Hengdao Sixteen Kingdoms

Chapter 589 Proton

Chapter 589 Proton
After putting so much effort into the performance, no one was fooled. Li Yue was extremely depressed and couldn't help but doubt his acting skills.

But they have all entered the finals, and those who survive, even the fools, will be outsmarted.

Fu Jian expressed his willingness to declare himself a vassal, return Shangyong and Hetao, and send back his hostages.

Huan Wen was just teasing. The army was actively in Dongguan, but they did not really fight. From time to time, they sent Qingqi to show off their power under the city of Hefei, and then retreated.

The navy on Chaohu Lake is even more wretched, with several small boats dangling around all day long...

In the direction of Nanyang, the Jin army was also constantly testing.

Relying on the navy to spy on the cities in the north of the Yangtze River in the Han River.

"If you don't want to fight, don't fight. Daliang will continue to recuperate!" Li Yue didn't care.

Qin and Jin may not be able to fight for development.

They had just received news from the East China Sea that Ma Gu and Shen Jin had gained a lot. They attacked five cities in Goguryeo, Baekje, and Japan, and captured more than 7000 young men, all of whom were sent to Liaodong as slaves.

There is not much food and grass, but there is a lot of gold and copper.

The people in these countries are poor, but the nobles are extremely rich. There are mines in the country and there is no shortage of gold and copper.

This time it was just a small test, mainly to find out the waterway, hydrology, monsoon zone, and landing point. The next time will be a large-scale plunder.

There are only more than 7000 young people in the five cities, which is a bit shabby. However, not all countries in this era can compare with China. Even if China has experienced a great recession, it is still a behemoth.

"Your Majesty, do you want to accept Fu Jian's surrender?" Cui Hong asked.

"Why don't you accept it? I still want to canonize him! Surrender is surrender, and encirclement is encirclement. They have nothing to do with each other!" Li Yue's logic has always been clear.

Fu Jian just wanted to take a breath.

Canonizing the Qin State can boost domestic morale and inspire people, so why not do it?
Although Liang Guo has the strength to destroy Di Qin, one move can affect the whole body. The casualties of destroying Qin at this time will definitely not be small, and Huan Wen in the south is definitely ready to make a move.

Chang Wei said that Qin's national strength should be able to last for another year, and Li Yue could definitely afford to wait.

Cui Hong said: "Fu Jian is bowing his head at this time. He must be trying his best to reorganize his internal affairs in order to accumulate national strength and give it a try with Daliang in the future."

Li Yue thought for a while, "Rectification and reform are not something he can do if he wants to. Back then, the Yan State also wanted to reform, which ultimately ruined himself. There were many clans in Di and Qin, each strong and powerful were in one area, and there were many tribes. Unless you have the talent of the world, you can't do it." For this reason, if you are not careful, you will repeat the mistakes of Yan State and aggravate the destruction of Qin State. I will just lead the troops and wait!"

Fu Jian's internal rectification was inevitable.

Anyone who becomes a monarch will integrate internally when external expansion is blocked.

The problem is that the difficulty of reform in Guanzhong is not as difficult as that of Yan State.

In history, the reason why Fu Jian succeeded was because Wang Meng, Deng Qiang and others joined forces to restrain the powerful and suppress the clan, which laid the foundation for Di Qin to dominate the world.

Without Wang Meng, could Fu Jian succeed?
Moreover, facing the pressure from Liang Guo, it was even more difficult to move forward. Fu Jian himself also buried many hidden dangers.

Taking ten thousand steps back, even if the reform is successful, it is still no match for Liang Guo. The restoration of the five-baht coin system in Guandong is already far stronger than other countries.

What's more, it's hard to say how far Fu Jian's innovation will go.

"What your Majesty said is true. I suggest that we might as well use more factions to instigate the various clans and chiefs in Guanzhong to fight against each other. If there is chaos in Guanzhong, there will be an opportunity for Daliang to unify the world!"

To put it simply, it is a stumbling block and a trick...

It is normal practice for two countries to fight each other.

