Chapter 182 Provoking Discord
After some discussion, the Huai State Office made a decision.He is going to use the tactic of alienation to alienate the relationship between Wu Qi and the prince of Wei.

Since you, Wu Qi, are invulnerable, let your own people force you away.It's just that this kind of strategy needs to be subtle for a long time, and being too impatient will only lead to flaws and self-defeating.

After formulating the plan, Huaiguo spies began to implement it. At the same time, Wang Pu also began to call the children of the official family to give them additional political courses.

The teaching material is also very simple, it is adapted according to the history books of various countries, and at the same time, it also includes the experience written by the kings of the Huai Kingdom in the past dynasties.In the past, the protection of the children of the official family was so good that the children of the current generation of the official family had not yet grown up. After Wang Pu discovered this problem, he immediately invited some elders from the academy to teach them.

There were also many talented people in the previous generation in the office. With these people's precepts and deeds, the children of the office will soon become familiar with the politics of various countries.

After Wei Hou and Han Zhao beat Qi, Chu and Qin three kingdoms violently, they did not continue to fight, but started to manage the land of Xihe.After the state of Wei got the land of Xihe, the state of Qin was greatly threatened and had to build fortifications along the Luoshui River.

After a series of defeats, the Qin State was temporarily unable to launch an attack, so it could only rest and recuperate first, and then compete for the land of Xihe after its national strength recovered.

For a time, it was rare for Qin and Wei to settle down.

After Weihou saw that the state of Wei was rapidly becoming strong with the help of a large number of talents, he wanted more talents to serve the state of Wei, so after discussing with Guo and others, he invited the great Confucian scholar Xia to give lectures. He personally worshiped Zixia as his teacher and invited him to give lectures in Xihe.

Weihou's operation directly raised Zixia to a very high position, and he respected Zixia even more.Although the Huai State gave preferential treatment to these scholars, no Huai Guild had ever named a great Confucian as the king's teacher.This kind of behavior immediately gained the favor of a large number of Confucian disciples.

Even many scholars in the academy went to Wei State, and Wei State became the center of Zhu Xia's cultural inheritance for a while.Zixia went to Hexi to give lectures, which made Qin, Chu, Zhao and other border vassal states have a very high cultural yearning for Wei.

Even the land of the West River has become a cultural center.

Wang Pu couldn't help sighing at Weihou's operation. If Weihou had inherited all the land of Jin, Qin and Chu would really be in danger of subjugation.

Zixia’s line of Confucianism originally taught Confucianism that is practical and practical, and cultivated talents who govern the local area, and Weihou also asked not to use status as the standard for recruiting students. Heart, you can also come to learn.

Since the founding of the state, Qin people have been called barbarians by the Central Plains countries, and they yearn for the Central Plains culture very much.The state of Chu is also known as barbarians, and the state of Zhao is not much better because it is located in the border. These countries admire their culture very much.This also caused scholars from several countries to yearn for Hexi, and Wei State became their ideal country to serve.

Weihou's operation directly copied Huaiguo's policy.Since Marquis Wei personally worshiped Zixia as his teacher, the status of Xihe Academy was greatly improved.He actually has the ability to compete with Huaiguo Academy.

Seeing Weihou's behavior, Wang Pu couldn't sit still. If Wei continued to develop, Wei might become the next Jin.

Therefore, Wang Pu began to let Huaiguo spies implement the plan.Because Marquis Wei didn't know his family background and appointed the virtuous, which made the Wei state strong and politically clear, it was basically impossible to do small tricks with him, but his prince was a lot worse.

Although Prince Chi is not bad, especially his tactical talent is higher than that of his father, but he does not have the long-term vision of Weihou, and Prince Chi pays more attention to his background.

If you use the system to check, you will find that the prince's martial arts is as high as 91, but his strategy is only 63 and he has just passed, and his internal affairs are only 70, let alone employing people.

If the prince who is seriously partial to science is qualified as a general on the battlefield, he will not be able to take charge of the ruling party at all.Its short-sightedness can only seek for a while, but not enough for a lifetime.

The spies sent by Wang Pu to the Wei State used various methods to make friends with the nobles of the Wei State.Although most of these nobles have no rights, these nobles have good relations with the prince.

Through these people, Huai State's spies can quietly influence the Crown Prince of Wei State.

Once, Prince Chi held a banquet in the mansion and invited his good friends to come.During the banquet, everyone was drinking heartily, and the guest next to him accidentally said, Wu Junshou used his soldiers like a god. In the last battle of Xihe, 20 defeated the Qin army with [-], and Wei was the first.

But the prince was a little angry when he heard it. In the battle of Xihe, he personally led the army to break through the Qin army's Xihe defense line and cut off the Qin army's logistics. So when the Qin army fought Wu Qi, the army's morale was in chaos, and the whole line collapsed.

He always believed that he was the number one hero in the Xihe Battle. At the beginning, Weihou was very happy to see his son make great contributions, so he wanted to award him the first contribution. When discussing with the Prime Minister Di Huang, he expressed his thoughts Speak up.

Zhai Huang knew that the crown prince had made great contributions, but the main achievement in this battle was Wu Qi. After all, it was Wu Qi who showed weakness, induced the Qin army to attack, and resisted the main force of the Qin army.

Although Prince Chi has made great achievements, he is still not as good as Wu Qi.It would be unfair to other soldiers if the crown prince was awarded the first meritorious service.

Di Huang immediately said: "Your Majesty, Crown Prince Ji is the future ruler. I have never heard of a monarch and his subjects vying for merit. The merit is always rewarded by the monarch to the subjects, but there has never been a king who robbed the merits of the subjects."

"Your Majesty is a wise and benevolent monarch, and he will surely not make such a mistake."

After hearing this, Marquis Wei thought it made sense, and immediately reduced the prince's contribution to the third place.

Prince Chi was very unhappy when he learned that his credit had dropped from first to third.He felt that Wu Qi had taken the credit from him, so he hated Wu Qi very much.

"Nonsense, if the prince hadn't been so wise and powerful at the beginning, he attacked decisively, broke through Qin's defense line, and cut off the logistics, how could Qin's army be defeated? This is the prince who saved Wu Qi!"

"It's just that your majesty wants to commend these officials who were born as civilians, so he specially gave Wu Qi the first credit to appease people's hearts."

The prince's heart was touched by what he said, and everyone complimented him one after another, as if the battle of Xihe was really what he gained from the first battle.

"It's a pity that in the state of Wei, the common people only know Wu Qi, but not the prince." The man next to him shook his head and sighed.

"It's okay, Wu Qi is also serving the country, and he doesn't care about these false names." The prince laughed a little reluctantly.

(End of this chapter)

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