Hengdao Sixteen Kingdoms

Chapter 670 Collusion

Chapter 670 Collusion

Spring plowing in Guandong has begun again.

An unexpected consequence of Wang Meng's killing spree in Liangzhou was that all the Kanto nobles became honest.

The Cui family, the Zheng family, the Lu family, and the Liu family all closed their doors to thank guests, and the once arrogant and domineering playboys also disappeared.

As expected, Wang Meng rejected the Zheng family's marriage.

Li Yue then issued an edict prohibiting intermarriage among wealthy families such as Cui, Zheng, Liu, Lu, Gao, Liu, Xue, and Pei, as well as officials with two thousand shi.

"Why don't your majesty follow the Han's order of favor? The descendants of the clan, regardless of their direct descendants, can share the family wealth equally." Lu Qing suggested.

"You are from a noble family, don't you know the ways?" Li Yue said with a smile.

"The Lu family was not in the Han Dynasty for a long time. I also suffered from hunger and cold in my early years."

"Then why can you still serve as an official in the court?"

"Chen, Chen... I can't tell clearly."

The strength of the gentry lies not in family property, but in the monopoly of knowledge.

After studying hard for several years, passing the imperial examination or becoming an official, one can quickly occupy important positions by virtue of reputation.

Power generates power, and potential generates wealth. With power, isn’t it possible that family property and property will be at your fingertips?

Moreover, even if a favor order is issued, whether the powerful nobles will listen or not is another matter. People's patriarchal laws and family laws have far stronger internal binding force than national laws.

There are good policies from above and countermeasures from below. Behind closed doors, the court's decrees cannot control them.

"Your Majesty, this is a secret message sent by Lu Xun from the East China Sea." The eunuch reported outside the palace.

Lu Xun burned, killed, and plundered in the Japanese country, and his career became more and more prosperous. He was able to transport five to six thousand young slaves to Liaodong every year.

Tamna Island locked up Silla, Baekje, Wa, and Goguryeo.

Li Yue opened the memorial. It turned out that Lu Xun had discovered two gold and silver mines in the west of Japan. According to him, the deposits were so large that they could be picked up directly on the ground. He suggested that the Liaodong Navy launch a big one and directly capture the west of Japan. .

"What do you think?" Li Yue handed Lu Xun's secret memorial to Lu Qing.

"I think that there are too many troops and it is a waste of money and food. It is better to plan it slowly and use the navy to pretend to be pirates and invade the Japanese country. On the one hand, it can cover the eyes of others, and on the other hand, the pirates can act more unscrupulously."

Li Yue was stunned. No wonder the Lu family could produce Lu Xun. This Lu Qing was not simple either. He was extremely skilled in killing people and setting fires...

Daliang is now the orthodox person in the world. He must take his image into consideration in everything he does, and he also needs a justifiable excuse.

Otherwise, if he attacks overseas for no reason, Li Yue will definitely be labeled as a belligerent.

If you are a pirate, you don't have so many worries.

They can do whatever they want, and it looks better in the "International View". After all, Daliang also has to take care of the thoughts of the vassal country, and everything must be done in a consistent manner.

"Haihang Division and Liaodong Navy have been setting up the navy for so many years. They are either mules or horses, and they should be taken out for a walk."

Influenced by Lu Xun and Lu Qing, Li Yue suddenly thought of a way to get the best of both worlds against the nobles.

The nobles are a cancer in China, but if they are in the border areas or overseas, they are the defenders, pioneers, and propagators of Chinese civilization.

As long as the benefits are big enough, these people will definitely take risks.

The power of nobles is a double-edged sword. The key depends on how to use it, but also how to guide it.

But right now it's still a hazy idea, and the timing isn't right.

Daliang's annihilation of Tuoba Shi Yijian, the capture of the Western Regions, and the unification of Jiangdong were inseparable from the support of the powerful gentry in the country.

The powerful nobles are also part of the national strength.

