Chapter 469


For the dwarves today, the most important thing is to completely eliminate the pollution of the evil god and solve the hidden danger that threatens the survival of the entire dwarf race.

As for the rest, it doesn't matter.

Chongyan reacted instantly and grasped the real key point. He said seriously: "I understand. I will immediately gather all the forging masters of the dwarf tribe to work together to forge the Sealed Box."

The Dwarf King nodded with a hint of appreciation and said, "That's right. Now that I have obtained the Eternal Flame, our first priority is to forge the Sealed Box as soon as possible."

Having said that, the Dwarf King frowned slightly and paused involuntarily.

I remembered the eternal fire I had asked for from Asgard.

The dwarf king sighed in his heart, and then continued: "But if the person at the top of Amberna Peak is really Hela, we can't just leave her alone."

"Doesn't she want to comprehend the aura of death stained on the Eye of the Evil God? Then let her comprehend it."

"It just so happens that we can also take this opportunity to test whether this goddess of death is real or fake."

"If it's true, it's fine. But if it's false..."

Seeing the ambiguous look in the dwarf king's eyes, Chongyan took over the topic and said coldly, "If the goddess of death is fake, then I will make her understand that dwarves... cannot be bullied."

"very good."

After the Dwarf King nodded, he asked Chongyan to go and gather the dwarf forging masters.

After Chongyan left, the Dwarf King turned slightly and looked at the starry sky where Asgard was.

"I hope that the goddess of death is just an imposter, otherwise..."

In order to seal the evil god's eye again.

The dwarves had been preparing for this for a long time.

Long before the Dwarf King left Watalheim and went to Asgard to seek the Eternal Fire.

The Dwarf Kingdom has designed several special response plans, and even designed several styles of sealing boxes.

Although the plan was disrupted by the "resurrected" Storm and the successive dream disasters, after the dream disasters were resolved, the dwarf masters who woke up from their dreams quickly took their positions.

In addition to these dwarf masters who specialize in forging, there are also people who are responsible for preventing the fallen ones who have been contaminated by the evil gods from taking the opportunity to cause trouble.

Under the leadership of Chongyan and other dwarf elders, heavily armored and fully armed dwarf warriors also took to the streets.

Guarding every road in the dwarf capital.

Except for those elite soldiers.

The military machines standing everywhere in the Dwarf Capital also started working at full capacity.

Powerful artillery batteries were constantly turning, as if looking for any possible threats.

science and technology;


Even the ordinary dwarves were mobilized at this moment just to eliminate the possible danger.

And in such a serious atmosphere.

Hela and Bai Yan stepped into the fully armed dwarf capital together.

Looking at the dwarf warriors on the streets around him who were faintly wary of him, and the turrets on the high tower that were constantly adjusting their angles...
A scornful smile appeared on Hela’s lips.

“Is this a warning in disguise?”

"Haha, interesting. It seems that after being a king for thousands of years, Aitri has become much braver than before."

Although she showed disdain on her face, Hela slowly put away the contempt in her heart.

Although the dwarves do not have a god-like strongman in charge, they started out as forgers and have no shortage of powerful weapons.

For example, the Sword of Dawn that I saw not long ago.

Hela, who had just been seriously injured by the energy explosion of the Rainbow Bridge, did not want to face the dwarves' weapons of war while her injuries had not yet healed.

After entering the city, Bai Yan received some information and came to Hela and said respectfully: "Your Majesty Hela, please follow me. The king is waiting for you in the palace now."

"The Dwarf King?"

Hearing this, Hela shook her head and said, "No need. Just take me to the Eye of the Evil God! I believe that your Dwarf King doesn't want to see me now."


Bai Yan looked embarrassed when he heard this.

But before she could open her mouth, Hela glanced at her, and Bai Yan swallowed the words that were about to come out of her mouth silently under the suppression of Hela's powerful aura.

