Hengdao Sixteen Kingdoms

Chapter 742 Death Will

Chapter 742 Death Will

As soon as the enemy of ten thousand people takes it out, the effect is immediate.

Reduce the weight of the cannon stone, and the range can easily exceed the heavy crossbow on the ship.

Liang Jun not only had stones, but also lighter kerosene tanks that were more destructive to warships.

The Chu army covered the hull with rawhide, but it could not cover the deck. The parabolic trajectory of the kerosene tanks made the warship nowhere to hide.

One after another, warships ignited, with black smoke billowing. The navy on board watered them desperately, but to no avail. In addition to grease, kerosene also contained mixtures such as carbon powder and saltpeter, which could burn on the water surface.

With a "bang" sound, a large ship burst into flames. The shrill screams of the sailors on board woke up other people, and they quickly evacuated the warship to avoid the destruction of the entire army.

Li Yue's heart moved. The role of water warfare with thousands of enemies is even greater than that of land warfare. If this thing can be shrunk and put on a ship, it will become a mobile fort, which will facilitate "friendly exchanges" with other countries at sea in the future.

As soon as the navy withdrew, the power of the fortifications built by the Chu army was reduced by half.

Seeing the power of ten thousand enemies, the morale of the Chu army in the camp was obviously low, and the army began to collapse.

The heavy troops slowly turned the ten thousand enemies towards the Chu army's camp.

Crossbowmen, catapults, and thunder chariots also moved forward.

Naturally, the Chu army would not sit idle in the camp, waiting to be bombarded.

A group of infantry suddenly came out from the left wing.

Full of momentum, the leading general, with a sword in his left hand and a spear in his right hand, charged towards the ten thousand enemies.

But they were intercepted by three infantry formations, and they started fighting in front of the formation.

The Chu army had about 2,000 infantry and cavalry, but the Liang army had more than 5,000 men, and could not surround them for a moment.

The main reason is that the leading Chu generals are extremely brave and can lead their elite cavalry to break through the encirclement every time.

"Who is the enemy general?" Li Yue couldn't think of any other famous generals in Jiangdong.

Xie Xuan on the side said: "Huan Shiqian, Huan Wen's nephew, is an enemy of thousands of people in Jiangdong."

"There are some people in the Huan family." Li Yue winked at Zhang Hao.

"Haha!" Zhang Hao looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, then charged forward with his spear in hand, not even taking his bodyguard with him.

The enemy generals are fierce, and Zhang Hao is even more vicious.

One man and one horse rushed into the enemy army.

However, the scene was a bit chaotic at this time. With nearly ten thousand people fighting on a narrow flat ground in front of the formation, it was easy to get confused.

Zhang Hao, wearing three wounds, fought out of it but found no one. He changed his horse and fought in again. After doing this for three times, he finally found Huan Shiqian. He still charged towards Huan Shiqian and the hundreds of guards around him, one man and one horse.

Li Yue's expression darkened, and he secretly scolded Zhang Hao for being too pretentious. He was already a high-ranking general, but he still acted like a reckless man.

If he has any shortcomings, his morale will be damaged.

But since he dares to pretend to be so cool, he has his confidence.

The two horses clashed, and both of them shouted loudly.

The spears collided together, creating a burst of sparks. Huan Shiqian's war horse neighed and fell to the ground, knocking its owner to the ground.

Zhang Hao raised his head and laughed, swung his spear, killed two people in a row, reined in his horse and came back, but Huan Shiqian was rescued by his guards.

"Are you safe, rat?" Zhang Hao was furious and incompetent. He opened and closed his spear widely and killed two more knights, but was unable to recover Huan Shiqian. He was also hit by several spears. Fortunately, Liang's armor was always strong and he was injured. Skin and flesh, no bones or muscles injured.

Li Yue had a new understanding of his bravery.

Except for Ran Min back then, Zhang Hao was basically the ceiling of this era.

Deng Qiang was also famous all over the world back then, but it was a pity that he died in the Battle of Shayuan and did not realize his fame.

