Hengdao Sixteen Kingdoms

Chapter 59 Poverty

Chapter 59 Poverty

Two simple words, but full of infinite sadness, making the night even more desolate.

"Follow me, I will let you live!" Li Yue seemed to have something ignited in his chest.

The people kneeling below are their own compatriots, their own clansmen, who bleed the same blood and speak the same language.

They are the most diligent and brave group in the world, but in this dark age, they are trampled, bullied, and mutilated at will.

At this moment, Li Yue was no longer his former self.

Even beasts can feel the screams of their own kind!

"Follow me, I will let you live, and I will take you back to your homeland!" Li Yue's blood spurted, but tears filled his eyes.

What used to be ambition is now a responsibility...

In the darkness, there were bursts of weeping.

It seems that the lonely ghosts are sobbing, which is creepy.

Li Yue knew that saying anything at this moment was superfluous. They had experienced too much deception, blood and tears, and it was difficult to trust others, so their only wish was to beg for a living!
One cannot understand the shock of these two words without experiencing this era.

How many years has it been since the powerful Qin and Han Dynasties for a noble nation to be reduced to such a state?
Xin Can led people to deliver food from the mountain overnight.

Li Yue asked people to set up a cauldron and cook porridge on the spot.

Groups of warm flames rose in the late autumn night, bringing the ghostly battlefield back to the human world, and the aroma of cooked corn dilutes the bloody smell around.

With the light of the fire, Li Yue saw extremely tired faces.

Before the corn porridge had cooled completely, many people picked up a handful with both hands and put it in their mouths.

"Eat slowly, eat slowly." The scouts shuttled among the refugees regardless of the danger of the plague.

Li Yue just sat in the mountain pass all night.

On the second day, the lingering autumn rain fell again, and it was very cold.

The scouts took them back to the huts that had been prepared in batches.

The crowd followed the scout silently.

There were more than 2 people. In the morning, there were only 9000 or 3000 people left. In addition to the more than [-] corpses on the ground, nearly [-] people fled in the dark.

Li Yue smiled wryly in his heart, maybe his pancakes were too big.

A small bandit leader dared to speak wildly to regain the rivers and mountains...

If he had the title of governor of Yuzhou or prefect of Xingyang on his body at this time, even if he was only a county magistrate, perhaps more people would choose to stay.

"It doesn't matter if we leave, we can't accommodate so many people." Xin Can sighed.

"Since they are here, how can we let them go so easily?" Li Yue shook off the rain on his body, stood up and looked at the vast wilderness. In the drizzle, there were hidden figures of wild beasts.

Xin Can was stunned, "General?"

"You can't take advantage of them, chase after them!"

Since it is a troubled time, you might as well be more decisive. The twisted melon is not sweet but quenches your thirst.

It's not bad to chase back and be a slave, but in case of war, it's okay to rush ahead and burn it as waste wood!

Moreover, most of the people who can escape are strong and strong people. If they don't eat the meat that is close to their mouths, they are hypocritical.

It is very difficult for them to reach the Yangtze River Basin alive, and even if they do, it is hard to say how Jiangdong will treat them.

In the past few years, Jiangdong has gradually stabilized, and the decadence of the Western Jin Dynasty has not been swept away.

"Take orders!" The scouts walked into the rain regardless of their fatigue.

"Do extraordinary things at extraordinary times, don't stick to small details!" Li Yue swept away all the negative emotions yesterday, no matter whether he succeeds or not in the future, he will always try.

"The general's words are true!" Xin Can cupped his hands.

When people are busy, they don't have the heart to think so much.

The refugees had a bumpy journey, and an autumn rain caused many people to have a fever, which made it more difficult to distinguish the plague.

Li Yue found that the lack of warm clothes was more urgent than the plague.

Many men are bare buttocks, and the women's clothes are pitiful, covered by leaves.

Once late autumn is over, it will snow in a few days.

At that time, not to mention the plague, a heavy snow can freeze many people to death.

Li Yue rubbed his forehead, basic necessities of life, food, rice, oil and salt, all became difficult problems.

One more person is not just a matter of drinking more porridge.

Originally, there were more than 1 people on Guanshan Mountain enough to work hard, but now that there are so many more people, resources are even more scarce.

The scouts continued to bring back teams of prisoners.

In just two days, more than 3000 people have been added to Heiyun Mountain...

Fortunately, Chen Liu and Fangtou's things arrived at this time.

The life of Chen Liu's beggar army was not very good. The last time they sent [-] shi of food, they did their best, but this time they only had [-] shi of food.

However, Fangtou spent a lot of money, five hundred stones of grain, eight hundred catties of salt, and various medicinal materials that were scarce in Heiyun Mountain, and three ox carts were loaded.

Fangtou was originally a canal hub built by Emperor Wu of Wei, and it was also a food distribution center. The Di people have been cultivating here for more than ten years. They want money, food, food, and people.

Compared with Shi Le, Shi Hu's political vision is worse.

Such a feng shui treasure was handed over to the Di people.

Originally, Pu Hong was not the most powerful branch of the Di tribe in Guanzhong. After moving to Fangtou, all the tribes in Guanzhong united with Pu Hong, which made Shi Hu deeply afraid.

Guangzong's begging army remained silent.

Since the capture of Jijiabao, Guangzong began to distance himself from Heiyun Mountain.

Although Fangtou sent a lot of things, it was still a drop in the bucket for Heiyun Mountain, which has a population of nearly [-].

And this time has passed, do you have to reach out again next time?

Cannibals have a short mouth and soft hands, and always feel stuck in the neck.

Xin Can said: "In the past, Han Gao got the help of the Lu family, and Liu Xuande had the resources of the Mi family. Although Heiyun Mountain is dangerous and solid, it is difficult to survive on its own. The general should find a backer."

When he first came, he was full of energy and busy, and after taking over for a period of time, he also became overwhelmed.

"Xin always talks about in-laws?"

At Li Yue's age, he should have gotten married long ago.

Xin Can nodded and said, "Exactly."

Only Zheng and Wang could help Heiyun Mountain in the territory of Xingyang, and the Zheng family in Xingyang once squeezed into the ranks of the great noble families in Wei and Jin Dynasties.

But their family has a big business, can they think of themselves?

When Shi Le was alive, he ordered not to insult the Yi-clothed Chinese, and their life was not bad.

No matter how cruel Shihu is, he still needs scholars to take care of the country for him.

Although it was a bit humiliating, he was able to survive in the end, much better than the people at the bottom.

"It's the only way up to now, but the King Zheng's family thinks of us?" Li Yue didn't have much communication with the nobles, so he couldn't figure out their temper.

"The general is wise and powerful, but he lacks luck. Xingyang is located at the junction of the north and the south, surrounded by Luoyang, Yecheng, and Xuchang. In the future, the imperial court will attack the north. The general can be the forerunner, and he will surely succeed in the achievements of his ancestors and Li Dudu! King Zheng The two century-old gentry have a long-term vision, and they are [-]% sure of this matter."

Xin Can was very active in using Heiyunshan as cannon fodder for the Sima family.

But the future will be discussed in the future, and the right thing to do is to get through the current difficulties.

"Then trouble Mr. Xin to go."

Whoever proposes it will do it.

Xin Can was born in a noble family, so he was able to chat with King Zheng's family.

"It's not too late, Can is leaving now."

(End of this chapter)

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