Chapter 11 Law and Academy

The direct cause of the demise of the Yin Shang Dynasty was King Wu's defeat of Zhou, and the main reason was the serious internal friction between the Yin Shang royal family and the nobles.Zijue established the Huai Kingdom. The number of nobles in the Huai Kingdom was not many, and they were basically granted by him, and their strength was limited.

After the environment was stabilized, Huai State was developing and growing, and after the population increased, a series of problems began to appear.Sanitation in the city, disputes among Chinese people, and disease problems.

Because Huai country was built from scratch, it lacked a large number of talents. At the beginning, when there were few people, Zijue could handle it by himself, but after the construction of two more cities, the problem became serious.

For this reason, Zijue can only select some smart Chinese people, and then train them, impart some knowledge to them, and let them become officials in the middle and lower classes of the city.Of course, due to lack of time, the management level of these officials is not high.

On the other hand, Zijue recruited those who knew the law among the people of the country and began to compile a law suitable for Huai country.

This law combines "Shang Punishment", "Yu Punishment", "Nine Punishments" and other laws handed down in this era, and then combined with some laws of Zijue's previous life, removed outdated clauses, and compiled a relatively fair law It is called "Huai Law".

In addition, Zijue has also made forward-looking adjustments to future social development and changes. The entire law has detailed regulations on criminal, civil, commercial, marriage, inheritance, and penalty systems.

At the same time, Zijue also compiled laws such as "Tian Law", "Gong Law", "Qian Law", "Shang Law" and "Yong Law", so as to ensure that there are laws to follow to the greatest extent.This is also because the officials in Huai country have little management experience, so Zijue made the law more detailed and asked them to act according to the law.

In addition, Zijue abolished corporal punishment, such as beheading, amputating hands, cutting nose, etc., and changed it to imprisonment, flogging, and embarrassment. The death penalty was beheading, hanging, and poisoning. Cruel punishments such as cannon fire, beheading in half, and splitting by car.

Zijue also restrained the behavior of the nobles, and also imposed severe punishments on the crimes committed by the nobles.At the same time, it also gives a way to use the title to offset the crime.Private property is also protected in the law.The provisions throughout the law are very detailed and meticulous.Not to mention this period, even after hundreds of years, this law will still apply.

Zijue spent a lot of energy compiling a set of laws.At the same time, the people of the country should know the law and abide by the law. Zijue made a special announcement.

And because the text was complicated and obscure at this time, Zijue also optimized the text to make it easier to write and read.Then write the entire law on wooden signs and place them in the squares of the city, at the gates of the city, and outside the government offices.

Because almost [-]% of the people in the country are illiterate, Zijue specially sent several officials to read out these laws and inform the people of the country.

After compiling the laws, Zijue summoned craftsmen to cast bronze tripods and cast these laws on the bronze tripods.

Because there are so many words in the law, it took nine bronze tripods to cast all the laws.Therefore, this law is also called "Ding Law" or "Jiu Ding Law", "Jin Ding Law".

After compiling "Huai Lv", Zijue was also rewarded with luck value.

[You have compiled a relatively complete law, which has played an important role in promoting the development of the entire civilization. "Huai Law" has become a bright pearl in the long river of history. You have obtained a ground-level prop - the Star Observation Platform , your luck point has increased. 】

[Ground Steps Observatory: It can suppress the luck of a place. Users can build it according to the blueprint. After it is completed, it can predict the sky within a radius of [-] miles. It can reduce and reduce the natural disasters here, and bless the weather here. 】

Hearing the reward from the system, Zijue smiled slightly, not surprised.

With the law, and Zijue's personal training, these Chinese people can finally handle all kinds of affairs, and Zijue finally relaxes.

After having managers, Zijue began to solve other problems.The sanitation problem in the city is not difficult, because there are enough management personnel, as long as Zijue gives the order, these people will carry it out.

For the sanitation of the city, Zijue made strict requirements and dug sewers in the city. At the same time, he promulgated some regulations for the people of the country to abide by.If you make mistakes repeatedly, the penalty will be doubled and you will be fined.

The medical skills in this era are very poor, but there are already some medical books. Zijue recruited various doctors and witch doctors in the Huai Kingdom, combined with some simple medical knowledge that Zijue knew in the previous life, and corrected and deleted some wrong knowledge. , summarized and sorted out the medical skills of these people, compiled a medical book, granted official positions to these doctors, and established the Imperial Medical Administration.

At the same time, some children were recruited from the people of the country to study with these medical officials, train doctors, and study medical skills.

The medical skills in this era were very backward, and Zijue gave Zigeng an order to hire highly skilled medical experts from other countries to come to Huai Country. After passing the examination, he would be awarded official positions and let them study and teach medicine together.

After coming to this era, Zijue discovered how difficult it is to study.Almost all knowledge is in the hands of the nobles, and its inheritance is also subject to great restrictions. Basically, it is passed on from father to son, and from son to grandson.Whatever position the father holds, so does the son.

This leads to difficulties in dissemination of knowledge and a shortage of talents.Huai country is even more so.Back then, in the Huai country, most of them were fleeing countrymen, there were not many nobles, and even fewer talents among them.

The rapid development of Huai State led to the lack of a large number of talents. In the end, Zijue decided to establish an academy in Huai State, which was specially responsible for teaching written knowledge.This academy is open to Chinese people.But if you want to learn, you need to pay a sum of money, or make credit.

All nobles must go to the academy to study, and only through the academy can they hold official positions.

With this academy, after a period of study, it will be able to provide many talents for Huai country. As long as the academy continues to operate, there will be more and more talents in Huai country, and the speed of development will be faster.

Another advantage of this is that many positions will not become a hereditary system, which restricts the strength of the nobles.At the same time, it also provides an upward channel for Chinese people.

Of course, what Zijue values ​​most is the army and agriculture, and the Huai country's army is in Zijue's hands.Zijue selected 2000 people as a standing army, and the rest were half-farmers and half-soldiers.

The vast majority of soldiers in this era are half-farmers and half-soldiers, training during slack seasons and farming during busy seasons.Insufficient productivity can only do so.

"Nine Tripods Law" is the first very complete law compiled by the ancient East, which determined the ruling order of the rulers and effectively adjusted the social relations of the ancient Eastern countries. The accuracy is unmatched by other early methods of human beings.

The book has 18352 words and 306 laws. The whole law has detailed regulations on criminal, civil, commercial, marriage, inheritance, and criminal punishment. The detailed, rigorous, and perfect laws have an indelible impact on future generations. Our laws are heavily influenced by it to this day. ——"Cambridge History of China · Ancient Law"

(End of this chapter)

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