Chapter 77
Where have you seen it?
Li Yue quickly recalled in his mind that the old servant did not look like this.

Suddenly, a flash of lightning flashed in Li Yue's mind, isn't this his mother's face?
No, my face is not so vicissitudes, nor does it have such a bearing.

Is it...

Li Yue suddenly thought of a possibility, and quickly took the portrait to ask the old man in the village.

"This is Li Dudu!" The old people burst into tears, crying uncontrollably.

Li Yue asked his personal guards to carry the scroll, and made the poses exactly like the portrait, "Look, am I somewhat similar to Li Dudu?"

I was both excited and looking forward to it.

It turned out that the original owner of this body was the son of Li Ju.

The fallen leaves return to their roots, without a parentage, subconsciously, I am a piece of fluff in this era, I don’t know where I will be blown by the wind, and I always feel an inexplicable sense of estrangement from this era.

And in the past half a year, Li Yue has completely integrated his memory and fully accepted his new identity psychologically.

The old people looked at the portrait with cloudy eyes, and looked at Li Yue for a while, and said uncertainly: "It's somewhat similar, that is, the face is thinner, the eyes are smaller, the nose is bigger, and the mouth is upturned. A little bit, a little bit more..."

"Old man, are there any ears in this portrait?"

The old man approached and asked, "Yes, why doesn't this portrait have ears?"

Li Yue was speechless for a while. It has been 20 years since Li Ju refused to guard Xingyang. As these people, they don't have much contact with them, so they don't necessarily remember them.

Originally, the portrait focused on the spirit rather than the shape. Besides, the appearance drawn by the brush must be quite distorted from the real person.

Li Yue blasted them away and let Cui Jin judge.

"Seventy percent similarity in spirit, sixty percent similarity in shape!"

At this moment, Liang Xiao came to report on military affairs. When he saw the portrait and then looked at Li Yue, he was taken aback suddenly, his eyes became confused, and he said without thinking, "Li Dudu!"

He didn't shout at the portrait, but at Li Yue.

Liang Xiao was over thirty, so he should have met Li Ju when he was a teenager.

With his yell, Li Yue has a bottom line in his mind, and it is nine out of ten.

Born with the surname Li, who can read and write, is served by an old servant, and wanders in the Xingyang area. His surname, age, appearance, and experience are almost the same.

"So the general is Li Dudu's son!" Liang Xiao was more excited than Li Yue.

Li Yue was looking forward to it at first, but after confirming it, that's all.

Originally, there was not much love between father and son. It has been 20 years, people have gone to tea, time has changed, and the tribes of those years have long since disappeared. I am afraid that there are not many people in Xuanyuan Mountain who remember Li Ju.

This layer of identity is actually not very useful, it just allows Li Yue to find a sense of belonging.

I am afraid that as soon as the identity of Li Ju's son is revealed, the Jie people will come with a knife...

The southern imperial court feared more than trusted the refugee Shuai.

Even Zu Ti is afraid of people like Zu Ti who marched from the north of the Yangtze River, let alone Li Ju?
Li Yue looked at his father, whom he had never met in the portrait, and his emotions were one after another, "It is not appropriate to say this, so as not to be taboo by others."

"Follow the order!" Liang Xiao cupped his hands, his eyes were much more eager than before.

Cui Jin also had eyes full of relief, "It turns out that the general is the queen of Zhongliang."

These words sound a bit harsh, Li Ju is loyal and good, but Li Yue never wants to be a loyal minister and filial son of the Sima family.

Liang Xiaoneng snorted, "Zhongliang? The death of Li Dudu was inseparable from the imperial court!"

Li Yue was taken aback, "Could it be that there is something inside?"

Liang Xiaodao: "At that time, the governor pretended to surrender to Liu Yao and united with the Huns to attack Shisheng in Luoyang. Guo Mo sent troops without authorization and was defeated by Shi Chong. Li Dudu's army was distracted, and his troops were unwilling to attack Luoyang, so they surrendered to Shi Le. Seeing that the situation was over, Li Dudu led his troops south to Jingxiang, but fell off a cliff in Luyang and died."