Zhang Hao wanted to chase him again, but the horse under his crotch was overwhelmed and his knees gave out, knocking him to the ground. Immediately, more than a dozen horsemen trampled towards him. Fortunately, our own infantry were not far away, so they rushed forward with their spears, propped up their spears, and stabbed the two cavalrymen to death. The other cavalrymen turned around and left.

Huan Shiqian was repulsed, and the Chu army's final resistance failed.

Cannon stones, kerosene, and arrows rushed over like a tide, and the layers of antlers were either smashed or burned to coke.

The lethality is not great. In one round, at most more than a hundred people will be killed or injured, but it will not increase the psychological pressure on the enemy.

The Chu army could only hide behind the earthen barriers and did not dare to show their heads. Their formation was even more disrupted, they were not in command of each other, and it was chaos.

Boom, boom, boom...

After more than ten rounds of bombardment, the heavily armored infantry came on the scene, dust was flying, and heavy soldiers such as axes and maces were in front, as if they were cutting through mountains and stones.

Xie Xuan also rushed forward with his troops.

Compared with the black cloud warriors, these surrendered troops wearing leather armor or without armor at all were even crazier. They seemed to have a sworn hatred against Huan Wen, and they howled and killed them like hungry wild wolves. Staring at Chu Jun's head, his eyes glowed green.

The Beifu Army of Mao Anzhi, Tan Xuan and others seemed to be deliberately trying to compete with the Heiyun Army, charging harder and killing more ferociously...

The Chu army soon became unable to withstand it and retreated steadily, and the fortresses were captured one after another.

Li Yue looked at the tooth banner with the word "Chu" in the center of the camp. He pulled out his long sword and pointed it lightly. A thousand heavy knights in profound armor rushed out, and they rushed under the tooth banner like a wind and a lingering cloud.

Zhang Hao rode his horse in a circle, but failed to find Huan Wen. He turned around and struck the flagpole with his axe.

The tooth bag shook twice, and after several ax strikes, the tooth bag slowly fell, falling into a pool of smoke and blood.

The Chu army immediately collapsed and fled in all directions, or simply knelt down and surrendered.

A battle without any suspense.

The Chu army was far inferior to the Liang army in terms of morale, equipment and training.

"Have you caught Huan Wen?" At this moment, Li Yue suddenly wanted to see Huan Wen and persuade him to surrender. Liang Guo would definitely not treat him badly.

"Huan Wen led more than 10,000 Jingzhou troops to retreat to Wuhu City." Liu Laozhi reported back.


To retreat to Wuhu would be to seek death.

How can a small county town withstand the might of thousands of enemies?

The army took advantage of the situation and pressed in to surround Wuhu City.

Li Yue came forward with more than a thousand soldiers and stood outside the shooting range. "Da Sima is in a desperate situation. How about turning the war into jade and silk? Daliang will treat the Huan family well and continue to worship the Chu Kingdom."

Daliang did not recognize Huan Chu, so Li Yue still called him Da Sima.

As long as Huan Wen surrenders, he can follow Cao Pi's example in treating Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty.

This is the greatest sincerity shown by Li Yue.

It's not all pity. There are still more than 10,000 soldiers in Wuhu City. On the opposite side, there are still 20,000 to 30,000 Chu troops defending the city, and there is also a navy army on the river.

Li Yue has long been salivating over the Jiangdong Navy.

By incorporating them, the strength of Liang Guo's navy will increase significantly.

A moment later, a bearded man wearing golden armor and a jade crown appeared on the top of the city. Who else was so conspicuous besides Huan Wen? Jiangdong celebrities attach great importance to their manners, their heads can be cut off, and their hairstyles cannot be messed up. "Hahahaha, little Li Yue, how dare you look down on me like this? A man carrying a three-foot sword, practicing on the ninety-five steps, sitting north and facing south, is called Gudao I am a widower, this life is enough, how can I be a servile servant and live like a regular Taoist minister?"

These words were spoken loudly and with great momentum.

Li Yue had known such a result, so he turned around and prepared to leave without talking nonsense.

But I heard a chorus of shouts from behind, "If a man cannot be famous for a lifetime, he will be infamous for thousands of years!"

(End of this chapter)

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