After swallowing a mouthful of saliva, Bai Yan gritted his teeth and said, "I understand. I will convey your meaning to the king."

As he spoke, Bai Yan walked to the corner next to him and picked up his magic communication device.

A few minutes later.

After communicating with the Dwarf King through magic communication, Bai Yan obediently led the way.

Took Hela to the forbidden area of ​​the dwarves.

The huge forging platform where the Sunforge is located.

More than an hour later.

After passing many levels, Hela finally entered the heavily guarded forging platform under the leadership of Bai Yan.

The Solar Furnace is more than just a simple furnace.

To be more precise, it is actually a large platform that can absorb, transform and utilize the high temperature emitted by stars to melt and forge magical weapons.

The core in the center of this platform is what is often called the Fiery Sun Furnace.

And at this time.

The Eye of the Dead Evil God.

It was placed in a makeshift sealed box and forged in the Fiery Sun Furnace.

Use the Fiery Sun Furnace, which possesses the most yang attribute, to suppress the weirdness and ominousness emanating from the Eye of the Evil God.

As soon as she stepped onto this huge platform called the Fiery Sun Square, Hela felt a scorching breath coming towards her.

Even her body, which had been tempered through thousands of trials, felt a little bit of heat from the oncoming heat wave.

Although the heat wave was overwhelming, Hila's attention was not at all on the high temperature that was enough to bake an ordinary person to death.

Instead, he stared at the huge sun furnace in the center of the platform with a hint of fascination.

"I felt the intoxicating breath of death."

Almost the moment she stepped into the Fiery Sun Square, Hela felt a throbbing sensation deep within her body.

It was a throbbing sensation that came from the instinct of death.

Because at this moment, she felt a breath of death that was far more advanced and purer than her own. ······
"call out!"

The next second, Hela flashed and disappeared in front of Bai Yan.

When Bai Yan caught sight of Hela again, she had already appeared outside the Fiery Sun Furnace.

And in her hand, she had already grasped a holy sword condensed by the power of death.


Just when Hela was about to swing the Holy Sword of Death in her hand to forcibly break open the Eternal Furnace so that she could feel the breath of death at a closer distance.

A large hand covered in a silver-white metal glove suddenly appeared and grasped Hela's Holy Sword of Death.

Almost at the same time, a familiar voice came into Hela's ears.

"Long time no see, Hela."

Looking at the silver-white hand that was holding her Holy Sword of Death with a creaking sound, Hela's pupils shrank slightly, and then she raised her head to look at the figure that was several times taller than herself.


Looking at the Dwarf King Aitri, who was blessed with a set of divine weapons and had surging energy, and whose strength was almost as good as hers, Hela's eyes seemed to be somewhat complicated.

Also a little... fearful.

After calming down, Hila said with a complicated expression:

"It's been a long time since we last met, but I never thought that you, who dislike fighting, would have such strength thousands of years later. If you can take a step further, you might even be able to reach the threshold of a Heavenly Father-level powerhouse."

"A God-father-level warrior? For a guy like me who uses the power of the ancestral weapon to show off his might, the God-father level will always be an unattainable chasm. If the God-father level is really that easy to reach, our dwarf race wouldn't have gone tens of thousands of years without the birth of a second true God-father-level warrior."

After shaking his head, the Dwarf King looked at Hela with an equally complicated expression.

Just the Holy Sword of Death, which she still needed to use all her strength to fight against even with the blessing of the dwarven ancestral artifact (a set of artifacts), was enough to prove Hela's identity.

However, if Hela is not dead.

So who was the fallen God-King of Asgard?

But if it was Odin who fell, then who was the father of the gods that he met in Asgard?
This was like a mystery, and the confusing truth made the Dwarf King unusually confused.

Put aside the speculations in your mind for the time being.

Through the tentative fight just now, the Dwarf King also discovered that the strength Hela had just displayed seemed to be a little weaker than he had imagined.


