Chapter 99

Ever since the last night banquet at the Tongque Terrace, the little flame in Shi Xuan's heart has been pulsing and burning.

Although Shi Hu was holding on, Shi Xuan knew that his condition was getting worse day by day, and it was said that even women were no longer interested in him.

In recent days, Shi Tao, Li Nong, and Wang Mo have gotten closer and closer, making it even more difficult for Shi Xuan to sleep and eat.

"Hao Zhimi met Zhang Liang for an hour last night." His confidant Yang Bei cupped his hands.

Hao Zhi was Shi Tao's close eunuch, and Zhang Liang was Li Nong's subordinate. An eunuch and a general were together, and it was self-evident to discuss anything.

Li Nong reluctantly suppressed the matter of Heiyun Mountain, and Shi Tao's indirect effort allowed Shi Hu to expose the matter.

So there must be some kind of agreement between the two.

"There is a small Daijun, Zhao Yu, with more than [-] households. Qin Gong led [-] cavalry to fight against him. His intention was not to merge the state, but to control the military power and establish prestige. For half a year, the people in Qin Gong's mansion have contacted everywhere. Ma Qiu, Wang Lang, Zhang Ju and others all have contacts, Your Highness must guard against it!" Zhao Sheng, another disciple with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, cupped his hands.

Shi Tao has always been pampered by Shi Hu, and he is unscrupulous on any occasion.

If these people in Jie Zhao Chaotang are drawn by him, Shi Xuan will have nothing to do in the future.

Moreover, the intention of sending an army of [-] to attack each small Wubao couldn't be more obvious.

Master military power, establish prestige, and prepare for the future.

"Your Highness must never sit still and wait for death!" Yang Kui knelt down on his knees.

"If you don't stop, you will be subject to chaos. Do you remember the first two princes, Your Highness?" Zhao Sheng was born as a scholar, and he has a good eloquence, and every word came to Shi Xuan's heart.

Since Jie Zhao established the country, no prince has been safe and sound.

Shi Le's prince, Shi Hong, was wiped out by Shi Hu.

The former prince Shi Sui and his family of more than 20 people were chopped into meat and stuffed into a coffin.

One is Shihu's cousin, and the other is his own son.

Now it's his turn as the prince.

Shi Xuan's eyes became more and more determined, "If you can get rid of Lao Wu, Gu will be able to enter the West Palace and give you all his fiefs! Lao Wu is dead, and Lao Hu will definitely go to the funeral, so he can take the opportunity to make a big event!"

Thinking of all these years, Shi Xuan was furious, and directly called Shi Hu "Old Hu".

Zhao Sheng frowned, "There are many nights and dreams. Your Highness is the Crown Prince. If something happens to the Heavenly King, the Crown Prince ascends the throne. It is only natural that Duke Qin will be killed with his arms tied."

"This thief has a lot of henchmen, and he has [-] horses in his hand. It is difficult for him to submit to an imperial edict. If he hooks up with the third and seventh, things will inevitably repeat."

The sons of Shihu are quite brave and good at leading the army. Shi Tao also defeated Shuofang Xianbei back then, so how could Shi Xuan feel at ease when he was put outside?

The other brothers are not ordinary people either. Shi Jian and Shi Zhi are from Xiangguo, Shibao are from Chang'an, Shibin are from Taiyuan, Shi Zun are from Pengcheng, and most of the others are also leading the army.

Several confidantes glanced at each other, and could only cup their hands and say: "Your Highness is wise!"

Sikong Mansion.

Li Nong's eyebrows were condensed with a touch of sadness.

Although the matter of Heiyun Mountain has been fooled, this matter is not over yet.

Being missed by Shi Xuan and Shi Tao, sooner or later there will be even greater disasters.

Chang Wei cupped his hands and said: "Sikong must not be caught in the dispute between Shi Tao and Shi Xuan."

"Why?" Li Nong was in a bad mood, Shi Hu's health was getting weaker and weaker, Jie Zhao chaos was in front of him, and he, Sikong, didn't know how long he could sit still.

Shi Hu treated him well, but Shi Hu's sons may not be like this.

Chang Wei said: "The Shi family's sons are leading the army outside, because of the chaotic situation of the Sima family kings back then. Shi Xuan and Shi Tao have neither strategic strategy nor prestige. They are cruel and heartless. If they are not under Lord Zhao, how can they last long?"

