Hengdao Sixteen Kingdoms

Chapter 83 Victory

Chapter 83 Victory

This guy acted so aggressively at the beginning, Li Yue never expected that he would run away so simply.

The sword on the shoulder was actually not fatal. Li Yue himself also crippled an arm. If the battle continues, the victory or defeat is unpredictable.

Not only did Li Yue fail to react, but the soldiers on both sides who were fighting in blood were also taken aback.

There was a very brief calm on the battlefield.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Li Yue ignored the pain in his left arm, stepped forward a few steps, and slashed at the flagpole with his sword, causing the toothbrush to fall into the bloody mud.

He stepped on the character "Zhang" again.

"Wan Sheng, Wan Sheng!" Heiyunshan tribe shouted with all their strength.

Countless pairs of eyes on the battlefield looked at the fallen teeth.

Soldiers may not know their own generals, but they must know the toothbrush. On the battlefield, it is the symbol of the commander.

When this great flag fell, morale and people's hearts also shattered.

There is a saying in "Wu Zi·Expecting the Enemy": "But in an army, there must be men of tigers and beasts, who are light in fighting against a tripod, and light in footsteps of soldiers and horses. They must be capable!"

The merit of holding the flag is not inferior to beheading the general, especially the tooth badge that symbolizes the coach.

Li Yue raised his long sword full of gaps, "Kill!"

"Kill!" Wei Shan and Xu Cheng, who were resting in the rear, also led the crowd to rush down.

At this moment, even if Zhang Yu is Sun Wu's resurrection, it is impossible to restore the collapsed hearts.

Just as the embankment was instantly washed away by the flood, the enemy soldiers dropped their weapons one after another and fled back desperately.

The mountain road was originally narrow, so many people panicked and rushed away those who didn't want to retreat, pushed them down, trampled on each other, and then there were screams...

More people were squeezed down the hillside, bumped into all kinds of meat and vegetables, and fell to the ground, not knowing whether they were alive or dead.

Looking at the rising winter sun, Li Yue instantly gained strength and finally won.

Although this road is walking on thin ice, we still came through...

The army was defeated like a mountain.

Zhang Yu still has a lot of troops in the rear, but his people's hearts have collapsed, and he can't defend even if he wants to. Isn't this battle a kind of torment for the enemy soldiers?
Many enemy troops slid directly down the steep hillside and disappeared into the black ashes.

The mountain road is full of weapons, armor, and food.

Seriously delayed the pace of pursuit.

Some people simply stopped chasing, and directly scrambled for food and supplies, and even fought fiercely, with long knives pointed at their own robes...

Fortunately, Zhang Yu's army was also in chaos at this time, otherwise, as long as a few hundred elites charged up, the situation would be reversed.

"Don't leave Zhang Yu!" Li Yue cursed inwardly. If these poor people catch Zhang Yu, half of Yuzhou will be in their hands. They still care about these crap?

But the soldiers would never think so far. They have not yet broken away from the habits of bandits and refugees, and everything obeys their own primitive desires.

Assassinating himself was because he was tempted by prosperity and wealth, and now it is also a primitive instinct to scramble for supplies.

If you are hungry, you will not choose food, if you are in panic, you will not choose your way, and if you are poor for a long time, it is inevitable that you will not be able to control it.

Even when Shi Le attacked Li Ju back then, it was because of the scramble for supplies, Li Ju seized the opportunity and was defeated with one blow.

Li Yue had no choice but to lead someone to chase him himself.

"Surrender, don't kill!" Amidst the shouts, the enemy soldiers who could not escape simply knelt on the ground.

The mountains are vast, and there are broken soldiers fleeing everywhere.

During the pursuit, we also encountered a few small groups of enemy troops assembled to guard the pass, and it took a lot of time to clean them up.

It took two hours to rush to the foot of the mountain, and saw a cavalry lined up on the flat ground.

Although there are only five or six hundred people, they are well-equipped, waiting for work at ease, and full of murderous aura.

