Hengdao Sixteen Kingdoms

Chapter 569 3 Things

Chapter 569 Three Things
"Your Majesty conquered the Kingdom of Yan and spread his power to the world. Although my nephew is in Guanzhong, he is deeply afraid. There are refugees in Hetao, Shangyong and Nanyang who are causing trouble. My nephew led his troops out of Guan to quell them. He has no intention of competing with Daliang. Today Now that Liaodong is at peace, we should go south to Jiangdong to clear away the remnants of the Sima clan. The Chinese state has fallen and the people are hanging upside down, all because of the Sima clan. If your majesty sends troops to Jianghuai and my nephew also goes out to Shu to attack from the east and west, there is no need to worry about the remaining Jin Dynasty being destroyed. !”

After reading the memorial sent by Fu Jian, Li Yue couldn't help but sigh again at Fu Jian's thick skin.

The Qin army on the western front totaled nearly [-], and the eyes of the soldiers on both sides were red. They actually helped Liang Guo quell the chaos with a single word...

"If you say this, don't I still want to thank him?" Li Yue was amused.

"Fu Jian's plan was to divert the troubled waters to the south. Our army attacked Jin, and the fisherman of Qin State benefited." Even Lu Qing saw it.

"Even so, there is one thing he said rightly. The fall of China is all the fault of the Sima family!"

Without the Eight Kings Rebellion of the Sima family, there would be no Wu Huan Hua.

The current situation is that the world is divided into three parts. If one country is destroyed, the remaining country will be unable to survive.

From any aspect, it would be easier to destroy Jin than Qin.

Flies do not bite seamless eggs. The conflicts between the Jin Dynasty and the Qin Dynasty are far greater than those between the Di and Qin Dynasties. The conflicts between the exiled nobles in the north and the local nobles in Jiangdong are irreconcilable. There is also a pattern of weak kings and strong ministers. Every few years, powerful ministers rise. …

"Sima's crimes are too numerous to describe. However, Jiangdong's monarchs and ministers have never had great ambitions. Their offense is insufficient but their defense is sufficient." Cui Hong cupped his hands and said.

"How can I fall into the trap? You are overthinking, Liang and Qin are in the same situation, and they will fight to the death." Li Yue just thought about it. Unless Huan Wen usurps the throne and declares himself emperor now, and Jiangdong himself collapses, he will always be ranked second to Di. Behind Qin.

Huan Wen has always been hesitant, with a thief's heart but no courage, otherwise the world would never be in the same situation as it is now.

However, the few orchids that Fu Jian sent this time are quite good. They have skin as smooth as cream and graceful figures. They are big where they should be, and small where they should be...

He sends beautiful women over at every turn, which is really overwhelming.

Fortunately, Li Yue has always been averse to women, so he asked his personal guards to take them back to Ye Palace.

"Reply to Fu Jian. If you are really scared, return Hetao and Shangyong and compensate for the losses in this war. Then write to Tuoba Shiyijian and ask him to go back to Mobei or tie himself to Yecheng to plead guilty. I will leave it here. His life."

Tuoba Shi Yijian would come out to stab him from time to time, which was really annoying.

Although this guy has great ambitions and little talent, his descendants have produced several figures. The three kingdoms of China and the Earth are standing at the same level, and Daiguo sits on the mountain and watches the fight between tigers and tigers.

Therefore, the Tuoba family became the final winner in history.

The Tuoba family has been operating in Dai County for nearly a hundred years and has absorbed many scholars from the Central Plains. It is different from the traditional nomadic people.

Cui Hong said: "I'm afraid this person... doesn't understand current affairs."

"Then it depends on whether he is smart or not. Do you really think that by relying on Fu Jian, you can fight against me?"

Tuoba Shi Yijian fled into Mobei, and it was really difficult for Li Yue to find him, but it would be different if he returned to Yunzhong.

Just raise your hand and you can deal with him.

After resting in Jicheng for a few days, the army continued to return to Yecheng.

The letter was sent, but Tuoba Shi Yijian seemed not to hear it and continued to stay in the clouds. Fu Jian replied, saying that the local tribes admired Di Qin and were reluctant to leave the Qin army. They would rebel once they left and hoped that Li Yue Be considerate and considerate.

