Chapter 186
"Your Majesty, this is the crossbow arrow redesigned by the craftsman and the Mohist organist."

Xu Feng offered a pair of crossbows with both hands, and Wang Pu picked up the crossbow.This crossbow machine is heavy and difficult to make.

"How far can this crossbow shoot?"

"Your Majesty, you can shoot 120 steps, you can penetrate armor within [-] steps, and you can penetrate iron armor within [-] steps." Xu Feng said.

"How about rattan armor?"

"Thirty steps can wear rattan armor."

Thirty steps is about 30 meters. This distance can be charged by the rattan armored army. If you add a shield and charge with the rattan armored army, the crossbow formation is almost unstoppable.The power of this crossbow is still weak.

"In addition to this kind of crossbow, didn't you make other kinds of crossbows? Take them out and try."

"Your Majesty, besides this kind of crossbow, Jiangzuojian also has a bed crossbow that requires ten people to operate. It has a range of five hundred steps, but the winding is very slow. There is also a repeating crossbow that can shoot three bolts at once. .”

Wang Pu looked at these crossbows and felt that the crossbows had great potential. He immediately ordered the craftsman and the Mohist mechanism division to continue to study and improve the crossbows, and set up a reward system to reward the craftsmen who improved the crossbows.

The Huai Kingdom attaches great importance to the improvement of technology. In the Zijue era, it rewarded craftsmen who can improve their craftsmanship, and rewarding Shiyi is not a problem.

Therefore, after hearing Wang Pu's order, the craftsmen who worked as supervisors became excited, and one by one made up their minds to improve the crossbow.

Aside from these weapons, armor is the most difficult to craft.Although Huai country's rattan armor is strong in defense, it is not that no one has imitated it.Among them, Chu State spent a lot of energy to imitate rattan armor.

After all, the rattan armor looks too simple, as long as the old mountain vines are woven into armor, and then dried.

Chu State did exactly that at the time. After some tests, the defense was really good, and then began to equip the army. It was only later when they fought against the Huai State army that they discovered that although their rattan armor was good in defense, it was easily damaged. .

The rattan armor of the Huai State is very strong in defense, and the rattan armor is extremely tough, while the rattan armor of the Chu State will break after being resisted once or twice, and a pair of rattan armor will be useless immediately.

At that time, the state of Chu suffered a great loss because of rattan armor.

Huai country's rattan armor not only has high defensive power, but even bounces weapons away.The big difference is that the rattan armor in Huaiguo needs to be soaked in tung oil.

The production of rattan armor is not much cheaper than iron armor, and the production of rattan armor is more cumbersome.It is necessary to soak the prepared rattan armor in tung oil for one month, then dry it, and soak it again, and repeat this nine times.It takes almost three years to produce a pair of qualified rattan armor.

After several times of soaking and exposure to the sun, it is then wrapped with a layer of rhinoceros hide to complete a pair of rattan armor.

The production technology of the rattan armor has always been kept secret by the Huai state government, and because of the Huai state's campaign, the rattan armor army has never been defeated for hundreds of years, so the rattan armor has never fallen into the hands of the enemy. Protection, which makes the rattan armor has always been the unique armor of Huai country.

After the Huai country prepared for war, it trained the newly recruited soldiers.After completing the training, Wang Pu will send veteran generals to lead these soldiers to attack Baiyue south.

These soldiers are not elite without the baptism of the battlefield, and the battle to attack Baiyue is not fierce. At the same time, because of the crushing of weapons and equipment, Huai soldiers have an advantage, which is very suitable for training soldiers.

While preparing its armaments, the Huai State opened up to the south and conquered the land of Baiyue.Plunder the barbarian population and enrich the population of the Huai country.

These barbarian populations will be allocated a piece of land and become civilians after they have cultivated farmland for the Huai country for five years.The Huai state continued to open up the south in this way, which not only trained soldiers, but also opened up land, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.And this method has also steadily improved the strength of the Huai country.

The power of Wei's reform made the world look at him.Especially in the first battle of Qi Chu, the king of Qi State was directly captured.Forcing Qi to cede a large area of ​​land, he was able to return home.

But not long after Qi Hou returned to China, he died of illness.Of course, there are rumors in Qi State that Qi Hou died of anger because he was captured by Wei State.

After the death of Marquis Qi, his son Zhao came to the throne.After Lu Zhao came to the throne, Qi State was in a precarious period.After Lu Zhao stabilized the state affairs, he learned from Wei State and began to carry out reforms.

Lu Zhao wanted to recruit talents, and saw that both Huai and Wei countries had established academies, so he also established Jixia Academies.

After the establishment of Jixia Academy, it immediately attracted a large number of scholars.Because Qi State is located in the east, it is an important vassal state in Bang Zhou, and it is an important cultural holy land in Bang Zhou.

Because the Huai State attached great importance to Legalism, many schools in the Huai State Academy went to Qi State to seek reuse.

Through Jixia Academy, Qi Houzhao recruited many talents.Then with the assistance of these talents, he began to carry out reforms in Qi State.

Qi's reform was unable to learn Wei's domineering techniques because the family of nobles in the country was not weak.And because Guan Zhong's reform had a far-reaching influence on Qi State, Qi State began to reform and reform in accordance with Guan Zhong's law.

At this time, the countries in the Central Plains have discovered that you do not change the law, but others do.When they reform and become stronger, you will be out of luck.Therefore, these big countries have also begun to reform.

All countries have to revise their laws, and Qi is no exception.After Qi State borrowed the laws of Huai State, it made some adjustments, and after integrating these laws, it implemented the laws of Qi State, and began to supervise and blame unjust officials so that they would not dare to do anything wrong.Set up an inspection censor to crack down on the unhealthy tendencies of Ayi's officials in the officialdom.

Although all countries have carried out reforms, the strength of the reforms is different, which has also caused the differences in the future paths of the countries.

The state of Chu also initially completed the reform and began to expand southward. At the same time, it also strengthened the military power of Badi.

After the state of Chu lost the east of the Dabie Mountains, the Hanhui Plain was threatened by the Huai state, so it attached great importance to Badi.After the Qin State lost the land of Xihe, it also attached great importance to the land of Shu. Qin and Chu became tense again because of the ownership of the land of Bashu.

It's just that Qin State was afraid of Wei State, and Chu State was afraid of Huai State. Qin and Chu didn't dare to tear themselves apart, so they could only fight on a small scale.

After defeating Qin Chuqi, Wei State integrated the three Jin Dynasties to dominate the world.But Marquis Wei is not proud. He knows that although the state of Wei is strong now, it is also in crisis. After all, the land of Wei state is not large. After annexing the land of Xihe, Wu Qi began to develop northward, defeated the northern Yidi, and occupied a large Land, Wei State thus obtained a broad strategic space.

Because of the success of Wei's reform, the states of Bang and Zhou began to implement reforms one after another.For a time, the way of Legalism was sought after by the world, and Legalism officially became the most prominent school in the world, Taoism, Confucianism, Mohism, Strategists, etc. were all under the pressure.

(End of this chapter)

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