And said you're not a fairy

Chapter 181 The Name of the Sword Immortal

Chapter 181 The Name of the Sword Immortal
In the next few days, the people were overwhelmed with what happened in Jianghuai City.

In addition to the previous news of the death of the King of Nanxiang and the City God, the government also issued an announcement saying that more than ten Bailian Dao demons who were wanted by the court took the initiative to surrender at the government office.

If this matter had been left in the past, it would have become a topic of conversation for the people of Jianghuai City.

However, with the death of King Nanxiang and Cheng Huang, there were actually very few people who noticed this matter.


late at night.

Wu Sanxing was sleeping soundly in his main room.

Just in the evening, I was invited by a very close neighbor next door to have a drink. His wife warmed a pot of rice wine for the two of them and cooked two dishes to go with the wine. Wu Sanxing's wife had died of illness for three years, so maybe at first He was still a little sad, but after three years, he had adapted.

While the two were drinking this time, the neighbor revealed that he had a sister from the clan in the countryside outside the city who was in a similar situation to him.

The husband went on a long journey to Kyoto to seek a living, but he was accidentally killed by thieves on the road. After the court arrived with the body, the woman used her family's savings to bury her husband's body. Later, she also observed mourning. Three years later, she found another husband. The man wanted to start a family. The neighbor thought that the two of them had the same family background, so he intentionally introduced him to him.

Although the girl from the tribe was born in the countryside, she was extremely beautiful and very hard-working. She was a good wife who lived a good life.

It happened that after the death of Wu Sanxing's wife, the three-year rule had ended, and he had the idea of ​​​​marrying again.

This neighbor's statement coincides with Wu Sanxing's.

When Wu Sanxing was happy, he drank a few more drinks and agreed to go to the countryside outside the city with his neighbor in two days to meet his clan sister.

After drinking until his head was dizzy and his feet were weak, Wu Sanxing supported the wall and went home in the dark.

After returning home and closing the door to the courtyard, Wu San woke up and fell on the bed. He didn't even have time to take off his shoes and fell asleep quickly, with loud snoring in the room.

Although Wu Sanxing was not a wealthy family in Jianghuai City, his family's ancestors had not accumulated much wealth.

However, Wu Sanxing relied on his hard work and quick mind to rent several warehouses in the south of the city where there were the most shops. He made a lot of money by renting out warehouses.

In addition, he inherited a house from his parents in Jianghuai City and did not need to spend money to rent a house. Therefore, he lived a pretty good life in the surrounding alleys. kind.

I saw the watery moonlight outside the house, passing through the gaps in the doors and windows of the house, leaning on the ground inside the house, bringing some light to the dark room.

"Wake up!"

"Wake up!"

At this moment, a familiar female voice sounded in the room.

"Madam, stop shouting and go to bed quickly."

Wu Sanxing, who was sleeping, instinctively replied, and was about to turn over and continue sleeping. The next moment, he was lying on the bed in a "big" shape like a dead pig. He turned into Wu Sanxing lying on the bed, and suddenly opened his eyes. The whole body was bitingly cold.

Because after he answered, he suddenly woke up and found out that his wife had already fallen ill and died three years ago.

So that voice just now was...

Wu San was sober that he suddenly sat up from the bed and looked towards the corner of the room where the sound had just appeared. He saw in the northwest corner of the room a woman in her early thirties, with a middle-to-upper-class appearance, and still a charm. people.

The woman was wearing an emerald green dress that she often wore during her lifetime, a hairpin on her head, and a pair of red cloth floral shoes on her feet. She was standing there timidly, looking at herself seven feet away.

It was his wife who had been dead for almost three years.

Wu Sanxing was keenly aware that his wife who reappeared had no reflection in the moonlight outside the window, and her feet were not standing on the ground, but floating directly in the air three inches above the ground.


Wu Sanxing shouted, his eyes full of fear, and he jumped directly to the bed, covered himself with the quilt on the bed, and wrapped himself into a ball. He didn't even dare to show his head, and hid under the quilt and shivered.

Based on some of the situations before him, he analyzed that he was not dreaming, but that the ghost of his deceased wife came back to look for him.

However, when Wu Sanxing saw that his wife, who had been dead for three years, reappeared and came back to look for him, there was no joy or surprise in his heart, only fear.

People in the world have always stayed away from ghosts and gods. Even if the people closest to them, whether parents, wives or husbands, reappear after death, most people will first feel fear instead of happiness and surprise.

What's more, in Wu Sanxing's heart, he was ready to treat his wife as the past and renew their relationship, but he didn't expect the ghost of his deceased wife to appear.