Finally, he emphasized that he respected Li Yue very much, "I wish I could go to Ye to listen to his teachings..."

Li Yue didn't really expect to get it back.

This kind of thing must always be solved with a knife.

Returning to Yecheng, Li Yue ordered all soldiers to take a rest as usual.

The gains from this battle were huge, and the population, food, grass and land were secondary. The main reason was that the strategic threat to the east was eliminated, so that we could free up our hands to deal with Di Qin with all our strength.

After half a year of absence, Yecheng has become more prosperous again.

After Buddhism was suppressed, Yecheng was full of vitality. The streets were lined with shops and crowded with people welcoming the army back to the city.

Every victory makes the confidence in their eyes grow by one point.

Seventy percent of the people in the country were concentrated around Yecheng, and they were closely tied to the fate of Liang.After so many years of governance, the suffering left by Jie Zhao has finally faded away.

There are no dead bones and hungry corpses on both sides of the river.

After great chaos, there must be great order. Just by looking at the burning scene of Yecheng, we know that this statement is true.

"I have three things to offer to Your Majesty." Back in the palace, Chang Wei and others waited for a long time.

"Oh?" Li Yueda was very interested. In his impression, Chang Wei had never been so mysterious.

The servants carried three wooden trays covered with linen.

Chang Wei opened the first one, and there was a piece of paper on it. It was white and yellow, and it didn't look like a good thing.

But Li Yue saw the value at a glance.

Chang Wei stroked his beard and said with a smile: "This is the yellow rattan paper improved by the paper mill. It can be made from miscellaneous wood, dead rattan, green bamboo and other materials. The cost is reduced to a quarter. According to the assembly line mentioned by His Majesty, the output will increase More than five times!"

"Good!" Li Yue picked up the yellow paper and looked at it repeatedly.

Paper has already appeared in the Han Dynasty. The difficulty is not making it, but how to reduce the cost and promote it.

The reason why the gentry was so powerful was not only because they had land and people, but also because they had a monopoly on knowledge.

If the imperial court wanted to govern the country, it had to cooperate with them and had to give up part of its governance power.

Monopolizing knowledge is tantamount to monopolizing governance power.

It is not difficult to imagine that once this thing came out, it directly stole the reputation of the powerful nobles, making it difficult to monopolize knowledge.

The cost of studying for ordinary people from poor families has been greatly reduced.

Cooperating with the imperial examination, although it cannot completely eradicate the powerful nobles, it can firmly suppress them.

"The paper mill has been expanded three times. From now on, all official documents and orders from the imperial court and government will use this paper!"

Coming back from Longcheng with a windfall gave Li Yue the confidence.

Only when money flows into these industries can China benefit. How much can Li Yue and his family squander?

Shi Hu and his son took all the wealth in the world for themselves to squander, but they did not live to be a hundred years old. Not only did they die without a burial place, but their dozen sons either killed each other or were killed by others.

Perhaps wealth is inherently sinful.

"Your Majesty, please take a look at the second object." Chang Wei opened the second wooden plate.

There was a one-foot-square wooden board in the middle. Li Yue looked through it and saw that it was full of "Spring and Autumn" Chapter 1: In the early days, Duke Wu of Zheng married Yu Shen and named Wu Jiang...

"This is block printing."

With paper, printing is naturally indispensable.

This thing also had its prototype in the late Han Dynasty, with imprints and rubbings made from stone tablets, but paper was not popularized and could not be applied on a large scale.

Chang Wei said: "This is a joint creation of Taixue Tiangong Institute and Literature Museum."

"Great kindness!" What Li Yue was happy about was not the advent of engraving and printing.

But Taixue can innovate automatically and have its own vitality. This is the foundation for its future foothold and continuation.

You can't ask Li Yue for advice on everything.

After all, a person's wisdom is limited, and Li Yue doesn't have that much energy to devote to it. The game of the Three Kingdoms and the war in the north and south have already restrained most of Li Yue's energy.

Moreover, the harem is also exposed to rain and dew, contributing to the population of Daliang...

(End of this chapter)

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