Hengdao Sixteen Kingdoms

Chapter 55 Defeated

Chapter 55 Defeated

August is supposed to be the season of harvest and joy.

But the whole city of Ye was cast a shadow, not because of the plague on both sides of the Yellow River, no matter how many people died, it didn't matter to Jie Zhao, let alone Jin people who died.

Liangzhou sent back news that Ma Qiu, Shi Ning, Sun Fudu, and Liu Hun had 12 troops and were successively defeated by Xie Ai's [-] cavalry. Attack Liangzhou.

Since the failure of the siege of Thorn City, the capital of Yan State, Jie Zhao suffered repeated setbacks at the hands of Murong's family in the past ten years.

Shi Hu originally wanted to annex Liangzhou, take a breath, boost the morale of the army, and sweep away the bad luck on his body, but he didn't expect to kick the iron plate again.

Xie Ai, a scholar, went into battle on a wooden cart, with a feather fan Bailun, and marched forward with drums, using the weak to control the strong. After defeating the generals of Zhao in the three battles of Guangwu, Linhe, and Shenniao, they defended the last Jin people in the north. A pure land.

It is said that after the battle of Xie Ai Shenniao, on the way back to the teacher, he wiped out more than ten thousand tribes including the rebel Si Guzhen, beheaded more than a thousand people, captured 800 people, and captured more than [-] cattle and sheep.

In Tongque Terrace, more than a thousand civil and martial arts gathered together, but all of them were silent like cicadas.

Even Yao Yizhong and Pu Hong, who have always been famous for their integrity, remained silent.

On the imperial couch, the stone tiger, whose body swelled like a ball, sat cross-legged, and a pair of yellow eyes gleamed coldly at his courtiers.

From Sikong Li Nong on the left to Shi Tao and Pu Hong on the right.

Everyone lowered their heads, not daring to look at him.

Shi Hu suddenly remembered a sentence that Wu Jin, a disciple of Fotucheng, said when he worshiped Buddha a few months ago: Jin's luck will be prosperous, and Hu's luck will be exhausted...

The defeat of the divine bird just confirmed this statement.

The Jie people are not an original ethnic group. Like Duan's Xianbei, they merged with many other Hu ethnic groups and created a Jie ethnic group.

Jie Zhao was defeated, but the Eastern Jin Dynasty ushered in a great victory. General Anxi and Governor Huan Wen of Jingzhou went up the river, won three battles and three victories, broke through Chengdu, and perished in Chenghan.

How could Shihu not worry.

In recent years, there has been a prophecy circulating in the north and south of Dahe River: "Follow Zhao Li".

In the eighth year of Jianwu (342), that is, five years ago, Li Hong, a Beiqiu man, set up troops in Qinghe with this prophecy. , with thousands of people sitting there.

Now with Ma Qiu's defeat, the south of the river is ready to move again.

It is said that even under the nose of Xingyang, a gang of thieves has risen, breaking Wubao, and blackmailing counties and counties everywhere...

Of course, this kind of fly-like power does not attract Shihu's interest.

If there are too many lice, you are not afraid of biting. Jiezhao has internal and external troubles, and a group of bandits will naturally be pushed to the back.

If every bandit had to send troops to Ye City, Shi Hu would have died of exhaustion long ago...

"I ruled Kyushu with my partial teacher, but now I'm trapped in a rare situation with the power of Kyushu. There are people there, so I can't do it!" Shi Hu was fat and couldn't sit for a long time. He moved his body and lay down on the soft couch with a depressed expression.

In the past two years, he has obviously felt that his body is not as good as before.

Even his interest in women is waning, and he can't even mount a horse when he goes out hunting.

Prince Shixuan coughed, and was about to speak, but someone else said first: "A mere defeat, nothing to worry about, Zhang Chonghua is weak, Liangzhou has no ambitions, and a mere Xie Ai, so what? hinder."

As soon as these words came out, the cold air in the hall suddenly eased a little.

Even Shi Hu's eyes softened.

The speaker was none other than his favorite son, Shi Tao.

