Hu.

If we start another Northern Expedition, we might even lose Jiangdong.

Liang Guo's annexation of Yan State is just a matter of increasing its strength. If it annexes Jiangdong, Fu Jian can almost surrender directly...

Quan Yi looked embarrassed and quickly changed his words: "My intention is just to use Jiangdong as a containment. How can Huan Wen have the courage to go to the north at this time?"

"It's just a containment, but it doesn't matter. The Jin army must not cross the river." Fu Jian nodded.

"What's the plan?" Fu Rong asked.

Quan Yi said: "The former Huan Wen abolished the throne, and Liang Guo wanted to forcibly enthrone Jiangdong, but Huan Wen refused. The two sides had deep dissatisfaction. All we need to do is send an envoy to Jiangdong with great fanfare. Liang Guo knew it carefully, no matter whether Huan Wen sent troops or not , the Liang Kingdom will be distracted by Jianghuai, and it will also deepen the gap between Liang and Jin."

"Why don't we contact Tuoba Shi Yijian to counterattack the Hetao together? Yunzhong Hetao is his hometown..." Fu Rong's voice became smaller and smaller as he spoke.

Tuoba Shi Yijian and Jiang Dong are all the same.

The last time they fought for Bingzhou, before Tuoba Shi Yijian could meet the elites of the Liang Kingdom, he was defeated by Murong Chui with less. They rubbed him on the ground and turned around and rushed into the grassland.

They agreed to attack from the north and the south and divide Bingzhou equally, then turned around and left Fu Jian behind in Puban...

Fu Jian opened his eyes wide and looked at his handsome younger brother, "Warriors, keep your secrets secret but don't reveal them. Our Qin soldiers are brave and fierce, why should we borrow the strength of others? Tuoba Shi Yijian can't succeed enough but can only fail. Don't do it." For proof."

Tuoba Shi Yijian is here, and Fu Jian has to focus on guarding against him, so he might as well go in on his own to save his worries.

(End of this chapter)

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