Hengdao Sixteen Kingdoms

Chapter 563 Ding Liao

Chapter 563 Ding Liao
Murong's family was so prosperous that it was impossible to kill them all, but many people still escaped.

Murong De and Murong Kai led a dozen of Murong's disciples and led three to four thousand cavalry to break out of the encirclement and rush north into the grassland.

The Heiyun army was less than [-], and they were barely able to siege the city. The city was so chaotic that it was impossible to cover everything.

After this purge, the number of Murong family members withered away. Except for Murong Chui's family, the other families declined from then on.

Murong De and Murong Kai who fled into the grassland could not make any big waves.

After Longcheng was conquered, Yang Qian of Tuhe surrendered immediately. Li Yue was deposed as a commoner and confiscated the whole family. The whole Yang family was moved to Yezhong to settle down. Yang Lue did not let Pang Yue destroy all his family members. This was already the biggest reward.

In the past, I would be gentle to the nobles if I could, but now that the Yan Kingdom has been destroyed, the general trend of the world has been decided, and iron-blooded tactics must be shown.

Two or three days later, the confiscated money and food piled up like mountains, and more than [-] hidden people were cleared out around Longcheng alone.

The population of Yan State was previously estimated to be around one million, but now it seems to have at least doubled.

The descendants of the Murong family are prosperous, and everyone is a prince, and they are all generals and city lords. You can imagine how much they have invaded.

In this situation, let alone Yue Wan and Murong Ke, even Shang Yang and Wu Qi would be useless.

Unless he plowed the Yan Kingdom up and down, Murong Ke did not have such courage, let alone such iron-blooded methods.

Just when Murong Jun was about to do a "review and see Ding, the essence is hidden and the leaks are hidden", he "died young" for no apparent reason.

"In passing the order, Pang was granted the title of General Yangwei, governor of Pingzhou, Jia Jian the governor of Liaozhou, Cui Jin general Zhendong, general Zhonglang who protects Dongyi, and governor of Pingzhou and Liaozhou."

Dragon City was destroyed and Liaodong returned to Liang. Although some cities were still resisting, it could not affect the overall situation.

If you have meritorious service, you will be rewarded, and if you have made mistakes, you will be punished.

Pang Yue cut the knot quickly and took the blame, so Li Yue naturally did not hesitate to reward him.

"Since Liaodong is at peace, we should move the people to fill Hebei, strengthen the national strength, and fight the decisive battle with Qin." Cui Hong cupped his hands and said.

"Otherwise, the people of Liaodong cannot be moved, and only the gentry and powerful chiefs can be moved to Liaodong. Liaodong will be empty and Hebei will be unstable. Don't forget that Goguryeo is still eyeing the east of the sea." Li Yue objected.

At that time, Sima Yi moved 20 people from Liaodong, leaving Liaodong empty. Goguryeo, Yuwen, Duan, and Murong filled the void.

After the Rebellion of the Eight Kings and the Five Husbands devastated China, the people of Hebei fled to Liaodong to avoid the war.

It can be regarded as replenishing a lot of population.

If Li Yue moved back again, wouldn't he make the same mistake as Sima Yi?
"But running this place cannot be achieved overnight." Cui Hong is a traditional scholar and has no concept of national boundaries.

Give up the worthless land if you can, concentrate on managing the Central Plains, and then control the periphery.

This set of rules has been followed since the time of Qin Shihuang.

It cannot be said that Cui Hong was wrong. After all, the biggest threats to Liang were Qin and Jin, and it was right to concentrate on dealing with them.

But Li Yue thought further, "Now that people are being moved to fill Hebei, it will not be so easy to run Liaodong in the future. After adapting to the Central Plains, who would be willing to come to this bitter and cold place? As for Qin and Jin, they are not short of these 200 million. Man, after Liaodong is managed, it will also be the granary and pasture of Daliang in the future. According to the edict, all Chinese people in our country will be classified as common people and will be exempted from taxes for three years!"

Li Yue asked Jia Jian, Pang Yue, and Cui Jin to guard Liaodong because he wanted to move some powerful nobles from Hebei who were loyal to Daliang to come here.

One is to restrain the powerful powers in the mainland, and the other is to use the power of the powerful powers to defend this land.

Relying solely on ordinary people, it was difficult to resist the infiltration and squeeze of the Liaodong tribes, and the gentry's fanaticism for the land was not under the Liang court.

