Hengdao Sixteen Kingdoms

Chapter 572 Transformation

Chapter 572 Transformation
If you are poor, you will be detoured; if you are rich, you will be covered with firepower.

When the country is strong, it can do whatever it wants.

In the past, the poor people in Heiyun Mountain drank the northwest wind, but now they have hundreds of thousands of soldiers, their treasury is full, and there are flocks of cattle and sheep.

In a few years, the five-baht coin system will be stable and national power will explode again.

Di Qin was still in the early stages of farming and warfare, and had not even been fully integrated internally. It sent troops to fight, and had to ask for money and food from the monks...

The Liang Kingdom has evolved to a higher dimension and has basically completed the integration of all the forces in the country. The soldiers are owned by the state. With the implementation of the five-baht coin, the economic lifeline has also been nationalized.

Li Yue quickly sent Wang Meng the strategy of encircling Murong Chui in five directions and asked for his opinion.

Wang Meng greatly praised Murong Chui, saying that he was extremely talented, powerful and wise, but at the same time he reminded Li Yue that if Murong Chui was not loyal to Yan, how could he be loyal to Daliang?You can be used as a pawn, but not as a confidant.

Although Murong Chui was forced away by Murong Jun and the Kezu Hun clan, he was not a good bird. He made way so that Wang Meng could go out of Taihang and attack Murong Ke's side, which led to the defeat of Yan State in the decisive battle.

This shows that Murong Chui is a good person.

The gap between him and Murong Ke is huge.

However, Murong Chui took the initiative to seek refuge with Daliang, was relatively obedient, and generally had merit for Daliang, so it was impossible to kill him with one blow.

Li Yue wrote back to Wang Meng, telling him not to worry too much. Murong Chui's tribe was dispersed, his family members were controlled in Yecheng, and the descendants of the Yan Kingdom were cleaned up by Yang Lue. In addition, except for Murong Chui and Murong Ling, the Murong family had no one. The others are ordinary people, harmless, and are all controlled in Yecheng.

In history, Fu Jian not only used Murong Chui, but also reused Murong Wei, Murong Chong, Murong Hong, Murong Lin, Murong Feng, Murong Nong, Murong Long, etc., so that the Murong family was able to cause rebellion in Guanzhong and Hebei at the same time...

The most important thing is that after the death of a number of famous ministers and generals such as Wang Meng, Deng Qiang, Fu Rong, and Xu Cheng, not only was there no one in the huge former Qin Dynasty who could be Murong Chui's opponent, not even Yao Chang could solve it.

This situation will never occur in Liang State.

Currently, there are at least three people who can suppress Murong Chui, and there will only be more in the future.

Li Yue attaches unprecedented importance to talent echelons.

The first echelon, Wang Meng, Jia Jian, Wei Shan, Qin Biao, Lu Bozao, the second echelon, Xu Cheng, Gao Yun, Lu Guang, Zhang Hao, the third echelon, Liu Laozhi, Murong Ling, Huan Yi, Dou Feng, Zhuge Kan and so on.

The new generation continues to grow.

Coupled with the martial arts competition held every three years, there is no need to worry about lack of talents.

Talented people have emerged from generation to generation, and there will never be a shortage of talents in China. As long as the upward path is not blocked, they will emerge sooner or later.

Li Yue was not the only one who had the pressure on Murong Chui, but a country with a sound mechanism.

In front of Daliang, Murong Chui was nothing more than that.

Such a long front in the west naturally needs one person to lead it, otherwise they will fight independently and be easily defeated individually.

Li Yue was immediately promoted to Wang Meng as the general of the expedition to the west, and he assumed the title of commander-in-chief of the military affairs of Bing, Dai, Luo and Jing.

In this way, the power of life and death on the Western Front battlefield was given to him.

Anyone who behaves disobediently or disobeys orders can be killed with a sword.

After arranging everything, autumn is coming to an end and winter is coming, the wind is blowing south and the weather is cold.

"Will the winter hunting be carried out this year?" Liu Ying, who has been promoted to Minister of War, came to ask.

