Hengdao Sixteen Kingdoms

Chapter 605 Drought

Chapter 605 Drought
  Li Yue led his army back to Yecheng, and the signs of drought were beginning to appear.

Large rivers have shrunk, small rivers have stopped flowing, and even the Yellow River has shrunk to [-]% of its former size.

March is originally the season when all things come back to life. Everywhere you look is yellow, and the spring sun hanging above your head actually feels a bit dazzling.

From the beginning of winter last year until now, Hebei and Yuzhou have not seen any rain or snow.

The key is not to know how long this drought will last.

After a long time, Liang Guo could not bear it.

Li Yue remembered that during the seventeenth year of Emperor Chongzhen's reign in the late Ming Dynasty, there were severe droughts and locust plagues every year.

The Eastern Han Dynasty was actually a dynasty that was torn down by natural disasters. Starting from the first month of the third year of Jianning (170), there was a famine in Henan and Hanoi, which caused couples to eat each other. Afterwards, earthquakes caused the sea to overflow and the rivers to become clear. In May, the ground cracked in Hedong, there was rain and hail, and the mountains and rivers burst out.

Immediately afterwards, a great plague occurred that lasted for more than a hundred years.

White bones were exposed in the wild, there were no roosters crowing for thousands of miles, the population was withering, the five barbarians began to move inward, and the outer territories of China were basically abandoned.

Fortunately, the bureaucracy of Liang State was functioning normally. County magistrates and governors worked diligently to organize people to fish and hunt, and to equally share the few remaining water resources.

The severe drought has just begun. Due to the accumulation in the past few years, ordinary people have some surplus food, and the fish in the water and the wild animals in the mountains can survive for a while.

"It can't go on like this. We don't know when the drought will stop. While the people still have food left in their hands, we can make them eat in Qingxu and Huaibei. If the people of Yecheng are willing to go to Liaodong, they will divide their fields and houses. If they don't want to go, they will be divided into fields and houses." Eat in Cangzhou."

Li Yue thought of a countermeasure on the way.

The population of Liang State is mainly concentrated in the three states of Si, Yu and Yan, which happen to be the hardest hit areas.

When the drought lasts for a long time, the transportation of grain and grass becomes a major problem.

So it is better to take advantage of this opportunity to consolidate Liaodong.

Liaodong is very large, rich in products, backed by mountains and close to the sea, and can support millions of people.

Historically, Goguryeo entered its heyday, with a population of [-] households, [-] victorious soldiers, and three times as many households as in the former Wei Dynasty.

With more people in Liaodong, it would naturally be possible to suppress or even annex Goguryeo.

"Chang Lingjun has led the Shangshutai to persuade the people to move eastward and return after the drought subsides." Cui Hong said.

Raising the people is the duty of the Chancellor. Chang Wei does not have the title of Prime Minister, but in the eyes of the world, he is already the Prime Minister of Daliang. Li Yue is away on an expedition, and he takes care of all the government affairs in the country.

Even when Li Yue was in the court, it was Chang Wei who led the Shangshutai to make rulings, and major matters were not reached before Li Yue.

Back in Yecheng, from east to west, from north to south, countless large and small cars came in and out, bringing in food and taking away people.

With the drought, even the cattle and horses were weakened.

Looking from a distance, Yecheng seems to be shrouded in dark yellow, even the sky is this color.

The land is dry and the sand is blown south by the wind.

Under the drought, everything was simplified. There was no need to catch the wind and wash away the dust, and there was no celebration banquet. Li Yue quickly ordered the soldiers to take a rest. Regardless of fatigue, he summoned the ministers at the Shangshutai to inquire about preparations for disaster relief.

"Your Majesty, there is no need to worry too much. The affected areas are only Hebei, Yuzhou, and the lower reaches of the Yellow River. The weather is good on both sides of the Huaihe River." Chang Wei gave Li Yue a reassurance.

The Huaibei Datuntian was still there, and Liang Guo's family wealth was saved.

"Very good. After the soldiers rest for a month, I will lead them to eat and join the state."

During the Guanzhong rebellion, with Wang Meng presiding over the situation, Di Qin's strong bones would be softened sooner or later.

Thinking of Guanzhong, Li Yue's heart moved, "How is the disaster in Guanzhong?"

Natural and man-made disasters, coupled with this rebellion, will catalyze various hidden dangers in Di Qin.

