Hengdao Sixteen Kingdoms

Chapter 712 3 Provinces

Chapter 712 Three Provinces

Returning to Luoyang, Li Yue ordered the soldiers to go out to Xiu Mu.

All training and hunting of the Luoyang Black Cloud Army have been stopped. Except for necessary defense, they are all reunited with their families. Only their families can eliminate their hostility and fatigue.

Wang Meng has returned from Hebei. With the help of Daozi, the Yi people cooperated very well and successfully completed the migration.

However, there are inevitably casualties along the way due to illness, fatigue, etc.

When they arrived in the south, they couldn't adapt to the water and soil, and some people fell down.

Since Shi Hu was able to move many Qiang and Hu from Guanxi to Hebei, Li Yue was able to move them from Hebei to the south.

"We must believe in their ability to adapt." Li Yue looked at the number of deaths from the disease on the table, his expression unchanged.

"Some of the tribesmen only know how to herd cattle and don't know how to farm and fight. How are you going to deal with them?" Liu Ying asked with his hands raised.

"All of them will be incorporated into the town army. After the spring of next year, the Jingxiang town army will attack Bashu, and the Huainan town army will attack Guangling."

It takes a thousand days to raise an army in one moment.

In the past few years, the Chinese army has been fighting for life and death, so it is time for the army to contribute.

Three years ago, Li Yue asked Huan Yi to purge the town army. Now it is time to bear fruit.

It doesn't matter if you can't win, it's just consumption.

War cannot be without casualties.

Now that Daliang's national power has surpassed Jiangdong's, it's time to crush it with national power.

What's more, the political situation in Jiangdong was unstable. Huan Wen and the Jiangdong gentry were confronting each other in Stone City. Behind Stone City was Jiankang.

This confrontation was different from the past. Huan Wen was very determined. Without Jing Xiang, Huan Wen became a lost dog. If he did not join Jiankang this time, he would have no chance in the future.

After this civil strife, Jiangdong only breathed his last breath.

Li Yue originally decided to go north first and then south, but his plan could never keep up with the changes.

"The country is recuperating and it is not appropriate to use force." Li Jian cupped his hands and said.

"There is no conflict, the country is resting, and the troops everywhere are fighting on their own, which will not affect the overall situation. The current civil strife in Jiangdong is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Once they stabilize and stabilize the Yangtze River defense line, it will take more than ten years."

On this trip north, Li Yue understood that the unification of the world cannot be delayed for too long.

The soldiers were getting older, and Li Yue's mental strength was not as strong as before.

Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain.

Now that Jingxiang has won, he has gained a decisive advantage over Jiangdong.

As long as he fights steadily and bites it off one bite at a time, Jiangdong will definitely not be able to hold it back.

"What if... Huan Wen and Xie An unite sincerely?" Li Jian asked.

Li Yue said with a smile: "Huan Wen's arrow is on the string now and he has no choice but to shoot. If he does not enter Jiankang, the morale of the army will immediately collapse and Jingxiang will be lost. This will be worse than the defeat of the Northern Expedition in the past. Huan Wen will give an explanation to those who follow him."

Those in power cannot do whatever they want.

It will also be restricted and affected by the situation.

The Sima family fled to Cao Wei, and powerful officials of the Jin Dynasty emerged in large numbers. Shi Hu killed Shi Leman's family, father, son, and brothers killed each other, and Jie Zhao suddenly collapsed.

There are many things that cannot be changed by personal will.

"My son, I understand. Huan Wen actually has no way out."

"Yes, the defeat of the Jin Dynasty has long been doomed. Our victory over Jingxiang only accelerated the process." Li Yue did not believe that the people in Jiangdong could unite sincerely.

Unless Huan Wen suddenly dies, but currently Huan Wen is young and vigorous and active.

The biggest role Xie An can play is to mediate, but he cannot eliminate this contradiction that has been buried since the founding of the Sima family.

