Hengdao Sixteen Kingdoms

Chapter 89 Master Book

Chapter 89 Master Book
Households, soldiers, law, Duzhi, Honglu, doctors, and workers are enough to manage Heiyun Mountain.

The road is taken step by step.

As Heiyun Mountain develops in the future, it can be added or deleted according to the actual situation.

Zhu Bo is the chief official of each Cao, and there are one left and right officials under him.

Zhou Qianhu, Cao Zhuzhu, is also in charge of Duzhi.

Bo Wu Bing Cao Master Book, Wei Shan Fa Cao Master Book.

Xincan Honglu master book.

For the time being, there were no suitable candidates for the doctors and engineers, and Li Yue was in charge. Yueji had excellent medical skills, but she was too young and a girl, so it was difficult to establish her prestige. No one on the mountain was a good person.

Although the master of the Bing Cao is Bo Wu, with his temperament, he will not interfere at all, he just puts up a name, so in fact the Bing Cao is still in charge of Li Yue.

Although the chief officer of Honglu Cao is Xin Can, Li Yue has to decide what to say and how to publicize. Xin Can just maintains daily operations.

Heiyun Mountain is short of people, so Li Yue can only work harder on his own.

In addition, Cui Jin was the commander and guarded Xuanyuan Mountain.

The military has also made great adjustments. In the past, there were three battalions of death battalions, soldiers, and scouts.

Now, according to the old system of the Wei and Jin Dynasties, a general's mansion is set up, under the jurisdiction of the forward, the middle base, the Xiaoqi, the guerrilla, and the scouts, each with a thousand people. Responsible for promotional matters.

The striker is the former Death Battalion, the middle base is Li Yue's central army, mainly archers, the Xiaoqi is the cavalry, the guerrilla is mainly fighting in the mountains, and the scouts remain the same.

Although the cavalry has no horses, it still needs to be established. Even if donkeys and mules replace the horses, they can at least be regarded as mobile forces.

In the Central Plains, without cavalry, it is equivalent to losing a leg.

Cui Jin, Wei Shan, Xu Cheng, Liang Xiao, and Cao Kan all bear the title of captain and only lead troops during wartime.

All officers are strictly checked by Li Yue.

You don't need to be brave and good at fighting, but loyalty and character must be at the top of the list, and being able to strictly enforce military orders is the best choice.

The two armies fought, tens of thousands of people were fighting, and personal bravery had little effect, of course, except for the god of war who was against the sky, but even Xiang Yu, who was brave and unparalleled through the ages, would inevitably commit suicide in Wujiang.

Li Yue studied "Wei Liao Zi" and "Wu Zi" for so long, and concluded that there are not so many magic tricks on the battlefield, and more depends on the execution and will of the soldiers, as well as the national strength in the rear.

In the Battle of Wuqi Hexi, 50 Wei soldiers defeated [-] Qin troops...

Throughout Wu Qi's life, there were 76 battles, 64 total victories, [-] draws, no defeats, and few clever tricks. Most of them went straight and straight.

The same is true of Wei Qing in the Han Dynasty. He didn't play tricks, and led the powerful Han army to face the Huns head-on, and then Huo Qubing ran thousands of miles.

The same goes for Yue Fei, who was a thousand years later, and most of them would go straight to the mighty golden man.

Always counting on the less to win the more and the weak to win the strong is itself a kind of weak psychology.

And strength has never been determined by military strength.

Li Yue felt that the real famous generals judged the situation and acted at the critical moment, inspiring the soldiers to sacrifice their lives and move forward indomitably.

The level of Han Xin and Huo Qubing is another matter.

With a strong army, there will naturally be strong generals.

If there are too many battles, famous generals will come out, just like Jie Zhao. At first, Shi Le was just a farmer. After 30 years of farming, the Eight Kings’ Rebellion could no longer survive. Roll and fight, just rise.

In this way, Heiyun Mountain is equivalent to expanding the army to 5000 people.

Heiyun Mountain has a population of nearly [-], excluding the old, weak, women, children, and the sick and disabled, almost all young and old of the right age must join the army.

But this is also a characteristic of the times.

It is almost inevitable for all the people to be soldiers. Even the strong women on the mountain often bend their bows and set arrows, and hold their knives and spears.

No one feels bitter, no one feels tired.

After Qicao stood up, there was naturally a period of chaos on the mountain.

It is extremely difficult for a registered household to be naturalized. The registered household needs to register the number of people in a household, verify the land, labor, livestock, etc., and many of the key points have neither surname nor first name.

Those who do these tasks must at least be able to write and count, and also need material support such as paper, pen and ink, and a ruler.

Zhou Qian kept his feet on the ground and gathered all the literate people on the mountain.

