Hengdao Sixteen Kingdoms

Chapter 750 Cotton Clothes

Chapter 750 Cotton Clothes

Under the reward, there must be a brave man.

Pressure is power. Within ten days, Tiangongyuan slightly improved the loom and woven cotton cloth.

The workmanship is a bit rough, and the reason lies in the quality of the cotton.

Li Yue touched this small piece of cotton cloth with mixed feelings in his heart. This small piece of cotton cloth was a great leap forward for Chinese civilization.

As the old saying goes, first solve the problems of yes and no, and then gradually improve.

China has always had no shortage of smart people.

"Improve the loom again so that it can be purchased and used by ordinary people." Li Yue pointed to the huge foot-operated textile lane.

"How can Tiangongyuan take action on such a trivial matter?" Liu Caozhi's eyes widened.

Only then did Li Yue realize that his eyes were one big and one small, and they were bulging. They were not deliberately wide, but paired with his ugly face, they looked really weird. No wonder Li Yue's first impression was not good.

But this guy has real skills and was promoted by the Ministry of Industry a few years ago.

Ten Thousand Enemies have also been improved by him, but he has a bad temper and stubborn personality, and is extremely unpopular in Tiangongyuan.

Li Yuexue stared at him with wide eyes, "This is not a trivial matter, but a major event for China for generations to come. It is best not to use manpower but water power. If it is completed, your name, Liu Caozhi, will be recorded in the annals of history!"

According to the latest population estimate from the Ministry of Household Affairs, after the unification of the north and the south, the population of Daliang should be around 27 million.

Assuming that no one has at least one piece of clothing, that’s 27 million pieces!

There are four seasons in a year, and you definitely can’t wear just one piece of clothing in autumn, winter, and spring in the north.

The economic benefits here are as great as the sky.

Coupled with quilts and cotton-padded clothes, Daliang's economy can take off immediately.

This is still only the needs of the Middle Earth. The Western Regions, Rivers, Plateaus, Grasslands, and even Byzantium and Sasanian Persia further west all need this thing.

The logic behind governing a country is economics, and there is an economic chain behind everything in the world.

Therefore, the rise of modern civilization all started with cotton spinning, and the textile industry promoted the industrial revolution.

However, industrial civilization requires a huge resource base and a population market of hundreds of millions, which is difficult to achieve in today's Daliang.

But it is definitely enough to make a leap in Daliang's national strength.

"By the way, you can make cotton into cotton batting, and then stuff it into clothes to make cotton-padded clothes and quilts to keep out the cold." Li Yue shook the cotton cloth, as if he saw a glorious age waving to him.

"Can this thing keep out the cold?" Liu Caozhi asked with his big left eye open.

Li Yue frowned, this guy shouldn't be called Liu Caozhi, he should be called Liu Caodan, "Do you have any objections to me? Are you trying to find fault with me? I tell you to do it, just do it, don't be verbose. .”

"No... I dare not..." Liu Caozhi bowed his hands and ran away.

Making cotton clothes is simpler than using a loom, and it only takes a day and a half to make.

It's just that the style is really ugly, and it looks like it was made in a hurry. Even though it's ugly, it has long sleeves on one side and short sleeves on the other.

Li Yue suspected that Liu Caozhi was deliberately applying eye drops to himself.

But having said that, although the style is ugly, it ensures warmth when worn on the body and is particularly thick. Taking into account the usage of quilts in this era, it can be taken off as a small quilt, which is especially suitable for soldiers marching and fighting.

The thing came out, and Li Yue breathed a long sigh of relief.

Food, clothing, housing, and transportation are no small matter for hundreds of millions of people. Clothing ranks first, which shows how important it is.

Li Yue thought of the people he saw when he was traveling. They were all in rags and rags. How could they look like they were in a "prosperous age"?

Now that the world has just been unified and the war in the south has not stopped, it is not feasible to force the people to plant.

There is not much food in the treasury either. Fortunately, the imperial court had a lot of farmland on hand, and large-scale planting could be done in areas such as Longyou, Hehuang, and Gaochang.

"Actually, your majesty can implement it. The fields are also divided into upper, middle and lower grades. The lower grade fields can be tried and planted. Money, silk, silk, cloth is money. The north has been bitter and cold for a long time. This thing will definitely be liked by the people." Lu Qing Gongshou Road.

Having enough food and clothing is the lowest human need.

Nowadays, the problem of eating has been alleviated, and the problem of clothing and warmth has become increasingly prominent.

Li Yueran said, "Then we will try to plant it in Xiazhou first, and then promote it nationwide."

Cotton needs plenty of sunlight to grow well.

The newly established Xiazhou was suitable. It was sparsely populated and had not cultivated a lot of farmland, so it was suitable for growing cotton.

Li Yue specially sent someone to Longyou to ask Zhou Qian's opinion.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Qian did not agree with promoting it now. He said that a batch of high-quality cotton seeds had been selected and the results would be seen this fall, and asked Li Yue to wait.

Zhou Qian is impeccable both as a person and in everything he does.

He said that if there is better cotton this autumn, there must be, absolutely, otherwise he would not open this door.

Li Yue readily accepted his suggestion and waited for the time being to let Tiangong Institute increase the development of new spinning machines and make the clothes more beautiful.

While waiting, summer came in a blink of an eye. Under Li Jian's offensive, the entire south, Jiangning, Guangjiao, and Jiangning were recovered. They also wiped out the barbarians in the south and moved more than 200,000 people to Huainan and Jingzhou.

Huainan and Jingzhou have also become a melting pot, where various tribes supervise each other and integrate with each other. No one tribe can dominate.

Li Jian also petitioned the imperial court to request rewards for meritorious soldiers.

Huan Yi, Deng Xia, Liu Laozhi, Zhuge Kan, Xie Xuan, Huan Shiqian, etc. were all listed, as well as a large number of middle and lower-level officers.

After these people receive the reward, they will naturally become the prince's old subordinates.

However, the Ministry of War did not dare to decide on such a big matter without authorization and handed it over to Wang Meng, who in turn handed it over to Li Yue.

"The prince has grown up, I can rest assured in the future." Li Yue breathed a sigh of relief.

With these team members here, let alone others who want to move the prince, even if Li Yue wants to change the prince, he still needs to consider it carefully.

"Your Highness has all the surrendered troops from Jiangdong. It is better to lay off the old and weak, select the best, reorganize them into the Southern Army, and transfer them back to Luozhong. The Black Cloud Army will be changed into the Northern Army. As for the rewards, the Crown Prince can nominate them, but His Majesty still needs to personally Meet the generals who have been awarded rewards!" Wang Meng cupped his hands and said.

This is modeled on the Northern and Southern military system of the Han Dynasty.

The composition of the surrendered army was complex, including the Beifu Army and Jingzhou Army, which were capable of conquering and fighting, as well as miscellaneous troops, volunteers, tribes, etc. from various states and counties.

Reorganization is imperative.

Li Yue also heard another layer of Wang Meng's meaning. He transferred the southern army back to the vicinity of Luoyang and became the emperor's personal army. It was easy to control, so as to avoid being exiled and only knowing the prince but not the emperor of Liang.

As time goes by, there will be more problems.

The prince can have old memories, but he cannot have an army of nearly 100,000 at his disposal, otherwise the imperial power will be threatened.

The emperor should be the only one who respects himself. This is the basis for the stability of Daliang.

"The strategic strategy of the scenery is the way to plan the country!" Li Yue was moved in his heart.

Although Wang Meng is Li Jian's father-in-law, he still stands on his side after all, thinking about himself and Daliang Sheji.

(End of this chapter)

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