The road has to be walked step by step. If the steps are too big and the egg is pulled like Emperor Yang of Sui Dynasty, it will be bad. The current strategy is to recuperate and restore national strength, then communicate with the Western Regions, attack the grasslands, and destroy the Dai Kingdom, and then gather the power of the Western Regions and grasslands to conquer the south of the Yangtze River and unify the world.

As long as the Western Region surrenders and submits to the Liang Kingdom, Tuoba Shi Yijian can be destroyed within three to five years.

Within ten years, Jiangdong was annexed and the world was unified.

Jiangshan has talented people on behalf of the people, and they have been leading the way for hundreds of years.

Fifteen years later, who knows if there will be one or two talented people in Jiangdong who can turn the tide?

Although Li Yue's strategic concept is good, nothing in the world can be smooth sailing.

Before the spring plowing was over, Tuoba Shi Yijian's cavalry headed south.

A pattern has been formed on both sides. In autumn and winter, Li Yue sent the Black Cloud Cavalry northward to "hunt" and burn the pastures by the way.

In the spring and summer, Tuoba Shi Yijian went south in large numbers, plundering border areas, destroying cultivated fields, and burning villages. It was quite like tooth for tooth and blood for blood.

The Liao, You, Bing, Dai, Shuo and Liang prefectures were severely affected. They looted and burned when they could. With the help of the local Xianbei old troops, they also broke through a county town in Daizhou. The whole city, old and weak, was killed. Young men and women were kidnapped.

When the Black Cloud Army arrived, Dai Guo's cavalry had already left.

Li Yue was furious and dismissed all the governors and governors of Daizhou.

Tuoba Shi Yijian rolled bigger and bigger on the grassland, and he could clearly feel that Dai Guo was getting stronger.

Although the equipment is not as good as that of Liang Jun, there is still a lot of iron armor, and the swords and spears sent back are also quite sharp.

"Where did Tuoba Shi Yijian get these things?" Li Yue picked up a long knife seized from a rider in Dai Kingdom.

It is slightly longer than the Huanshou Sword, and the blade is slightly curved. It is not as exquisite as the Huanshou Sword. It is a bit crudely made, but it is enough to deal with the common people and the army.

Compared with before, it is a great improvement.

The scimitar is good for chopping and is suitable for cavalry to charge.

A straight blade is suitable for foot cuts, but it is easy to break when used by cavalry.

During the Spring and Autumn Period, China also had a scimitar called Wu Gou, but it was gradually eliminated from the battlefield in the Central Plains.

This thing is by no means a product of the Central Plains, but the fact that the Dai Kingdom can make iron armor, swords and spears is something that deserves vigilance. It requires a certain number of mature craftsmen, forging iron technology, and mines.

Dai State has been entrenched in Daijun and Yunzhong for nearly a hundred years and has absorbed a large number of craftsmen from the Central Plains.

"Looking at its shape, it's either from Goguryeo or from the Western Regions." Chang Wei cupped his hands and said.

"Western Region!" Li Yue frowned.

When the Xiongnu became strong, they would inevitably invade the Western Regions, as was the case with the Turks and Uighurs in history.

The rise of Dai State will definitely have to compete with Daliang in the Western Region.

Wang Meng made such a big fuss in Liangzhou and killed Tuoba Shi Yijian's younger brother Tuoba Gu, along with 20,000 cavalrymen without returning even a scrap of armor. This must have irritated him.

Of course, with the current strength of Dai State, it is definitely impossible to annex the Western Region. There are also several powerful countries in the Western Region, but it is still possible to collude with these powerful countries and resist Daliang together.

After all, no one wants to kneel in someone else's crotch and be a grandchild these days.

Even the people in Jiangdong knew how to resist, let alone the barbaric countries in the Western Regions.

Li Yue couldn't help but worry about Liu Ying and his party. The situation was more complicated and dangerous than expected.

It's been nearly a year since Liangzhou was recovered, and there hasn't been any movement in the Western Regions. It really doesn't make sense. Even barbaric tribes like Tuyuhun know how to come and say hello and make themselves familiar.

Since the Yongjia Rebellion, China has declined for fifty or sixty years, and many people have changed in the Western Regions.

(End of this chapter)

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