Hengdao Sixteen Kingdoms

Chapter 703 Understanding Current Affairs

Chapter 703 Understanding Current Affairs

I won’t shed tears until I see the coffin.

Without a fight with real swords and spears, the defenders in the city will always have a sense of luck.

In the age of cold weapons, no matter how advanced the equipment is, the final victory still depends on people.

Since Xiangyang is Huan Wen's hometown, there must be people who are loyal to Huan Wen.

However, the city wall collapsed and the Jin army's only support disappeared. There was basically no suspense in this battle.

War drums sounded.

The vanguard dead soldiers carrying axes, bones, and maces moved forward excitedly.

They did not form an array, but spread out in twos and threes, maintaining a certain distance while still being able to respond to each other.

The sword and shield bearers walked in the front, the crossbowmen were on guard behind, and the heavy armored men carrying axes and maces walked in the end.

If we talk about who among the Black Cloud Army is best at fighting hard and bloody battles, they must be them. Many of them are already in their forties, but they don't want to retire. They have been used to fighting all their lives, and they are at a loss after leaving the Black Cloud Army.

They have long been assimilated by the troubled times, and only the battlefield can give them peace of mind.

At this time, the crossbows and catapults in the city also began to exert their power, raining down on them.

The soldiers of Heiyun did not panic. Many of the veterans did not even raise their heads. They could judge the direction of the rocks and wood just by the sound of the wind.

The more panicked you are at this time, the faster you will die.

The Jin army did not have many defensive equipment. They were destroyed by Liang Jun's burning and smashing. After paying the price of more than a hundred casualties, the dead soldiers in the vanguard had already rushed to the collapsed city wall.

The axes and maces soon collided with the Jin army's spears, causing clouds of blood to burst out.

Fighting was also raging on other walls.

However, the resistance of the Jin army remained resolute, and they seemed to be fighting for a gap with the Heiyun soldiers.

From noon to afternoon fighting, they resisted tenaciously, relying on the alleys in the city to repeatedly see-saw with the Black Cloud Army.

Many Jin troops were refugees from the north, coming from the same lineage as the Black Cloud Army, and they did not lack fighting spirit and bravery.

The corpses were piled as high as one person, and the casualties were much higher than those of the Black Cloud Army, but they refused to retreat.

"My son is willing to lead an army to attack the city!" Li You said with cupped hands.

"You are the King of Qin now, not a captain in the army. It is not your turn to charge into battle." Li Yueping said calmly.

Li You is good at everything. His only shortcoming is that he joined the army too early and is a little less intelligent.

This kind of mentality cannot be mixed in China, but it is suitable for the Western Regions.

The Western Regions still need a King of Qin who dares to make progress.

"Life and death are destiny, wealth and honor are in heaven. Don't take Meng Kuan's matter to heart. More people will fall in the future." Li Yue knew that he was stimulated by Meng Kuan's death.

"If the tiger's head hadn't stopped me that day, I would have been the one who rushed forward."

"That is also his fate. If you can't pass this test, don't go to the Western Region. As a king, you have no love for your children." Li Yue looked at him calmly.

This is the last teaching.

Li You's whole body was shocked, "My son, I will teach you."

"Your Majesty, the Jin army in the city has turned against itself and is fighting among itself. The people are also assisting our army. Most of the city has been captured, and Huanhuo is huddled in the inner city." A scout came to report.

Important cities these days have inner and outer cities.

Hefei also has three city walls.

"The outer city has been attacked. Can the inner city save them? First rescue the people and clear out the rebels." Li Yue ordered.

As long as the trebuchet is pushed up, the inner city will be easier to attack.

"Wei!" the scout turned and left.

"Tomorrow's battle in the inner city will be under your command." Seeing that it was getting late, Li Yue said to Li You beside him.

"My son, take your orders."

The Heiyun army that entered the city did not kill indiscriminately under the supervision of Honglu officials and the restraint of the generals.

The people were overjoyed, helped clean up the ruins in the city, and rewarded the soldiers with food. Today's Heiyun Army no longer looks down on this thing.

