Hengdao Sixteen Kingdoms

Chapter 732 Power

Chapter 732 Power

A thunder struck across the sky above Xiakou City.

Under the roar, it seemed as if the entire Xiakou City was shaking.

Under the majesty of heaven, the soldiers looked at the sky in horror.

"General, the Liang thieves took advantage of our army's inability to return to defense and captured Lexiang!" More than a dozen blood-stained scouts raised their hands to Xie Xuan.

Lexiang was captured, and the Yiling, Gong'an, Baling, Chibi and other places upstream all lost their significance.

If you think about it further, half of Jiangdong will not last long.

The Yangtze River is both a barrier and a dead end for Jiangdong. Once the northern army crosses the Yangtze River, it will form a devastating force.

Xie Xuan was personally taught by Xie An and inherited his character. Even if there were turmoil in his heart, his face would always be calm and composed.

That calmness rubbed off on others, too.

"Since Lexiang is lost, and the upper reaches of the Yangtze River are gone, it is better to retreat to Wuchang!" Guerrilla general Wang Tanzhi said with his hands in hand.

Lexiang and Jiangling are like Xiangyang and Fancheng.

One side holds the Han River, and the other side holds the Yangtze River.

Xie Xuan walked back and forth for a few steps. Xiangyang could not be defended, and Wuchang certainly could not be defended. There was a thunder outside, followed by a shock in the hall. "Since ancient times, we cannot defend the city to death. Xiakou guards the three rivers. It is the strategic point of Jianghan. This place is as important as Above Wuchang, if Xiakou exists, Wuchang will survive; if Xiakou does not exist, Wuchang will not last long!"

Xiakou faces the Jianghan Plain, guards the Han River, and protects Wuchang, Chaisang and other places downstream.

Just like Lukou is to Hebei, Fangtou is to Yezhong, there is no room for loss.

"Liang Jun has more than 100,000 troops and siege weapons. I'm afraid our army..." In fact, Wang Tanzhi didn't even want to defend Wuchang.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is just a trapped beast still fighting.

"Oh? General, what do you mean?" Xie Xuan looked at him.

"Instead of defending one by one and being defeated by the enemy one by one, it is better to quickly retreat to the east of the Yangtze River, join up with His Majesty, and then fight the enemy decisively on the Yangtze River, just like the Battle of Chibi."

Liang Jun's army of hundreds of thousands cannot be stopped by their 20,000 troops.

Moreover, it was Emperor Liang himself who came, so the pressure was even greater.

Xie Xuan glanced at it and suddenly found that the eyes of other generals in the hall were full of expectations.

The family members of the Beifu army are all in Guangling downstream, and the thoughts of the soldiers are naturally also in Guangling.

It's okay to ask them to come over and suppress the bandits, but it's another matter to fight here.

"It's not that we are afraid of fighting, but that the situation is unfavorable. It's better to preserve our strength in order to make a comeback in the future." Wang Tanzhi said it is not unreasonable.

There are 20,000 troops stationed in Xiakou, most of them are navy troops and Beifu troops.

Liang Jun has broken through the Yangtze River. Xiakou is not a majestic city like Xiangyang, Jiangling, or Wuchang. The city is low and morale is low, and it will fall sooner or later.

"Even if we want to retreat to Wuchang, we have to wait until the heavy rain passes." With the military's morale so high, Xie Xuan could only retreat in order to gain as much time as possible.

Even if they want to retreat, Xiakou cannot just leave it to the enemy.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, "The general is wise."

There were several thunders outside the hall, a heavy rain came as promised, and everyone was preparing to leave.

Suddenly, rapid footsteps were heard outside the hall, "Report... general, enemy... enemy cavalry is coming from the west!"

"What?" Wang Tanzhi's whole body was shocked.

If the enemy comes from the west, it means that their retreat is blocked.

The heavy rain delayed their actions, but it did not delay Liang Jun's desire to win.

Soon, there was a burst of chaos in the city.

The enemy's arrival was so sudden that it almost broke everyone's psychological defenses.