Seeing the end of the year, Li Yue asked Li Jian to personally visit the soldiers of the Chinese army and reward them with some grain, beef and mutton, so as to bring the relationship between the prince and the soldiers closer. Li Yue did not have the suspicion that monarchs of this era often had.

The loyalty of Heiyun soldiers to him cannot be bought with one or two small favors.

Otherwise, all these years of work in the Honglu Department and the School Affairs Office would have been in vain.

Li Yue himself went to visit Wang Meng. Looking at his increasingly thin body, he forced him to take a rest for two months and have a good year.

"You should let it go when it's time to let it go. You can't take on everything. If you're not at the Chancellor's desk, won't everything be running normally? Daliang is no longer what it used to be."

"I've been used to working hard these years. When I'm free, my whole body feels achy." Wang Meng defended.

"Then you have to adapt a lot. After the new year, I plan to change the Shangshu Province into Zhongshu Province, Menxia Province, and Shangshu Province, and implement a three-province and six-ministry system, so that I can share your pressure in the future."

During the Sixteen Kingdoms, Southern and Northern Dynasties, powerful officials emerged in large numbers and dynasties changed frequently. Li Yue believed that an important reason was that the system was not perfect.

Those who gain power often take over the power, command the military at home and abroad, record ministerial affairs, and add nine tins. It has almost become a standard process. Just like Huan Wen, if you stand in that position, you have to go on.

In the Sui and Tang Dynasties, there were fewer and fewer powerful ministers and heroes. The reason was the operation of the three provinces and six ministries system, and the political power became more stable.

The various systems of the Sui and Tang Dynasties were also explored from generation to generation in the Sixteen Kingdoms, Southern and Northern Dynasties.

Being chosen by so many kings must be in line with the times.

Wang Meng's eyes flashed, "This system is indeed conducive to the stability of the country."

Li Yue looked at him. Most people with outstanding talents were extremely obsessed with power, but Li Yue believed in a sound system more than rule by people.

Under this system, people with outstanding talents can be more successful.

Suddenly, the atmosphere became tense.

Splitting the Shangshutai was seen by outsiders as a move to reduce the power in Wang Meng's hands, but as long as it was beneficial to the country, Li Yue would unswervingly implement it.

"It would be great if Jing Lue understands my intentions." Li Yue said with a smile.

Wang Meng's physical condition does not support such high-intensity work. The country is getting bigger and bigger. From Liaodong to Qiuci, everything is thrown at Wang Meng, and the pressure can even crush him.

Three provinces, six ministries and twenty-seven departments.

Zhongshu Sheng is in charge of secrets and issues government orders.

The provinces under the clan discuss state affairs together, are responsible for reviewing edicts, signing memorials, and have the power to refute.

The Shangshu Province is responsible for implementing national policies and specific affairs.

There are six departments, each of which has jurisdiction over four departments. The remaining School Affairs Office, Honglu Department, and Haihang Department are directly under the jurisdiction of the emperor himself.

Mutual checks and balances will prevent one company from becoming dominant, and it can be considered a fairly well-regulated system.

There will not be a situation where the military, government and financial power are all in control.

"How can I not know your Majesty's intentions? The reason why the later Han, Wei, Jin and Zhao were overthrown was due to the excessive concentration of power in the hands of one person. The superiors could depose the emperor and the subordinates could check and balance hundreds of officials. If they were occupied by people with ulterior motives, they would be Wang Mang, Dong Zhuo, and Sima Yi were both in trouble."

Three provinces and six ministries are a historical trend, and Li Yue just brought it forward to avoid the later fumbling and experimental stage.

Even if it is implemented, Wang Meng will still be Prime Minister of Daliang.

"Let's not talk about state affairs today, let's drink it." Li Yue brought several jars of wine, which was a rare luxury.

After capturing Qiuci, trade between the Central Plains and the Western Regions became smoother, and the price of Putao wine plummeted.

Ordinary wealthy households can afford to drink it. Perhaps due to the influence of Li Yue, Pu Tao wine is extremely popular in Luoyang.

"Haha, Your Majesty said that you can rest after getting drunk today."

(End of this chapter)

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