He deliberately emphasized the words "falling off a cliff and dying".

Li Yue said: "You mean, Dudu Li... Is it not an accident that my father fell off the cliff and died?"

Liang Xiao sneered and said, "How can Li Dudu, a veteran general who has fought many battles, fall off the cliff so easily? Besides, none of the guards around him fell off the cliff, but Li Dudu fell off the cliff alone. Isn't it strange... My father Liang Zhi was in the army middle."

"Then, who murdered my father?" Li Yue didn't expect there to be so many ways in it.

Before Li Ju surrendered, Zhao Liuyao was definitely a stain in the eyes of the Jiangdong court.

They don't care if you are a conspiracy.

"My father kept silent, and only mentioned one person until his deathbed."


"Zhongshu orders Yu Liang."

Yu Liang is too famous, and he has always been prejudiced against the refugees who went south from the north. Su Jun and Zuyue's rebellion were all forced out by him.

Although Su Jun was rebellious back then, he only wanted officials and money, and he had no objection. He put down the chaos in Wangdun, and he made great efforts. As soon as Yu Liang came to power, he would seize his military power no matter what happened. Su Jun even sent people several times. To intercede, but Yu Liang turned them all away...

Zu Yue resisted Shihu in Shouchun, but Yu Liang not only refused to support him, but also built a wall behind him to keep Zu Yue and the important town of Shouchun out.

In addition, Guo Mo, who surrendered, was also killed by him later...

It seemed that all the vagrant commanders had a grudge against him.

Cui Jin thought for a while and then said: "Yu Liang was well-known when he was young. The world compares him to Xia Houxuan and Chen Qun, who entrusted lonely and important ministers to Emperor Jin and Ming. Killing the clan, when Li Dudu defected to Tao Kan, the governor of Jingzhou, he was like a tiger with wings, so he was naturally not tolerated by Yu Liang..."

Jiang Dong's bad debt sounds really tiring.

There is also a famous allusion about Yu Liang's rejection of Tao Kan. Su Jun and Zuyue rebelled, and Jiankang was in danger. The army of the Three Wus wanted to rescue, but Yu Liang refused. Tao Kan wanted to send troops to rescue, but Yu Liang wrote: I am worried about the west Zhou (Tao Kan) is better than Li Yang (Su Jun), and there is no such thing as a step.

This is the allusion of not crossing the threshold.

"Tao Dudu guarded Jingxiang for more than ten years, and gathered tens of thousands of elite soldiers, thinking that he would use it for the Northern Expedition in the future. Unfortunately, it is not a holiday, and he did not wait for this day. Hou Yu Liang took over Jingxiang. With an army of [-], he insisted on stationing troops in Jiangbei In Zhucheng, Shi Hu personally led [-] cavalry to attack, but Yu Liang hid in Shicheng and did not dare to cross the river. Seven thousand households of Jiangbei people were taken captive to Hebei... The great situation of the Northern Expedition was in vain." Cui Jin looked sad and indignant.

Li Yue was also saddened when he heard it.

The so-called celebrities are experts in fighting inside and outsiders in fighting outside.

The more we talked, the more sad Li Yue felt for the Jiangdong court.

They are unable to recover the rivers and mountains, and they do not allow others to recover. If anyone has this intention, they will try every means to delay their legs and play tricks.

After everyone retreated, Li Yue was in a restless mood.

Destiny is really strange sometimes, and just like that, Li Yue had a relationship with Li Ju, but vaguely, Li Yue felt even more stressed.

There is no need to think about revenge for the time being. Yu Liang died seven or eight years ago. Yu's family was prosperous in Jiangdong.

To be an enemy to the Yu family is to be an enemy to the entire Jiangdong.


Li Yue looked at the bright moon outside the window and laughed self-deprecatingly.

(End of this chapter)

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