In the heavy rain outside the city, a black row of Liang Jun cavalry lined up in the west of the city. Amidst the lightning and thunder, their figures disappeared and appeared, like ghosts and gods. Although the city has not yet been attacked, it has caused a great psychological impact on the defenders in the city.

However, this cavalry did not rush to attack the city, but disappeared into the rain like a ghost.

The scout team was immediately released from the city. As soon as they followed, several screams were heard. The war horses dragged the corpses of the scouts back in fear. Blood dripped into the rain, bringing out streaks of redness, which then faded and finally dissipated.

"Ghost..." Just as a soldier opened his mouth, a sharp arrow came out of the rainwater and shot in. The soldier took a few steps back and fell on the city wall.

There was chaos on the city wall.

"Behead those who act rashly!" Xie Xuan climbed up the tower. When the defenders saw him, they immediately felt relieved.

Xie Xuan raised his eyes and looked into the distance. There was nothing in the rain, but this only worsened the psychological shadow of the soldiers.

The Chu army was all sailors and infantry, and the only one thousand cavalry was definitely no match for the Liang cavalry.

Xie Xuan frowned slightly, but there was more that upset him.

In the blink of an eye, another warning signal came from the east, "General, enemy infantry has been spotted in the east!"

"What? Why is Liang Jun so fast?"

There are cavalry to the west to cut off the retreat, and there are enemy infantry to the east. Xiakou has fallen into a tight siege.

You must know that there are hundreds of thousands of people in Liang Jun opposite.

"How many?" Xie Xuan's voice was still calm.

"I don't know, our scouts were shot dead as soon as they left the city. General Xun estimated from the movement that there must have been tens of thousands of people."

"Ten thousand people?" Wang Tanyi looked horrified.

In the field battle, 10,000 Heiyun elites were enough to match 20,000 Chu troops, and there were thousands of enemy cavalry in the west of the city.

Xie Xuandao: "Why panic? This is a stratagem of suspicious soldiers. It rains continuously and the surrounding area of ​​Xiakou is low-lying. It is impossible for most of the enemy to be so fast!"


A series of high-spirited war horses brayed.

In the rain curtain, the figure of the cavalry suddenly appeared. A burly general carrying a big bow slowly drove the horse forward, with murderous intent in his eyes as if he wanted to swallow the small town alive. "People on the city, listen, Yiling, Lexiang, Wuchang." , Ruxu have all fallen, Jiangdong is dead, why not surrender early!"

A bolt of lightning flashed across the sky, and there was a roar, causing waves of echoes.

"Jiangdong is dead, why not surrender earlier!" Thousands of people roared in the rain.

Xie Xuan's face turned green and white, secretly thinking that this enemy general was so cunning and cleverly using the power of God to attack the heart.

Although the enemy general's intentions can be seen through, they cannot be cracked.

It’s true that Lexiang was lost, it’s true that enemy troops appeared in Xiakou, and it’s true that Liang’s hundreds of thousands of troops marched south...

So far, Liang Jun has not suffered a major defeat on the battlefield.

Yan Guo and Di Qin, the powerful opponents in the past, all fell to Liang Guo's soldiers. Why is Jiangdong an exception?

Even the Emperor of Chu Huan Wen was defeated twice at the hands of Liang Jun.

The consistent psychological advantages are infinitely amplified with the help of this divine power.

Even his general was shaken, let alone the ordinary soldiers.

On the city wall, the eyes of the soldiers were focused on Xie Xuan. In the wind and rain, a drop of cold sweat slipped from Xie Xuan's forehead.

Since the enemy cavalry appears, it means that they have been bitten and cannot escape at all.

After the tiger-backed general Liang roared several times, he retreated into the rain, and then there was the sound of horse hooves retreating.

But this did not alleviate the pressure on everyone at all.

There was silence on the city walls.

Xie Xuan frowned and looked at the river to the north. The waves were swaying and the other bank was hidden in the rain and fog. He touched the kit in his arms. It was sent by Xie An before the war started. Now it seems that it is time to open it. when……

(End of this chapter)

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