Hengdao Sixteen Kingdoms

Chapter 661 Teaching

Chapter 661 Teaching

After Qifu Sifan returned to his tent, the humility and respect on his face suddenly disappeared, and the wrinkles squeezed together, making his entire face gloomy.

With a wave of his hand, the personal guards stood outside the tent and drove away the idle people.

"Murong is so old that he is willing to be someone else's dog!"

"That's not entirely true. My uncle has never had great ambitions. If it hadn't been for the persecution of the late emperor and the Kezuhun family, he would not be where he is today. Now that he is married to the Li family, the father and son will be favored for a while, and the Murong family will become a prominent family. At this time, how can you follow us to Hehuang and endure the wind and rain?"

A man walked out of the shadow of the tent. He was casually wearing a piece of leather armor and his hair was disheveled, but it could not hide his handsome appearance.

This man's appearance is similar to that of Murong Ke, the great general of Yan State, but he is a little less majestic and a little more sinister.

It is Murong Kai, a remnant of the Yan Kingdom.

Murong De was buried in the hands of Murong Chui, Fu Luo was wiped out in a blink of an eye, and more than a thousand of Murong Kai's tribe became bereaved dogs. They were preparing to cross the river to join Tuyuhun and stay away from the Central Plains. On the way, they passed through Jincheng and met the begging Si Fan, so they threw themselves into the army. Yuan Chuan was also recruited as his brother-in-law by Si Fan.

Of course, everything was done secretly, and Murong Kai changed his name.

"If I had known this, it would be better to rebel with Yao Chang!"

"If we had rebelled against him, I'm afraid that the Qifu tribe would have been gone long ago and we would not be able to compete head-on with Daliang." Murong Kai has become much more cautious in the past few years of dormant in the northwest.

"You persuaded me to drag Murong Chui into the water, but Murong Chui refused to obey, what will happen now?" Si Fan looked at him with an evil look.

Murong Kai took a few steps and said, "The only solution now is to help Liang Jun pacify Liangzhou and wait for the opportunity. Bald Hair Sifuzhen, Tuoba Gu, Kang Ning and others are by no means Wang Meng's enemies. Back then, my ancestors helped Cao Wei Only by attacking the Gongsun clan and Goguryeo can the Yan Kingdom be established."

"I'm afraid Wang Meng won't give him a chance!" Qifu Sifan's eyes flashed fiercely, looking like a wild wolf.

The northwest is like a primitive jungle, where the weak eat the strong, and those who are useless have no right to live.

It was Murong Kai's more than a thousand elite men who begged Si Fancai, not Murong Kai, the scourge.

At that time, Tuoba Liwei was desperate and went to the Wuluhui tribe. The leader of the tribe, Dou Bin, took him in and made him his son-in-law. As a result, Tuoba Liwei grew stronger a few years later, killed the entire Dou family, and annexed the Wuluhui tribe... …

Wang Meng's name is resounding throughout the world. He can eat people without spitting out their bones. More than 70,000 households in the Xianbei tribe fell into his hands. How can it be better?

More than 100,000 Qiang households in Yao Chang were all relocated.

Murong Kai looked calm, "Brother, do you know how the Yao and Fu families rose?"

"Oh?" Qifu Sifan's expression changed.

"When Jie Zhao was at its peak, Yao Yizhong and Fu Hong led their troops to surrender and moved to Jitou and Fangtou. They stayed dormant for seventeen years. Now Guanzhong is in decline. Even if Wang Meng migrates to various tribes, they will still be scattered among Yonghe. My brother is only twenty-three-four this year, so it is not a bad idea to lie dormant for a few years. Things in the world are changing rapidly, and there will always be opportunities."

Under the severe survival crisis, Murong Kai grew rapidly.

These words were not only meant for Si Fan, but also for himself.

"It seems like this is the only way." Despite the ferocity of Si Fan's scream, he really didn't have the guts to raise an army to rebel.