"Your Majesty, with this edict, won't Xianbei and Wuhuan in Liaodong use their Yus indiscriminately to make up their numbers?" Lu Qing cupped his hands and said.

Li Yue laughed, "As long as they admit it, they are the Chinese people!"

The Murong family has been promoting sinicization for decades, and there is not much difference between the Xianbei people and the Central Plains people.The customs and clothing are similar, and even the language has been changed to Chinese.

Judging from the historical trajectory, didn't Tuoba Murong Yuwen eventually integrate into China?
"Your Majesty is wise." Cui Hong bowed his hands.

"Everything that is available in the Central Plains is available here, including war horses, iron tools, grain and grass... everything that is not available in the Central Plains is also available here. Liaodong is safe, Hebei is safe, and Hebei is safe in the Central Plains!"

Historically, Mobei's threat to the Central Plains was not as great as Liaodong's.

Monarchs with some ability would actively send troops to attack the forces of the Mobei grassland. The grassland was dominated by nomads, with low productivity and insufficient population. For most of the history, they were pinned to the ground by the Central Plains dynasties.

Only Liaodong is different. Since the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, Chinese people have moved here to build cities and cultivate fields.

Once the Central Plains becomes weak, this place will be China's biggest threat.

The Tang and Ming Dynasties lost Liaodong, and the Liao, Jin and Qing Dynasties rose up one after another. Taking advantage of China's weakness, they took over the Central Plains.

With the three-year tax exemption order, Liaodong was basically stabilized, and the remaining cities that were stubbornly resisting were easily wiped out by generals Cui Jin, Jia Jian, Lu Bozao, Duan Zhu and Li Du.

Even the Kumoxi, Khitan and other tribes in the north went south one after another, claiming to be descendants of the Shang and Zhou dynasties, and even took nondescript Chinese names, with many surnames such as Liu and Xiao...

Only Zhang Hao and Liu Laozhi had some difficulties in attacking Xuantu County.

Xuantu is mountainous and it is difficult for cavalry to use it. Goguryeo is one step ahead of schedule to defend the victory point, and the Heiyun Army's [-] troops are a bit weak.

From a geographical point of view, Xuantu is equivalent to Shangdang in Liaodong.

Occupying this place, you can overlook Haidong to the east, peek at the peninsula to the south, and threaten Liaodong to the west.

It was formerly known as the Zhenfanzhan fortress of the Yan State during the Warring States Period. It was established more than [-] years ago. It is the largest and most important of the four counties of the Han Dynasty.

The Liao Mountains and Liao Rivers all come out from here. Back then, the Gongsun family occupied this place and suppressed the Liaodong countries.

Historically, the Andong Protectorate of the Tang Dynasty was also located here.

If Goguryeo did not give up this place, it would mean that it would not give up its ambition to invade Liaodong.

"Forget it, I will teach Goguryeo a lesson!"

Although it was a long way from Longcheng to Xuantu, and the soldiers were a little tired, they had already arrived, so they simply got everything done. If things went well, Li Yue was prepared to bulldoze Goguryeo to the ground and solve this disaster in one fell swoop.

"It's a long way to go to Xuantu, and tens of thousands of troops will waste money and people. Your Majesty, don't be impatient. I believe that in a few days, good news will come back from Xuantu!" Huan Yi said with cupped hands.

"Oh? How did you know that?" Li Yue became curious.

"During the time of Emperor Xiaowu, there were 22 households in Xuantu County, with a population of more than [-]. Gongsun Kang ruled Liaodong, and there were more than [-] households. The majority of people here were from China. His Majesty's edict to exempt the people from taxation spread widely. I must focus on Daliang, how can Goguryeo last long?" Huan Yi looked confident.

Li Yue took a few steps. The destruction of the Yan Kingdom in this battle was already the greatest victory. It would indeed be inappropriate to continue the expedition.

It is now the end of May, and summer has already entered. It can take at least three or four months, or at most six months or more. When winter comes, the situation will not be good.

Cui Jin, Jia Jian, Lu Bozao and other tribes, plus the surrendered army, 10,000+ troops, the logistics pressure is even greater...

Can Yang Guang really not defeat Goguryeo?It’s not that I was let down by logistics and climate.

The key point is that they are still fighting Di Qin in the west. The situation in the Central Plains is changing rapidly. They send troops to Goguryeo and put the cart before the horse.

Now all it takes is holding steady, Goguryeo can't turn the palm of its hand.

(End of this chapter)

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