Moreover, the old people of the Huan family are all concentrated in the inner city.

The next day, all kinds of siege equipment were pushed into the city. When the defenders on the city saw these giant objects, their eyes were extremely frightened. The three consecutive days of bombardment left a deep psychological shadow on them.

Li Yue entered the city, preparing to observe Li You's commanding ability.

After all, he had been on the Jingxiang front line for five years, rising from a low-level soldier to a captain, and knew all kinds of military operations.

And there are many staff around him to remind him at all times.

Qin Biao never left.

The catapults were ready to go, and the soldiers were ready for the final battle.

However, at this moment, the inner city gate opened, and a group of Xiangyang generals came out naked under the leadership of Yang Lue.

"We have surrendered. Huan Huo is willing to surrender to Daliang. Those who stubbornly resist will be blamed on Huan Huo alone and have nothing to do with the common people." The leader was quite majestic, his body covered with sinews. He looked as normal as he faced the swords and axes of the black cloud warriors.

Inside the city, nearly ten thousand Jin soldiers had put down their weapons and looked nervously at the blackened Liang Jun.

Li Yue originally thought they would fight to the end, but unexpectedly they surrendered.

For the Huan family to be able to survive today as a third-rate noble family in Jiangdong, there must be more than one Huan Wen.

As Huan Wen's younger brother, Huan Huo returned to Daliang, which had a great demonstration effect.

Li Yue quickly took off his outer robe, stepped forward quickly, and put it on Huan Huo. The personal guards separated the others and looked at Huan Huo warily.

"Those who know the current affairs are heroes. General Huan has the common people at heart. What crime is he guilty of? I have admired the general for a long time. From now on, the north and the south are all one family, and the common people and soldiers of Jingzhou are all the people of Daliang!" Li Yue said loudly.

"Long live!"

Before Huanhuo could speak, the defenders on the city had already cheered.

"It is clear at a glance which side the people's hearts are against. Your Majesty is victorious not on the battlefield, nor on weapons, but on the people's hearts." Huan Huo cupped his hands and said.

There is some truth to this.

Huan Huo was really willing to risk his life. With the food in the inner city, he could still hold on for ten days and a half.

The trebuchet is not omnipotent and will suffer losses.

In ten days and a half, Huan Wen's reinforcements may arrive.

However, even if Huan Huo wants to fight to the death, the Jin soldiers may not be willing. The outcome of this battle has actually been decided long before the war.

"The human heart is destiny. General Huan followed the will of heaven and made great contributions to China. He was granted the title of Marquis of Yicheng, promoted to General of Zhennan, and governor of Ruzhou." Li Yue rewarded it generously and showed it to Jiangdong.

I don’t know what Huan Wen would think after knowing that Huan Huo surrendered.

Suddenly, something moved in my heart, and I remembered Huan Wen's inexplicable letter a few days ago. I felt vaguely that Huan Wen seemed to have given up on Xiangyang and Jingzhou a long time ago, so he said hello in advance and treated the Huan family in Xiangyang City well.

Not putting eggs in one basket is a common practice among nobles in this era.

Even if Huan Wen raises an army to rebel, he is not sure of success.

At that time, Wang Dun was much more powerful than him, but he was still beaten to death by the Jiangdong nobles...

Li Yue felt extremely absurd in his heart. Those Jin troops who bravely defended the city had died in vain.

But in this era, the most valuable thing is human life.

"Thank you, Your Majesty. I dare not accept such a generous offer. A defeated general cannot show his courage. In this battle, I am convinced. I just want to be a rich man, so as not to make the world laugh."

As soon as Huan Huo said these words, Li Yue was basically sure that his guess was correct.

Between the throne of Jingxiang and Jiankang, Huan Wen chose the latter.

As early as twenty years ago, Huan Wen had already got into the corner of the bull and couldn't get out.

"In this case, General Zhennan, the governor of Ruzhou can be exempted. If he is promoted to Taichang, the Marquis of Yicheng cannot refuse. This is my intention." Li Yue obeyed his request and held him up high.

"Your Majesty, take your orders." Huan Huo arched his hands.

(End of this chapter)

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