Chapter 129 Academy
Xi Shi, as a special character in this game, naturally has something strange.

[Xi Shi: Internal Affairs: 85, Dance: 93, Temperament: 90, Force: 60, Charm: 99
Huizhi Lanxin: special effects, the owner is empathetic and intelligent.

Face is not old: Special effect, the owner's face will no longer age after becoming an adult, but he will still die.

Destiny (animal): Special effect, the owner, will naturally gain favor with animals, will not be harmed by animals, and can drive animals.

Water spirit: Special effect, the owner is born good at water and will not be harmed by aquatic creatures.

Special: Xi Shi is a special historical figure. After marrying into the Wang family, the family charm of the offspring can be enhanced. The minimum charm of the offspring is 85 points. and special effects (it is easier to gain favor with animals, will not be hurt by animals, and can drive animals after training.)
Note: Beauty is a gift from God, but it is also the root of disaster. 】

After seeing Xi Shi's attributes, Zijue couldn't help sighing, there is nothing good about Xi Shi's attributes.This is also the second character with a full value of beauty besides Bao Si, and Xi Shi's charm even exceeds the full value.

Just like the same test paper, you can get [-] points because you study hard and add a little bit of luck, while geniuses can get [-] points because the total score is only [-] points.

The State of Yue was destroyed, and when reinforcements from the State of Chu arrived, the State of Huai had already received news and was waiting at the border.Seeing this situation, the state of Chu had no choice but to retreat.The strategy of uniting the Yue State to check and balance the Huai State completely failed.

Wang Jin stayed in Yue State for a whole year, sorted out the Yue State, changed the original rough system of Yue State to be the same as that of Huai State, and abolished the chaotic tax and labor system of Yue State.

At the same time, grain and grass materials from Wudi were mobilized to Yuedi to transform Yuedi.The first thing to transform is the road.The roads in Yuedi are rugged, and there are many mountains, swamps and shrubs.

If the roads are not repaired, when Wang Jin leads the army to leave, who knows if there will be ambitious people relying on the mountains and rivers and Heze, cutting off the connection with the Huai country, and re-establishing themselves.

At the same time, building roads also has many benefits. The people of Yue are poor. This time, repairing the roads can just recruit a large number of people from Yue, and then give them money and food, and work as relief.

Wang Jin confiscated a large number of people with work in lieu of relief. He dug rivers and canals to pump water from many swamps in the Yue Kingdom, then filled them up, and dug lakes and ponds to store water.

At the same time, the Yue army was abolished, and the old, weak, sick, and disabled were paid and retired. The soldiers who were loyal to Yuehou Yunchang before were relocated to the nest, and the remaining soldiers were trained with the soldiers of Wu, and Wang Jin was among them. Huai army soldiers were deployed.

Wang Jin did not distribute the fields to the soldiers, but gave tax incentives, and after joining the army, he was paid half of the food every year, which was much better than the previous treatment of the Yue Kingdom.

Through various policies, the entire country of Yue was transformed rapidly, and the people of Yue land were subordinated, and the whole country of Yue was under the control of Huai country.

After repairing the road from Yue State to Huai State, Wang Jin led the army to leave Yuedi. At the same time, he left [-] Wu soldiers to guard against rebellion.

Wang Jin moved the officials and nobles of the Yue Kingdom to the Nest, Huai and Huaibei respectively. Although they uprooted their foundation in the Yue Kingdom, they will also be given land when they arrive at the new place, but it is not enough to maintain the noble life. possible.

Most of the political lives of these nobles and nobles are over, but the descendants still have a chance.If there are talents and talents, Wang Jin will also let them serve as officials.

The Huaiguo Academy is full of people today.Thousands of students and teachers rushed to the main hall of the Academy.

"Senior brother, why are you in such a hurry? But what happened?" Wang Jin stopped a person and asked.

"A sage came to give a lecture in the palace, and everyone is eager to listen. If you don't hurry up, you won't be able to grab a good seat!" The man said, and then continued to run away in a hurry.

In the main hall of the school palace, thousands of students gathered together at this moment, listening carefully to the lecture.

"Everyone in the world knows that the beautiful is beautiful, and this is evil. Everyone knows that what is good is good, and this is not good.

Therefore, existence and non-existence are mutually generated, difficult and easy are mutually complementary, long and short are mutually related, high and low are mutually incline, sounds and sounds are in harmony, and front and rear follow each other.It is the sage who does nothing and teaches without words."

When Wang Jin came to the academy, he heard the lecture given by the sage in the academy.Wang Jin, who was still a little relaxed, immediately became serious.Then quietly entered the hall to listen to his speech.

"Your Majesty, this place is remote, if I don't want you to go to the front and set up a seat, you can hear it better." said the eunuch serving.

Wang Jin frowned, waved his hand lightly to let him go away, and then continued to listen.

Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, the sky darkened. From noon to evening, no one left, and everyone was quietly listening to his narration.

On both sides of the main hall, there are several clerks who have been writing hard.Every time there are great sages giving lectures in the academy, the academy will record the narrations of these great sages verbatim.

The last time he gave lectures here was a generation of famous Prime Minister Sun Shuao, whose thoughts, ideas of governing the country and ways of water control were all recorded in detail here.

For hundreds of years, the Huai State Academy has always been like this. It can be said that Huai State has the most books in the entire Bangzhou. Therefore, although the relationship between Huai State and the princes of the Central Plains is not good, many sages come here every year. He gave lectures in the Huaiguo Academy and visited the storage room.

A large number of books were collected in the Huaiguo Academy, as well as those left by Zijue. Of course, the most important books are still kept in the Huaiguo Office, and outsiders have no chance to see them.

As for letting great sages from all over the world come to view the collection, Huaiguo is not worried about being learnt. After all, even if you learn it, whether the king wants to use it is another matter.

Wang Jin found the head of the mountain and asked him about the sage.

"Your Majesty, this man's name is Li Er, and his courtesy name is Boyang. His father is an official of the Song Dynasty. He is the history guard of the Bangzhou royal family. He has read a lot of books and is extremely intelligent. So I came to see it, and I asked him to give lectures to the disciples of the academy."

"Such great sages are actually the history of Bang Zhou's guarding the Tibetan house. There are such great talents but they are not used. It is no wonder that the Zhou house is going from bad to worse." Wang Jin said with emotion.

"I also ask the head of the mountain to recommend it on my behalf. I just want to ask him to be the high priest of the academy!" Wang Jin said.

The head of the mountain was also shocked when he heard this. You must know that the Huai State Academy has always been in charge of offering sacrifices to the Huai State Academy.

Immediately, the head of the mountain took Wang Jin to meet Li Er in person.

(End of this chapter)

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