Chapter 137 Chu State Dominates Hegemony
The Jin State defeated the allied forces of Qin and Chu, and the army pierced through the camp and went straight to the bank of the river. However, the army had no boats at all, and tens of thousands of troops were trapped in the Yellow River and could not cross the river.

Although the back road was opened, it was blocked by a big river. For a while, the morale of the Jin army was also somewhat low.Seeing this situation, Ke stood up again and said, "We have already broken through the siege of Qin and Chu, and escaped a way out. Why are all the soldiers so downcast?"

"We broke through the Qin and Chu camp just now, how could we be stopped by a big river? Can you be worthy of those robes that we rushed to the bloody road to die?"

"If you still want to go home, you can cut wood and cross the river with me!"

The Jin army then scrambled to cut wood and make rafts.

On the other side, the Qin-Chu coalition forces were cleaning up the mess, and the high morale of the previous victory over the Jin army was gone.

"I'm going to be careless in this battle!" Wu She said with a sigh.

"I didn't expect Chuck to be so powerful."

Ying Yue was also a little frustrated: "If one man sacrifices his life, ten thousand men will not be responsible. The Jin army will fight to the death, and our army should stay out of the way for now!"

Wu She said: "This time our army should let go of the avenue and set up camp on both sides. The Jin army will not fight desperately when they see a way to survive, and our army should just chase and kill on the two wings!"

After the fiasco, the two recovered and soon knew the reason for the fiasco.But now that they were defeated, the two quickly adjusted their mentality and gathered the defeated army.

In this defeat, the Qin-Chu coalition forces did not suffer a lot of losses, roughly tens of thousands of casualties. The main reason was that the Jin army was eager to break out of the siege and did not entangle too much, so the Qin-Chu coalition forces suffered little casualties, but their morale was shattered.

After all, the [-] exhausted army could not stop the Qin and Chu armies in a decisive blow. Until now, the two armies still remember how brave the Jin army was at that time.

Seeing the low morale in the barracks, Wu She and Ying Yue did not allow the army to pursue them. The Jin army also suffered heavy casualties. If the siege continued, the Qin and Chu army would suffer heavy losses.

This time Jin State can be said to have suffered heavy losses, and lost Zheng State as a vassal state, it will be difficult to control the Central Plains.

The army of the state of Jin cut wood to make a boat and prepared to cross the river.On the other side, Xun Lin's father was overjoyed after a rest. He had already prepared to take the army back and commit suicide to apologize. Now he learned that the Jin army broke through the interception and came to the river. What a turnaround!
As long as these Jin troops are brought back, even if he was defeated for a while before, he will not be severely punished.

Immediately, Father Xun Lin led the army to restrain the Qin-Chu coalition forces in Bicheng on the one hand, and on the other hand let the army use ships to pick up the elites of the Jin Kingdom.

The Qin-Chu coalition forces originally wanted to attack with a large army, but Xun Lin's father took the lead, and the morale of the Jin country soared. The Qin-Chu coalition forces were unable to attack for a long time and had to return to Bicheng.

After receiving the help of the Jin army led by Xun Lin's father, the Jin army under the command of Que Ke was finally able to cross the Yellow River.It's just that after several battles of the [-] elite, there are only more than [-] left.

It can be said that the Jin State suffered heavy casualties in this battle, and more importantly, after Qin and Chu united, they captured the State of Zheng.The loss of Zheng State made Jin State's Central Plains strategy lose an important fulcrum, and after Chu State acquired Zheng State, the door to enter the Central Plains has been opened with a bang.

Qin and Chu won first and then lost. Although they did not do their best to keep the [-] elite soldiers of Jin, the Jin army suffered heavy losses this time. Nearly [-] elite soldiers died in battle, and ordinary soldiers also suffered heavy casualties.

The most important thing is the Qin-Chu alliance, and Zheng Guo was lost again, and Jin's hegemony was ended by Qin and Chu.

After learning of the great victory at the front line and the surrender of Zheng Hou, the state of Chu was very excited, and Chu Hou even let go of his courage and assumed the title of king.In the past, the state of Chu was only called king within its own country, and became a lord after leaving the country. It can be said that this set of inner kings and outer lords is very familiar.

This time Chu State defeated Jin State, and after no country in Bangzhou could compete with Chu State, Chu State became king, and Bangzhou and other countries were powerless to stop it.

Even the Zhou family didn't care much anymore, after all, the Zhou royal family's face had already been lost.

After Chu State became king, it continued to have good relations with Qin State, and also agreed with Qin State to cooperate in attacking Ba State and Shu State.At this time, the relationship between Qin and Chu became more and more intimate.From then on, Chu State began to dominate the world.

When the Qin-Chu Allied Forces fought against the Jin State, the Huai State was also dealing with the Xu State.Without the support of the Jin State, the Xu State was no match for the Huai State at all. Chen Yi led an army of [-], broke through seven cities in three days, and conquered Xudu.Capture Xu Gong and all the officials of Xu State.

Chen Yi sent someone to send Xu Gong and others to Huai'an. Wang Jin reprimanded Xu Gong face to face, then cut his title and changed him to an earl, moved all Xu Guogong's offices to Tancheng, and gave food to thousands of households in the city to let him continue Sacrifice Xu Guo.

At the same time, the nobles of Xu Guogong were also dismissed by him. Except for some of them who performed well, they were allowed to stay in the nest, and the rest moved to Yue, and some moved to Wu. The whole Xu State fell into the hands of Huai State.

Chen Yi sent all kinds of bronze sacrificial utensils and utensils for worshiping heaven from Xu State back to Huai State, and then returned to Huai State with the wealth accumulated by Xu State's office, books, history books, and female officials and waiters.

Wang Jin dispatched [-] troops to garrison the old land of Xu State. At the same time, he dispatched students from the academy to Xu State to implement the laws of Huai State.

Although Xu State is an ally with Huai State, the system it promotes is far behind that of Huai State.The first thing Huaiguo did when he came here was to abolish Xu's previous taxes, re-measure the acres of land, and at the same time distribute the confiscated farmland of the nobles and nobles to the common people.

Abolish Xu's original slavery system and allocate its land for farming.

After some reforms in Huai State, Xu State soon returned.With the development of productivity in this era, slavery has faded away, but many countries still implement slavery.For example, Jin, Qin, and Chu have a large number of slaves in their countries.

Xu Guo was able to abolish slavery directly because the first battle of Huai State wiped out all the upper echelons of Xu State. Otherwise, with their obstruction, Xu State's slavery system could not be reformed at all.

The Huai Kingdom monitors the families of officials who have destroyed the country. If they don't honestly overcome them, or if they plan something secretly, they will be hit with a big stick immediately.

Over the years, all kinds of things have been completely dismantled, and too many nobles and nobles have been killed.Of course, there are also some nobles and nobles who accepted it quickly, and the typical representative of this is the Gongyang family.

The Gongyang clan was originally an official of the Han state, and now he is also a high-ranking official in the Huai state.

After some relocation, the vast majority of Qingshi families were seriously injured, and there are not many that can really continue to survive. Many Qingshi families eventually became local wealthy households. Of course, if they are really talented, they will also get Promote reuse.

(End of this chapter)

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