She is so weak that she can only rely on the power of the divine weapon to barely compete with the God-level strongmen. She can even temporarily suppress Hela in a head-on confrontation.

Is this the injury caused by the battle more than a month ago?

Such a thought flashed through the Dwarf King's mind, but he calmly let go of the hand holding the Holy Sword of Death.

Although Hela seemed to be seriously injured, the Dwarf King had no intention or even thought of attacking Hela.

After all... there is no substantial conflict between the Dwarf Kingdom and Hela.

There is no hatred that cannot be resolved.

Under the circumstances, the Dwarf King would be crazy to provoke such a powerful and terrifying enemy.

After releasing the Holy Sword of Death.

The Dwarf King turned his head and looked at the Fiery Sun Furnace that was emitting infinite light and heat. He raised his eyebrows and said, "Are you so eager to feel the purest breath of death? It seems that the breath of death is quite tempting to you!"

After pulling back her own Holy Sword of Death, Hela said calmly: “Why, are you going to stop me?”

Although her body was covered with cracks and she looked like a piece of porcelain on the verge of breaking, Hela still appeared to be extremely strong.

There is a tendency for people to fight each other over the slightest disagreement.


"No, I just don't want to see the treasure of our dwarf clan get damaged."

After explaining, the Dwarf King turned to look at Hela and said, "And, to be honest, I don't think it's a good idea for you to touch that thing in there with your current physical condition."

"The pure aura of death that may have come from the five legendary creator gods, 'Death', is tempting, but the dead evil god's eye is even more dangerous."

"Otherwise, what erupted in Nidavellir before was a tide of death, not the evil god's pollution and the dream disaster."

As he spoke, the Dwarf King shook his arm that had been contaminated by the power of the evil god, and continued:
"In fact, if I hadn't happened to meet Master Ailin, my arm would have been lost to the pollution like the tarsal poison."

"Given your current physical condition, if you were to come into contact with that level of pollution, there's a high chance that something unpredictable would erupt."

Hearing this, Hila frowned slightly and said, “It’s not like I haven’t seen evil gods from outside the domain before. Is the remains of a dead evil god really that dangerous?”

"Whether it is that dangerous or not, you will know after you see it."

After saying this, the Dwarf King did not make any further explanations. He directly pressed his right hand, which was covered with a silver-white metal glove, onto the Eternal Furnace and shouted, "Open."


at the moment of contact.

The Sunforge and the set of divine weapons on the Dwarf King glowed red almost at the same time.

"Click click click..."

After two red lights with different scores but the same origin merged and resonated.

In the center of the Fiery Sun Furnace, with a crackling sound, a square passage one meter square appeared, leading directly to the interior of the Fiery Sun Furnace.


The moment the square passage appeared, the terrifyingly high temperature inside the Fiery Sun Furnace suddenly poured out.

In an instant, the temperature of the entire Lieyang Square increased by dozens of degrees.

Under the scorching heat wave, the entire void of the Lieyang Square was distorted by the terrifying high temperature.


Under the instigation of the Dwarf King.

A red-hot diamond-shaped cube was spit out directly from the inside of the blazing sun furnace.

This diamond-shaped cube is the sealed box temporarily created by the Dwarf King and the Dwarf elders.

Unfortunately, due to the material, this sealed box cannot completely isolate the evil god from contamination.

Otherwise, the Dwarf King would not have to go to Asgard to seek the Eternal Fire and try to use the special materials of the previous Sealed Box to rebuild a Sealed Box.

The Dwarf King let the red-hot diamond cube fall on the square, and after a quick glance at the sealed box, he quickly used a secret method to draw out the eternal fire he had obtained from Asgard and the eternal fire in the finger bones of Alin Zhurong, and then threw them into the blazing fire of the Sun Furnace.

"seal up!"

After doing all this, the Dwarf King roared and slammed the Sunforge.
The next moment.

On the Fiery Sun Furnace, the square passage that had just opened closed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

(End of this chapter)

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