Historically, Qin unified the world, but could not defeat Li Mu on the battlefield. With a counter-attack, Zhao destroyed the Great Wall.When the Liang Kingdom rose, other forces did a lot of dirty things, instigating rebellion, instigating dissension, and creating rumors...

After so many years in Yecheng, the detailed work has not decreased, but has become more and more numerous. The secrets are getting deeper and deeper. The school affairs office has not found any major clues for several years.

Li Yue was naturally willing to make young soldiers bleed on the battlefield, "Fortresses are breached from the inside. From now on, the School Affairs Office and the Honglu Division will give priority to Guanzhong. I want to see if Fu Jian is a talented person in the world!"

At that time, the Liang State encountered considerable resistance. Fu Jian's internal rectification was tantamount to intensifying various conflicts between Di and Qin.

"Take your orders!" Yang Lue, who had been silent for a long time, bowed his hands.

Under Li Yue's instruction, Liang Guo accepted Di Qin's surrender. All the five besieged forces were suspended, rested, and waited to see what would happen.

On the day of his surrender, Yecheng was crowded with people, envoys from all over the world, and merchants all looking forward to it.

"The five fortunes are renewed and the three righteous iterations are made. Si Mu Li Shu is a sage. He can use the latitude and longitude of the world to make up the world. He protects the head of Guizhou and expounds benevolence. Therefore, the beam can control the world, contain the eight wastes, and save the country. Cross the current, remove billions of charcoal, punish the ugly people internally, suppress the barbarians externally, spread the power to the world, spread benevolence to all countries, revive the collapse of music, revive Confucianism and Taoism, and the people of Guanxi will also be grateful for Liang's kindness..."

Hundreds of people read the credentials sent by Fu Jian in a melody and rhythm. Although the language was in a tactful way and could not be understood, it was very high in morale.

Even the illiterate people cheered loudly, and the scene was extremely lively.

After the founding of the Han Dynasty in the past, they fought in all directions, opened up territories, chased the Xiongnu in the north, and conquered Fujian and Guangdong in the south. As a result, hundreds of barbarians were intimidated, and they either turned inward and invited officials, or sent their sons to the guards to use force. Its prosperity is unprecedented.

Therefore, it has been a long time since the four barbarians became ministers and accepted their sons as pledges.

This was the first time that Liang Guo had formally accepted other countries as vassals and hostages.

But this undoubtedly increased the legitimacy and internal cohesion of Liang Guo.

At the end, Fu Pi, the eldest son of Di Qin, knelt on one knee in front of Li Yue, holding his credentials. He was six or seven years old, with a trace of fear in his blank eyes.

Fu Jian was able to hold back at critical moments, and he was also an outstanding person who could bend and stretch. Compared with Ran Min who would just pick up the knife and do whatever he said in the past, there was a huge difference.

It's a pity that this era does not belong to them.

"Get up, from now on, you stay with me, and Daliang will be your home from now on!" Li Yue helped Fu Pi up. In the future, the Qin Kingdom may not exist, and Fu Pi can be regarded as continuing Fu Jian's bloodline.

"Thank you... Your Majesty..." Fu Pi said tremblingly.

At this age, all concepts have not yet been formed, so it is time to reform them.

Li Yue returned to the chariot and rode with Fu Pi. Prince Li Jian looked at him curiously.

The chariot moved forward slowly, walking on Guangming Street, followed by more than five hundred elite riders, wearing black scales, bright red cloaks on the back, and all-maroon horses, like blazing flames.

This cavalry is the Xuanjia Battalion carefully selected by Li Yue.

There are only three thousand elite troops in the Heiyun Army. They are all veteran soldiers of the Liang Kingdom and Guanzhong warriors over the years. They are all capable of blocking ten.

They walked out, and an evil aura came out of thin air under the horses' hooves.

Wherever he passed, the people raised their hands and shouted, "Long live your Majesty, long live Daliang!"

The shouts were like thunder, resounding throughout the city.

Fu Pi opened his eyes wide and looked at everything in front of him. Li Yue gently stroked his back and said, "Send the order to cancel the curfew today."

(End of this chapter)

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