Chapter 180 Annexation of Small Countries
Wang Pu fooled around a bit, so that Qin Huali and others agreed that Huai State's attack on the state was both love and non-attack.As for Mozi, he is reading a lot of books in the storage room.

Huaiguo has collected the opinions of hundreds of schools of thought here, and there are too many propositions of various schools, enough for him to study for a long time.Wang Pu knew very well that his remarks would definitely not fool Mo Zi, but if he saw the result, Mo Zi would not object.

Wang Pu is very clear that Mozi is not only an idealist, but also a realist at the same time.This is not contradictory, idealism is his pursuit, but when the ideal cannot be achieved, it is his reality to make the people live better.

Compared with the state and the state, the Huai state treats the people better. At least the people have food, clothes, and some freedom.

The speed at which Huai State merged with State Lai State was very fast. It took almost only two months for State Lai State to settle down, and it can be said that it was what the people wanted.If the system can give a value to the people from the state, it will definitely exceed 90 points.

After annexing Zhoulai State, Huai State did not stop. There are also Lu State, Liao State, Xiang State and other small countries around Zhoulai State.

Most of these countries are small countries with a radius of about a hundred miles. The countries are small and the people are weak, and they are basically still in a semi-slavery society.

The slave system is backward. The Huai Kingdom advocated the abolition of slavery when Zijue founded the country. Now it is natural to drive away the nobles who oppress the people, love the people, and protect the people from oppression.

As Duke Huai, who wants to love the people of Zhuxia, how can he bear the oppression of his people?Huai's army began to attack continuously.

In September, the Huai attacked Lu, and in October, the Huai attacked Polygonum, both of which were conquered.

With the expansion of the Huai State, a large number of scholars were drawn from the academy. The Legalist scholars were already recruited by the Wei State, but now they are not enough.Fortunately, there were no legalists, and Wang Pu also recruited some Confucian disciples.

Although Wang Pu did not agree with Confucian views and did not use Confucian kingly ways to govern the country, this did not prevent him from appointing Confucian scholars.

Confucian scholars are not useless. Confucian scholars in this era still know a lot of methods of governance. After all, they study in the academy all the year round. Even if they are stupid, they will learn something.

These Confucian disciples may have various problems if you let them govern the country, but they are still competent in governing the local area, appeasing the people, measuring land, and allocating farmland, all of which are in line with the Confucian concept.

For a while, a large number of Confucian disciples began to sing praises for Wang Pu.It's a pity that these people are destined to be just tool people. It is basically impossible for them to get high positions.

After being fooled by Wang Pu, the Mo family reluctantly accepted Huai country's invasion of other surrounding small countries.

It's just that every time, the Mo family will send people to check.See if Wang Pu has fulfilled his promise to distribute the fields, food, clothes and salt to these common people, and check the taxes collected from the common people.

For this point, Wang Pu strongly supported it. With these Mohist disciples patrolling, the Huai Kingdom distributed land to the common people, and those who handled it under the supervision of the Mohist disciples did not dare to do anything at all.

Any corruption or favoritism will soon be discovered by the Mohists.With these people around, Wang Pu didn't worry at all that Huai State's policies would be undermined by low-level officials.

The Huai State quickly annexed several small countries, and then moved the officials, officials and nobles of these small countries to other places to open up wasteland.

Most of these officials, officials and aristocrats have a lot of money, and at the same time, there are a large number of people, and they have force. Although they are not the hands of the Huai country, they are good for dealing with some barbarians.

They have enjoyed the life of Zhongming Dingshi for so long, and they should develop some power for Zhu Xia.Of course, as long as he contributes, Wang Pu will not hesitate to reward him.

After the news of the end of the Great War in the Central Plains came, the Huai country also temporarily stopped the pace of annexing small countries.It's not that the Huai country is worried about interference from other countries, but because the number of available scholars in the academy has been almost exhausted.

Seeing this situation, even if Siwangpu wants to continue annexing those small countries, there will not be enough manpower for the annexation and restructuring.Simply these small countries are basically surrounded by the Huai country, and after the Huai country digests the small countries that have been annexed, it will be fine to annex these countries.

As for the monarchs of these countries looking for other princes to rescue them, Zhu Xia had just ended the war, and no one would take care of them at all.

What's more, your entire country is surrounded by the Huai country, and you want to send an envoy for help?Do I agree?
The Huai Kingdom annexed several small countries, and the population increased by hundreds of thousands. For these newly acquired lands, Wang Pu also promoted iron plows and ox farming.After dividing the fields, these populations need at least tens of thousands of iron plows.

It's just that although there are more iron mines than copper mines, and after the smelting technology has matured, the output has increased rapidly, but the sudden increase in demand can't produce it for a while.

Fortunately, there are still a lot of talented craftsmen and supervisors. Since iron ore cannot meet the demand for a while, we should first produce iron-packed plows.

It is to wrap a layer of iron on the surface of the wooden plow. The durability of the iron-wrapped plow is naturally not as good as that of the iron plow, but it is also easy to use for farming. It is even more convenient to use because it is lighter than the iron plow.

The iron sheet covering the iron plow was invented by several skilled craftsmen of the Mohist school.The appearance of the iron-clad plow reduced the iron material used by the iron plow by more than half, which greatly saved the iron material.

Of course, this also created another benefit. Although the price of iron was lower than that of copper, the price of iron plows was still not cheap. Few of the common people were willing to buy them, but the price of iron-clad plows was much cheaper.

People in these newly merged places can also use the youth loan to purchase.In the Huai country, a large number of people who could not afford iron plows also came to buy them.

As a result, the number of iron-clad plows, which originally saved iron materials, increased rapidly, and finally the problem of insufficient supply of iron materials appeared again.

At the same time, the Huai country also taught measures to local conditions to these people who had just acquired the land.Because the Huai country spans the north and the south, various crops are grown, and the cultivation techniques have been improving for hundreds of years.It has far surpassed these small countries.

Wang Pu ordered a group of farmers proficient in farming to be dispatched from Huai State to tell these people about Huai State's advanced agricultural technology and help them increase their production.

Huai State has always attached great importance to agricultural development, and its agricultural technology is the most advanced among the Bangzhou states.With the strong support of the Huai State, these people who have just acquired land are also developing rapidly in agriculture.

The promotion of iron plows, ox plowing, and agricultural technology has quickly returned the people of these small countries, and the strength of the Huai country is also steadily improving.

(End of this chapter)

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