He felt a little guilty at this time, fearing that his late wife would know that he had the idea of ​​continuing their relationship, so she would come back to warn him and take revenge on him.

"Sanxing, don't be afraid. I came back because of some unavoidable reasons, so I came back and took the opportunity to see you."

"As for your desire to remarry, it's understandable. I've been dead for three years, and you've been my concubine for three years. It's rare for a husband to do this for his wife. I'm very grateful in my heart and mind."

"I have to leave, I can't let you live alone!"

Seeing that her husband was so afraid of her, the female ghost looked a little sad in her eyes and explained quickly.

"If you don't mind my renewal, then why did you come back?"

Wu Sanxing was both curious and afraid of his wife who used to sleep with him. When he heard his wife's ghost words, he poked his head out of the quilt and asked.

"For some reason, the City God offended a young swordsman with terrifying power. The swordsman chased the City God to the underworld and chopped up the underworld with one sword. Even the City God was killed by the swordsman. "

"The ghosts imprisoned in the underworld all escaped while the ghosts and gods had no time to take care of them, and I also took advantage of the chaos to escape back."

The female ghost explained the reason for her return.

"I see. No wonder there was a fire in the City God's Temple two days ago, and the statue of the City God was broken into pieces. Everyone in the city said that the City God was dead. It seems like this is true."

Wu Sanxing remembered what had happened in Jianghuai City in the past two days and was widely circulated, and then he realized the truth.

"Of course it's true. I witnessed this with my own eyes. Those ghosts who took the opportunity to escape also saw that scene."

The female ghost nodded.

"Madam, what are your plans next? Will you stay in Yangshi forever?"

Wu Sanxing got out of the quilt, sat by the bed and asked the ghost of his former wife who was standing not far away.

The conversation he had just had with his wife made Wu Sanxing's fear of his wife weaken a lot for a while.

In fact, many mortals are afraid of ghosts entirely because of fear of the unknown.

Once they know that ghosts have consciousness before death and can communicate with each other, most people will no longer be afraid.

"No, this is just an accident. I also took the opportunity to come back and see you Sanxing."

"According to normal circumstances, dead people will never be able to return to the Yangshi to visit their relatives in the Yangshi."

"It's all because of the sword immortal who killed the City God and caused chaos in the underworld, so I was given this opportunity."

"However, those ghosts and gods have now begun to hunt down the escaped ghosts and send them to the surrounding towns and counties to be imprisoned. It may not be long before I am captured."

The female ghost looked at Wu Sanxing and said.

When Wu Sanxing heard this, he felt a little reluctant. After all, he was his wife who had shared the same bed and lived with her for more than ten years. If she didn't show up, it would be fine. It is estimated that he would only think of his wife when he visits his grave every year during the Qingming Festival.

But now her ghost has come back to see her again, and the old friendship between husband and wife has come to mind again.

Wu Sanxing was no longer afraid of his wife's ghost. He walked over and tried to hold his wife's catkins, but he felt ice cold.

In addition, this was the first time in his life that he had come into contact with a ghost at close range. This made Wu Sanxing very curious about his wife in a ghost state. He held her hand tightly, looking here and touching her there.

Coupled with the fact that a man and a woman were alone in the same room, their clothes soon became messy and the atmosphere in the room became ambiguous.

"Wake up, no, I am a ghost, you are a human, we..."

Soon, the female ghost's voice of protest came from the room.

"No matter what, you are my wife no matter whether you are a human or a ghost!"

Wu Sanxing said forcefully. …

South of Jianghuai City.

In a small noodle shop.

A stooped old woman, wearing a black shirt, holding a rolling pin in her hand, was rolling out dough on a small table at the door of the shop.

Generally, shops don't open until after dawn.

But because the old woman’s noodle shop mainly deals with morning customers.

So before the fifth watch, we have to open the door and prepare.

Also because the watchmen in the city, the porters who go out to work, and the policemen who patrol at night need to go out early, so many people become regular customers of the old woman's noodle shop, which opens early.

Although this noodle shop is in a remote location, there were only a few customers in the shop while the old woman was rolling out the noodles, but they never stopped.

"It's a pity that Grandma Zhou is the only one left in this noodle shop. Old Man Zhou died half a year ago."

"Yes, when it comes to making pancakes, Old Man Zhou is the best."

"This week, the old man has been running a shop all his life. Unexpectedly, he did not die in the shop in the end, but fell to death on the way home."

The two guests dressed in police uniforms, after eating two pieces of noodles and a bowl of noodle soup each, walked into the night and began their new life of survival.

The old woman's shop, on the other hand, emitted a faint flickering light on the dark street, which never went out. It looked both small and resolute, as if time had not left any trace in this shop at all.