"The Kushi family has been tyrannical for a long time in the world, and all the sons killed each other, and the sky will destroy it. Sikong held hundreds of thousands of begging tribes in his hands. He raised his arms and shouted. Those who responded from the north and south of the river gathered. They can sweep away the dust and restore our Han. Home rivers and mountains!" Bo Wu's face flushed with excitement.

After entering Guangzong, Li Nong treated him well, like an old friend reunited, one day passed away, and he was always with him, a small banquet every three days, and a big banquet every five days, not only to comfort Bo Wu, but also for other beggars to see.

Bo Wu doesn't involve any forces in Yecheng, he has an upright temperament, and he can use it with peace of mind, so he doesn't shy away from keeping secrets.

The hall was instantly quiet.

Only the heavy breathing of a few people was heard.

However, Li Nong waved his hand, "Stop talking nonsense, the king of heaven treats me well, how can I recite it?"

"Sikong!" Bo Wu got up angrily.

Li Nong gave him a cold look, and without saying a word, Bo Wu's blood suddenly cooled down, and all his impassioned words were choked back in his throat.

Chang Wei sighed in his heart, if he was furious, it means that Bo Wu's words hit his heart, but now it is not warm, it means that Li Nong has never considered this matter, "If it is not bad, Shi Tao's Beijing time The purpose of enlisting is to establish prestige in the army and prepare for the battle for power."

Li Nongdao: "Do you know that the king of heaven did this on purpose? Once Duke Qin returns, it will be the day to depose the prince."

Chang Wei smiled wryly and said: "Master Zhao's move is really a way to bring disaster."

"Misfortunes and fortunes are the affairs of the king of heaven. I wait for the ministers to do their duty faithfully. If the king of heaven wants to establish Duke Qin, I will assist Duke Qin. Needless to say!" It reveals an old state from the inside out.

After following behind Shi Hu, enjoying decades of glory and wealth, his mentality has long since changed.

At this moment, a servant reported outside the door: "Sikong, please see me after Xiucheng."

Xiu Chenghou was none other than Ran Min.

At this time, Li Nong was not the only one paying attention to the situation, and many people were involved in the dispute between Shi Xuan and Shi Tao.

Shi Hu's health was getting worse and worse, and many people's minds were alive.

Ran Zhan, Ran Min's father, was also a beggar general, and he often took care of each other, and had a good relationship with Li Nong, but it was a pity that he died early in battle.

After a while, a man came with his head held high, eight feet tall, with a face like a bright moon, and a nose like a gall, and as soon as he entered the door, he brought a gust of wind.

Li Nong's twilight is in stark contrast to his heroic spirit.

Both Bo Wu and Chang Wei's eyes lit up.

Ran Min is considered a descendant of the begging army, and is Shi Hu's adopted grandson, so he naturally has many advantages.

"Where did the thorn slave come from?" Li Nong and Ran Zhan are of the same generation, and now they are Sikong, so it is not out of the ordinary to call him by his nickname in private.

Adopted grandchildren are not real grandchildren.

No matter how good Shi Hu treats him, the real treatment is still much worse. So far, he is just a guerrilla general. Xiu Chenghou is very different from Li Nong.

There are so many marquises of Jiezhao, and miscellaneous generals walk all over the place.

"I'm back from hunting today. I passed by Sikong Mansion, and I'm here to pay a visit to Sikong." Ran Min glanced at Bo Wu and Chang Wei.

Li Nong cupped his hands, "Xiu Chenghou has a heart."

Ran Min intentionally or unintentionally said: "Heavenly King's health has improved a little recently, yesterday he was still complaining about why Sikong didn't see him for a long time."

Li Nong and Chang Wei were shocked.

No matter how Shi Xuan and Shi Tao fight, as long as Shi Hu is still alive, there will be no chaos in Ye City.

Although Shi Hu's health was deteriorating, he hadn't reached the point of exhaustion.

"Thank you Xiu Chenghou for your reminder, Nong will have an audience with the Heavenly King tomorrow." Li Nong cupped his hands again.

"Thank me for what? You and I are in the same door, and I hope Sikong will take care of you in the future."

"Cultivation Hou's words are serious."

(End of this chapter)

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