"Go, why don't you go? Isn't Tuoba Shi Yijian back? Just give us cattle and sheep!"

When they went to Liaodong, they only brought [-] to [-] Heiyun's main force. There were still more than [-] people left behind in Yecheng. It was time for them to make a fortune.

In the past, the cavalry army was the main force. After taking over the Yan Kingdom, more than [-] war horses were obtained. It was completely possible for the infantry to mount their horses and go for a walk on the grassland.In addition, many Xianbei, Wuhuan, and Xiongnu tribes who previously submitted to the Yan State did not want to be children and slaves of Daliang and fled to the grasslands. They should also be cleaned up.

Tuoba Shi Yijian went south and accepted many of these people.

Daiguo still has certain strength in the grassland.

If Liang Guo does not attack him, he will come to invade China.

Therefore, Li Yue would rather fight out and let the war break out in enemy territory.

The Heiyun Army was ready to go and marched out from Shanggu, together with the elite Yan Army who cooperated with Jicheng's transformation.

After nearly a hundred years of accumulation, Murong still had a lot of property. There were more than 8000 craftsmen alone, and they were all brought back to Yecheng.

Naturally, the large number of elite Central Plains people in the Yan army could not be ordered to take off their armor and return to their fields, otherwise they would be summoned by people with ulterior motives that day.

The best way is to absorb into the Black Cloud Army.

This group of people stayed in Jicheng to accept the ideological transformation of Honglusi. Among them were many Xianbei warriors who had done nothing but mount up and fight in their lives. They were also recruited into the Heiyun Army and were transformed together.

Once the transformation is completed, the fields and houses will be divided among the women.

This is much better than being a military slave and a tribe in Yan State.

According to the military feudal system of the Yan State, soldiers were privately owned by the generals. Since they were privately owned, they could still have a sip of soup when they expanded, but they were not as good as cattle, horses and livestock when they declined.

Murong's decades of Sinicization had a great influence on them, so it was natural for them to embrace Chinese orthodoxy.

In fact, there are not that many Yi and Di in the world. The Qiang, Di, and Xianbei can all be considered peripheral ethnic groups of China.

The Eastern Han Dynasty was unwilling to accept the Qiang people, discriminated against and oppressed them, and went back on their word, which even led to a century-long Han-Qiang war.

During the Wei and Jin Dynasties, a large number of Qiang and Di moved into Guanzhong. They fought with them, but the corvee taxes were higher than those in the Central Plains, and they were eventually forced to rebel.

The same is true for the Southern Xiongnu. They moved into Bingzhou and divided into five tribes. They sent troops and food for Cao Wei, but did not really absorb them.

Of course, directly absorbing these foreign races will cause serious consequences, and no one will cherish what is given to them for free.

That's why there is a four-class civil system.

It is not a pool of stagnant water. The descendants of slaves can be transformed into children. After 20 years of hard work, children can be transformed into common people, and the common people can also be transformed into citizens.

In the northern land, after Shi Hu's perverse attack, the population withered, and the land was inhabited by Yi, Di, Xianbei, Xiongnu, Wuhuan, Qiangdi...

There are millions of them. Liang dominates Guandong, and there are millions of people of all ethnic groups in the territory. It is impossible to kill them all. Ran Min has proved that they can't go on by killing, and finally forced them to resist to the death.

Even Ran Min himself finally compromised.

The general trend of history has proved that there is no way out of killing, but towards integration.

After absorbing these elites from the Yan Kingdom, the Black Cloud Army increased by more than [-] people.

They are all the essence of the Yan Kingdom's decades of fighting, and they are brave and good at fighting.

The wealth of the Yan Kingdom did not stop there. The handsome men of the Murong family and several of the Murong clan's eldest daughters were outstanding in appearance. It would be a disaster to stay outside. Although Li Yue was not lewd, in order to win over Xianbei's hearts, he reluctantly took them into the harem. , which can be regarded as a marriage with the Xianbei people and strengthened ties.

Maybe in the future a few figures like Murong Ke and Murong Chui will be born, and the country will be stable.

(End of this chapter)

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