Liu Ying cupped his hands and said: "The drought in Guanzhong is not worse than that in Guandong. However, there are few people in Qin, so the impact will not be big for the time being. I will find out that Huan Wen sold a lot of grain to Fu Jian at a low price."

Huan Wen is really a big-hearted guy. "Food from Jiangdong is transported from Shuzhong to Guanzhong? It's good if ten stones can leave two stones. Water far away cannot dissolve fire near." Cui Hong saw the shortcomings at a glance.

"Fu Jian was ill and sought medical treatment urgently." Li Yue felt relieved.

The dangerous mountains and rivers in Guanzhong became a fetter, causing the alliance between Qin and Jin to collapse.

Generally speaking, if there is a drought in Guandong, it will be more serious in Guanzhong.

It's just the beginning now. When the drought breaks out, various tribes will inevitably fight in order to compete for the right to survive.

Once there was chaos in Guanzhong, Li Yue could invade Guanzhong and capture Fu Jian in the name of suppressing the rebellion.

What should be done was already being done by the Chancellor, and Li Yue saved his time. Just as he was about to return to the palace to rest, Lu Qing came in a hurry and said, "Your Majesty, the Governor of Taiyuan King is reporting."

Li Yue was refreshed, Wang Meng took charge of affairs in the west, and Fu Jian fled to the south. At this time, there should be a major breakthrough.

But after reading it, I couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Yao Chang really dares to say that he is the pastor of Liangzhou and the military commander of Longyou. Doesn't this mean that the two states of Qin and Liang are directly granted to him?

When the time comes when he and Fu Jian are locked in a fight in Guanzhong, will he swallow the best of Liangzhou and become a big fat man in one bite?
  "Your Majesty might as well send this letter to Fu Jian. Yao Chang will rebel even if he doesn't!" Cui Hongsheng came up with a vicious plan.

"It's no use. Yao Chang had already prepared it. It was through Xue's tactful mention, not his own writing. The rumors and nursery rhymes he created before could not hurt him in the slightest, which shows how cunning this person is."

In addition to Yao Chang being cunning, Fu Jian is also big-hearted. The nursery rhyme made it so obvious, but he didn't react at all, as if he didn't hear it...

Yao Xiang is also an honest person, but he didn't expect that his younger brother and he have completely different styles.

In troubled times, only this kind of person can succeed.

"Liangzhou is a place where the scholars and people of the Central Plains have escaped from chaos. If your Majesty grants it to Yao Chang, the people of Liangzhou will be disgusted. If Liangzhou is regained in the future, people's hearts will not be attached to it. Yao Chang has sinister intentions!" Chang Wei cupped his hands and said.

Li Yue was stunned, he hadn't thought of this level yet.

If Liangzhou is handed over to a foreign tribe, the people of Liangzhou will be greatly disappointed.

The jade seal is not a mascot. Every seal has a huge impact.

"What your Lord said is true. If Liangzhou Mu can't give it, I'll give it to him according to the previous conditions, whether he likes it or not. Now that the drought has started, I don't count on him anymore."

You can't rely on anything these days, you can only rely on yourself.

Even without this drought, Di Qin would have run out of oil and lamps.

Cui Hong said: "Yao Chang has the support of the Qiang chiefs behind him. If he is canonized by Daliang, he can order Guanxi. In the opinion of his subordinates, it is best not to be conferred anything to prevent him from becoming powerful."

"However, Yao Chang said that he could plunge Di Qin into chaos immediately. What do you think?"

Yao Chang still has some use value.

"The wind started at the end of Qingping, and the chaos between Di and Qin was caused by the current situation. How could Yao and Chang be so virtuous and dare to exchange this important weapon of the country? The conflict between the two countries is an upright conspiracy. Conspiracies can be used occasionally, but cannot be relied on. ." Chang Wei said earnestly.

Li Yue slapped his forehead and was almost dragged into the ditch by Yao Chang.

Does Daliang need Yao Chang's advice to succeed in conquering Qin? If he had this ability, he wouldn't be dependent on others.

In marching and fighting, there is actually not that much magic and clever planning. Most of them use force to suppress others and bully the weak.

There are many examples of battles in which a small number defeated a large number, but there are very few cases in which the weak defeated the strong.

"Your Majesty's words are true. Don't pay attention to Yao Chang. Send an order to Wang Jinglue to take back his previous promise!"

 Well, two chapters...

  (End of this chapter)

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