Shi Xuan is the crown prince, and Shi Tao's status is not bad. He was granted the title of Duke of Qin and Ren Taiwei, and he and Shi Xuan shared the leadership of the Shangshutai, taking turns to save troubles in daily life. There are more and more people, and the power is still faintly above Shi Xuan.

"What my son said is true!" When Shi Hu saw this son, he thought of himself when he was young.

Shi Tao became complacent, "Liangzhou is nothing to worry about, and the Murong clan is a confidant. Right now our army is at a disadvantage, so it is not appropriate to attack Liangzhou and Jiangdong again. We should gather China's strength and unite with the Tuoba clan and Goguryeo to attack Liaodong again!"

After the Murong clan defeated Shihu, they moved the capital from the remote Thorn City to Longcheng.

Longcheng is Liucheng of the Han Dynasty. It is located in Liaoxi County, adjacent to Youbeiping.

Jie Zhao and Yan State are in an endless situation. Even if the Murong family has no enterprising spirit, the Jin people under their rule will push the Murong family back to their homeland.

The defeat of the divine bird this time is undoubtedly another serious setback to Jie Zhao's morale.

However, even if Jie Zhao was defeated, with the land of the ten states in his hand, he would still be the overlord of the world.

Although Jie Zhao can't destroy Yan State, but Yan State's desire to annex the Central Plains is undoubtedly a fool's dream.

But today's Shihu is obviously not the Shihu of 20 years ago. Shi Le's foundation has been squandered by him. The general of the Jie clan in those days either died of illness, or was killed by Shihu because of his support for Shi Hong.

There was only one Ma Qiu standing on the table.

So even if Ma Qiu loses again and again, Shi Hu has no choice but to use him, and the general in Jie Zhao's hands is at a time when he is out of reach.

Of course, Jie Zhao is not unavailable. Pu Hong from Fangtou and Yao Yizhong from Jietou are all powerful players in the world.

But Shi Hu didn't dare to use them.

"Our army has been newly defeated, so it is not suitable to fight again. We should pay for the soldiers and continue to provide food and grass. After a few years, we can fight the Murong family." Shi Xuan finally found a chance to intervene.

Although he and Shi Tao are incompatible, they are consistent in dealing with Yan.

After all, no matter who will come to power in the future, the Murong family will be the enemy.

Naturally, Shi Tao would not give up any chance to suppress Shi Xuan, "Why is His Royal Highness so afraid of the Murong family?" Shi Tao sneered, "In a mere corner of Liaodong, how can he fight against our great Zhao? We must not let him recuperate and accumulate national strength." , harassing them day and night, plundering their population, destroying their fields and houses, and only one defeat will destroy their country and their species!"

Shi Xuan was not discouraged, and his eyes flashed, "Haha, the fifth younger brother has a great plan. My son suggested that the fifth younger brother lead the army. Within half a year, Liaodong will be wiped out and the Murong family will be wiped out!"

Shi Hu's sons not only inherited his brutality and debauchery, but also inherited his bravery and combat skills.

The first prince, Shi Sui, was also a leading general back then.

Shi Xuan also led high-powered guards and defeated the Xianbei tribe in Hetao several times.

Back then, Shi Tao, Zhang Wu Wang Shi Bin Yu Beidi, and Feng Yi defeated Northern Qiang King Bojuda consecutively.

However, the Xianbei and Qiang tribes in Hetao obviously cannot compare with the Murong family. Murong Ke and Murong Ba are powerful, and everyone in Jiezhao has experienced it.

Shi Xuan pushed Shi Tao up, naturally he had no good intentions, but if he showed his timidity in front of so many people, it would undoubtedly hurt his face.

The eyes of the people in the hall turned around, Shi Tao faltered, a few drops of cold sweat oozing from his forehead.

Even Shi Hu was defeated, so what about Shi Tao?

The resentment towards Shi Xuan intensified in his heart.

"The expedition to Liaodong is not a matter of one day and one night. You should be cautious and cautious. We will discuss it later and retreat from the court." It was Shi Hu who relieved him of the siege.

"Heavenly King is wise." All the officials breathed a sigh of relief.

Shi Tao squinted at Shi Xuan.

Shi Xuan looked at his fifth younger brother with a smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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