Murong Chui massacred the city of Nan'an and burned corpses, killing people like hemp. Si Fan, the beggar, trembled when he saw him.

Not to mention that there is an even more fierce Wang Meng behind him.

"For helping to pacify Liangzhou, the Liang Kingdom will give my brother a reward no matter what. Otherwise, who from the northwestern clan will join him in the future?" Murong Kai breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that he had overcome another difficulty.

"Haha, you are right, you Murong family are really smart!"

Qifu Sifan's meaningful words made Murong Kai nervous again...

With the arrival of Wang Meng's army, the situation in the northwest changed.

This battle brought together tens of thousands of Liang's elites and half of their fierce generals, and it was definitely more than just counterinsurgency.

The clanging of armor around him made Prince Li Jian's heart surge with excitement. When had he ever seen such a scene in the palace's monk martial arts hall?

The cavalry are like clouds, the soldiers are like the sea, the swords and spears are like forests, and the flags cover the sun...

Being in it, the whole body's blood is boiling, as if it can really overwhelm mountains and seas. "This is the military might of our Daliang army!" Li Jian was deeply shocked.

"Your Highness has also studied the art of war. Where should we start this battle?" Wang Meng had long been accustomed to it, and his calm tone calmed the murderous intention in Li Jian's chest.

"My nephew suggested dividing the troops into three groups."

Wang Meng listened quietly, as if a gentleman was testing his students.

"My uncle was Zheng, and he went west from Guzang to wipe out all the tribes in the Hexi Corridor. General Murong went south, up the Huangshui River, and wiped out the Huns rebels. Then General Lu Guang led the Xuanjia Army to Juyan to blockade the Xianbei people. The retreat route is to block Bald Hair Si Futan and Tuoba Gu in Liangzhou!"

The Li family has two traditions, one is martial arts and the other is the art of war.

Every prince has to practice hard. He doesn't have to be good at it, but he must not know it. Especially the prince, Li Yue has taught all his geography knowledge.

Geography determines the outcome of a war, and more importantly, the fate of a country.

"Then do as His Highness says." Wang Meng agreed immediately.

Li Jian did not expect that Wang Meng would actually adopt his opinion, "My nephew is not thoughtful..."

"The art of war in the world is similar. The key to using war is not the strategy, but whether the soldiers can execute it as one." Wang Meng explained the essence of the art of war in one sentence.

In fact, most of the art of war teaches not how to use troops, but how to train and command them.

Sun Tzu's Art of War is more about discussing whether war should be fought and what to pay attention to before fighting.

The Qin State did not have so many clever tricks to destroy the six countries. It relied on hundreds of thousands of iron-blooded troops to push it all the way.

In this battle, Liang Guo will win no matter how hard he fights.

But the problem in Liangzhou is not the superficial battle. Wang Meng's thoughts are on other aspects.

"My nephew has learned a lesson." Li Jian handed over his hand.

"After this battle, how do you plan to treat the tribes in Liangzhou?" Wang Meng looked at Li Jian with a deep look.

"It's natural to migrate... let him bathe like a king, know etiquette and integrity, and he can integrate into China in a few years." After all, this was Li Jian's first time traveling far away.

It was also the first time that I was truly in a battle.

The Confucian scholars around me used to teach this, etiquette, integrity, loyalty, filial piety, benevolence and righteousness...

But the rules of the world are definitely not what they say. People who believe in these things will die long ago without a burial place.

Many things can only be understood differently after experiencing them personally.

"Your Highness is thirteen this year?" Wang Meng suddenly changed the subject.

"Thirteen years old..." Li Jian felt uneasy.

"The son of an ordinary common man has already put on armor and gone into battle at the age of thirteen. He narrowly escaped death. His Highness should also see the true appearance of this troubled world!" Wang Meng smiled meaningfully.

Flowers growing in a greenhouse can never withstand wind and rain.

Li Yue sent the prince here not only to listen to the teachings all day long.

For some reason, Li Jian suddenly felt frightened.

(End of this chapter)

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