On the side of the cavalry, there was a small camp. There were two trenches in front of the camp. The young men and soldiers inside bent their bows and set up arrows, and erected their spears.

Of course Zhang Yu would not pile up all his troops on the mountain.

The existence of this cavalry made the broken soldiers find the backbone, and some generals began to restrain the soldiers and turned around to form formation.

The rout soldiers who did not obey the orders were cut down directly to the ground.

At this time, there were only about seven or eight hundred people around Li Yue, and there were not many spearmen. More than a hundred armored soldiers were still carrying heavy weapons such as bones and short hammers. , without any advantage, only to be slaughtered.

Looking at the retreating soldiers, Li Yue secretly thought it was a pity.

If Zhang Yu can be captured alive, he might be able to take control of Xuchang...

But after thinking about it, even if Xuchang is in charge, they will not be able to face Yecheng's counterattack. With the virtue of the Jiangdong court, they will not come to support even if they shout their throats.

It's not bad if you don't stab a knife in the back.

It seems that now is the best situation. Heiyun Mountain can be regarded as a bloody road. There are not many forces around who can fight against it. Zhang Yu's vitality is seriously injured, and it will be difficult to recover within a year or two.

After all, the foundation of Heiyun Mountain is too thin, and if you eat too much, you will be stuffed to death. The dividends of this battle are enough to digest for a long time.

The guards were all betrayed by the meeting, which was tantamount to a resounding alarm.

In the past six months, Heiyun Mountain has expanded too fast, and internal problems have gradually become prominent.

If internal problems are not resolved, Heiyun Mountain will not go far.

As the sun rose to the sky, Wei Shan and Xu Chengcai arrived late.

But the formation on the opposite side had already been completed, the rout soldiers fled into the camp, and a banner with the word "Zhang" was hastily erected.

"The subordinates are willing to be the vanguard!" Wei Shan was eager to try with a knife.

Li Yue looked at the cavalry on the flat ground in the distance. It was easy to attack, but difficult to retreat. He also looked at the soldiers behind him. After a night of fierce fighting, they were also very tired, and they were more interested in the baggage behind them than in the enemy in front of them.

"Stop it when you see it, and retreat." My advantage is the mountains behind me. Without mountains, Li Yue really has no confidence.

"Ah—" Wei Shan yelled at the enemy camp unwillingly.

The enemy on the opposite side also roared, "Today's revenge will be repaid ten times in the future."

Li Yue laughed loudly, who is afraid of this thing these days?
"Come if you have the guts!" Li Yuerang shouted to the guards beside him.

The spirits of the soldiers were excited again, and the sweeping battle began without Li Yue's order.

The corpses were stripped naked, and all the clothes, armor, and weapons that could be taken away were taken away, and the blood and minced meat on them were directly covered on the body.

There are still many discarded armor, grain and grass, and various utensils on the mountain road.

The whole mountain was intoxicated with laughter, even the inside of the main village was full of laughter.

However, Li Yue only felt tired. After taking care of his left arm, he found three wounded soldiers with broken arms. The bleeding had stopped. Li Yue cleaned them carefully, applied medicine powder, and put on a bandage.

When I looked up, I saw Hu Yanhei choked up, he was the youngest, so he couldn't stand it, "General, I will be a useless person in the future."

Losing a hand is equivalent to losing the ability to support themselves, which is more uncomfortable than killing them directly.

The other two are veterans Zhang Zhu'er and Yang Lue, who looked down on life and death, with a look of indifference.

"Who said you are useless?" Li Yue said seriously.

These days, loyalty is more important than anything else.

If they didn't make a move, they would be hacked to death. This is a life-saving grace.

What is it to lose a hand?
Hu Yanhei's face was full of joy, his eyes sparkled, "Can the general reward me with a daughter-in-law?"

"That's all you fucking good for?" Li Yue scolded with a smile, "I'll give you ten rewards!"

A rare smile appeared on the vicissitudes of the other two veterans' faces.

(End of this chapter)

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