"The old man is gone. I must help him guard his shop until he can no longer hold it."

The gray-haired old woman was tired from rolling the dough. She stopped for a while and looked at the empty place next to her.

The old man who had been with her all her life should have been doing the things she was doing now, and she was responsible for pancakes and soup.

But because the old man died unexpectedly.

From then on, she was the only one left in this noodle shop where an old couple should have been.

In order to stop her thoughts, she still insisted on opening the shop every day. Even if the noodles she made were somewhat different from those of her dead old man and she lost a lot of customers, she would still open the door on time every day.

Because this is the belief and thought that she lives by.

Only by doing this will she feel that the old man is still alive and beside her.

"Old lady, I have been dead for half a year. There is no need to open this bakery shop at all. You have been busy with me for most of your life. You should close the shop and enjoy peace and quiet at home."

Just when the old woman was in a daze and reminiscing about the past, she smelled the dough pancakes in the pot next to her, which were fried until they had a burnt smell. The burnt smell spread to the tip of her nose. She woke up from the memories of the past and was about to turn over the pancakes with her hands. , a familiar voice came from the dark street.

When the old woman heard this, her hands shook, and the rolling pin in her hand fell to the ground. She looked into the dark alley...

She originally thought it was her hallucination, but then under her gaze, an old man who was dressed a little slovenly and wore a scarf around his waist, which was stained with flour. He was not tall, but his steps were very powerful, and he emerged from the darkness. Zhong walked to the front of the shop and looked at the old woman quietly.

"Old man, is it really you?"

The old woman said with a look of disbelief.

"It's not who I am, it's my ghost."

Old man Zhou smiled.

"But as a ghost, even if you don't reincarnate, it's impossible for the City God to put you back, right?"

After coming back to her senses, the old woman looked puzzled.

As old people, they believe in the theory of ghosts and gods, and know that after death, the city god is in charge of the affairs of the underworld.

"An accident occurred in the underworld. The City God offended a swordsman for some reason. The swordsman used an iron sword to cut apart the underworld and even the City God."

"Now that the City God is dead, the underworld is in chaos, and ghosts and gods have no time to take care of themselves, so we ghosts escaped together."

Old man Zhou explained.

"The City God is dead! It turns out that the rumors in the city in the past two days are all true."

The old woman said in horror.

"What rumor?"

the old man asked.

"Old man, you don't know."

"Two days ago, there was a fire in the Temple of the City God, which was burned to ruins. All the statues of the City God were broken into pieces. Now there are rumors in the city that the City God offended people who shouldn't be offended and was killed. Killed."

"I didn't believe it at first. The City God is a god. Who can kill him? But now it seems that the rumors are true."

The old woman explained to the old man.

"This is true. We saw it with our own eyes, so it is certainly true."

Old man Zhou nodded.

"Then old man, are you coming back this time?"

The old woman thought of another thing. Since the City God is dead, there is no longer a god to take care of these ghosts.

Then the old man can stay...

"I just came back to see you!"

"Although the City God is dead, the other ghosts and ghosts in Jianghuai City are still there, and the order of life and death has not been broken."

"Many ghosts have been captured and sent to the Chenghuang Lords in surrounding cities and counties to be imprisoned and continue to wait for the opportunity to be reincarnated."

"It will be my turn soon."

Old man Zhou shook his head.

"Okay, I'm satisfied to see you again. The plot to catch me is coming soon, so I'll leave first."

Old man Zhou took a deep look at the old woman, turned around and walked into the darkness.

The flickering light at the door of the shop was still on. The only difference was that the rolling pin dropped at the door and the battered dough in the pot all showed that what he had just experienced was not an illusion.

"Old man..."

The old woman let out a long sigh, which echoed far and wide in the dark alley.


This kind of thing happens in many places in Jianghuai City.

Many people discovered that the ghosts of their relatives who had passed away for a long time had returned to their homes and appeared in front of them.

After asking the ghosts of these long-dead relatives, everyone realized that something big had happened in the underworld.

The City God of Jianghuai offended a swordsman who was profound in Taoism and superb in magic, and he came to visit him.

Not to mention that one person and one sword cut through the underworld, even the City God of Jianghuai City was killed by the opponent.

Now that the entire order of life and death in Jianghuai City has been disrupted, ghosts and gods have no time to care, so they can take the opportunity to escape home.

Many people in Jianghuai City also learned about the immortal's appearance from their relatives!
The other party was handsome and well-born. He was wearing a well-fitting Taoist robe and looked like a handsome young Taoist.

(End of this chapter)

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