Paper, pen and ink are not enough, so bamboo boards are used instead, and each family has a bamboo board, which is carved with a knife.

If you don’t have a name, pick one up on the spot.

Progress is very slow.

However, no matter how slow this matter was, it would have to be completed. If he didn't register for naturalization, Heiyun Mountain would always be a village of bandits.

It was not too late to make up for it, so Li Yue simply opened a martial arts hall, that is, a military academy. Anyone over the age of five and under [-] can enroll, and they are provided with two meals a day.

Xin Can was enlightened, teaching reading and writing, while Li Yue focused on thinking and martial arts.

When this group of people got up, there must be no problem with their loyalty, and all the problems in Heiyun Mountain would be solved.

However, many people are not interested in literacy. It takes time to read and practice, and it is not as cost-effective as hunting and fishing. Therefore, people over [-] rarely come, and young people over [-] basically have to bear the livelihood of the family, and they have no time. .

More than 800 people were brought in under Li Yueqiang's order.

More than 800 people crowded together, making Xin Can's scalp tingle, and she complained in front of Li Yue every day.

Li Yue could only get Yueji and the dozen or so teenagers in there as instructors.

Fortunately, people in this era are extremely hard-working. Even five-year-old children never cry and cry. They read books seriously and practice calligraphy on the sand.

During the Wei and Jin Dynasties, the total number of Chinese characters did not exceed 700 characters, and some uncommon and uncommon ones were removed, and there were only more than [-] characters.

I memorized them one by one by rote, and I could only memorize them in about a month.

Moreover, in the learning environment of Shangwutang, everyone tried their best, especially more than a dozen young people in their 20s, who were far-sighted and saw that this was a fast-growing channel. are practicing.

Nothing is unachievable.

Some people can almost read and write commonly used characters in six or seven days.

Send it to Zhou Qiang, hone it in practice, and master it faster.

Those few words are commonly used for household registration and naturalization, and they are not essays. If you use them too much, you will become proficient.

More and more manpower was assigned to Zhou Qian, which greatly improved the efficiency of household registration and naturalization.

After naturalization, people's hearts are fixed.

Others have also stepped into the right track one after another.

Theft, robbing, and bullying on the mountain have been greatly reduced. Although Wei Shan is careless, he is upright and upright. He handles all kinds of disputes, even the former beggar army never takes sides.

"Zhao Yang, Sun Heishi, Fan Maer, Yang Tiedao... raped 270 women, robbed 1000 jin of food, and killed 32 innocent people. The crime is extremely heinous. The evidence is solid. Do you plead guilty?"

Wei Shan was wearing a suit of armor, with a murderous look.

The new refugees absorbed will inevitably conflict with the natives of Heiyun Mountain. Human nature is inherently like this, and discrimination is everywhere. The natives of Jiangdong have not treated the northern refugees very well, calling them "the sons" and satirizing them as dirty and despicable. Low and full of great malice.

And some Jiangdong army generals massacred refugees and plundered women in the border areas.

Naturally, Heiyun Mountain was not exempt.

Represented by the former Ministry of the Qihuo Army, they began to bully men and women, doing all kinds of evil, and the influence was extremely bad.

Patrolling scouts often found new corpses covered in wounds and tortured to death in the mountains and forests.

"This subordinate... pleaded guilty, but Heiyun Mountain is ours, so why should they just sit back and enjoy it? This subordinate refuses to accept it!"

"The subordinates are not convinced!" More than 100 people shouted in unison.

Li Yue was also among the crowd listening.

This matter is a bit tricky, if Wei Shan can't hold it down, it will only intensify the division and confrontation in Heiyun Mountain.

The importance of Facao is highlighted at this moment.

Jiangdong is so weak because he didn't handle the relationship between the northerners and the locals well.

"Fart, who owns Heiyun Mountain in the first place? Is it yours?" Wei Shan cursed, "Damn it, did you come from Bingzhou in exile?"

He is quite prestigious on the mountain, so naturally no one dared to contradict him.

Wei Shanyu said earnestly: "There is no distinction between north and south, as long as I am a son of Huaxia, I am your brother, brother, and sister. If you even bully your own people, how are you different from animals? If you have the ability to bully Jienu!" "

Not to mention, his brutal way of doing things is particularly popular.

The people who were so angry just now lowered their heads.

"Good!" The crowd cheered.

Li Yue secretly thought that he had chosen the wrong person as the director of Facao.

"Do you plead guilty?" Wei Shan asked again.

"I know I was wrong." The sinners bowed their heads.

"I will send you a ride, and we will be brothers in the next life. Together, we will kill the slaves and regain the rivers and mountains!" Wei Shan went up with a knife in his hand...

Heads rolled down, blood spattered.

The onlookers did not applaud, but opened their eyes wide, and there was something else in their eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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