Chapter 208 Tun Chu
Following Wu Qi's order, the Huaiguo Camp was put into operation immediately.The next day, before dawn, the army was ready to go.

Wu Qi stood on the platform, ordered the flag to be lowered, and the army set off immediately.In the entire barracks, apart from the sound of walking footsteps, there was not even the neighing of horses.

On the plain of the Han River, the State of Chu established dozens of cities and camps, forming three lines of defense.During this period of time, although the Huai State did not attack with all its strength, it was not idle. The cities and camps of the Chu State were already familiar with the Huai State.

This time the army was mobilized, the camps of the Chu State were completely unprepared, not to mention that the original private soldiers of the monarch were also taken to the fiefdoms. They were not as strong as before, and now the number is insufficient. How can they be the opponents of the Huai State?
For a month in a row, these Chu soldiers had already relaxed their vigilance, so when the Huai army attacked the city, the soldiers of Chu found out.

But by this time, it was already too late.These soldiers beat the gong to notify the enemy to attack, but in the end not even half of the soldiers arrived.

The Huai country army will not give you a chance to gather troops, and the ladders are advancing rapidly.But in a short while, a large number of Huai country's first ascended dead soldiers rushed to the city wall.

The soldiers of Chu State were no match for the Huai State soldiers who were like wolves and tigers, and they were quickly killed and fled in all directions.In just half an hour, Huai State completely captured the city wall and opened the city gate.

The Huai army was dispatched, and it only took an hour for several cities on the front line of the Hanjiang Plain to be breached.

After breaking through these camps, the Huai army did not stop, and immediately attacked other camps and cities.The cities behind had already received news that when the Huai country launched an attack, these camps also made preparations.

However, the slack for a month, and because of the absence of a large number of princes and nobles, the lack of troops, how can it be the opponent of the Huai country.

Wu Qi commanded the Huai army, and defeated the camps of the Chu state one by one. The entire Hanjiang Plain was attacked by the Huai army.

And after breaking through these cities and camps, the army directly swept away all the fiefdoms on the plain like a gust of wind sweeping away fallen leaves.

In just three days, the defense line of the Han River Plain that Chu had painstakingly managed was completely wiped out.

The Hanjiang Plain has been lost, the state of Chu was shaken, and everyone panicked.The King of Chu ordered the ministers to discuss sending troops to resist. Wu Qi divided his troops into two groups, one to attack the capital of Chu State, and the other to attack the Nanyang Basin in the north.

The King of Chu asked the ministers in the hall: "Your nobles, who has the confidence to stop the Huai people's advance? I am willing to reward Baili fiefdom!"

In the palace of the Chu Palace, these ministers of the world who fight for power and profit and play tricks and tricks look at me and I look at you, but they are all speechless.

These people are good at playing politics, but if they are really allowed to govern the country, they will only fight for power and profit, let alone lead troops and fight wars.

Who is Wu Qi?Over the years, Chu State has already experienced it. When Wu Qi was in Wei State, Chu State was defeated miserably. Now that they are in the stronger Huai State, how dare they fight against Wu Qi.

Many ministers had no one to say anything, and then looked at Qu's in the hall.As the most prominent official in Chu State, Qu Qing should have been the leader. Unfortunately, since he supported the reform, these officials and nobles no longer regard him as the leader of the officials.

But now at the critical moment, these people still looked at Qu Qing subconsciously.It's just that Qu Qing closed his eyes tightly and didn't care at all.

The King of Chu looked at these people, and said, "Qu Qing, do you have a good plan to resist the Huai army?"

Qu Qing opened his eyes, but before he could speak, several voices suddenly came from the hall.


"Your Majesty, no!"

Several other nobles suddenly objected.

You must know that the last time Qu Qing and Xiang's family used the power of Wei State to kill more than half of the private army of the nobles and nobles of Chu State, which allowed the King of Chu to carry out reforms in Chu State.

With the lessons learned from the past, how could these nobles still let Qu Shi take charge of the army?What's more, if they agree to Qu's commanding the army, they will hand over the power to Qu's, which is something they are not willing to do at all.

The threat posed by the Huai State is great, but now the Chu State still has tens of thousands of troops from Yingdu, and there are also reinforcements from the Three Jin and Qi States. What if they solved themselves backhandedly?
You must know that the bones of the former king were not cold, but they made a big show of killing Jing Mu, so they dare not rest assured and let the Qu family lead the army.

Chu State's failure was tragic, but Qu's success was even more unacceptable.

Which is more important, the great nobles of Chu State are very clear.

Hearing the obstruction of these officials and nobles, King Chu's face turned red angrily, and he said loudly, "The state of Chu has reached the point of life and death. After the Huai army captured Yingdu, will they let us go?"

"Now the princes and lords are unwilling to fight against the Huai country. When the people of the Huai country break through the capital of Chu, we will all be prisoners of the Huai country. At that time, life and death will be in the hands of others."

"The widow is the king of Chu. Perhaps by virtue of offering sacrifices to our ancestors, we can get the consent of the Huai country to keep a life and use it to sacrifice to the Chu country. Can you nobles still go to Huai country to become nobles?"

The King of Chu's words are very correct. According to the tradition of destroying the country and leaving sacrifices in this era, even if the Chu Kingdom is destroyed, the Huai Kingdom will leave the Chu King's line of sacrifices.After all, Bang Zhou did the same when he destroyed the merchants.

The Huai country has destroyed countless countries in the next year, and they did the same thing, destroying the country, leaving the clan to worship, and all the others moved away and were demoted as ordinary people.

It's just that the king of Chu said a lot, but they didn't agree with it at all.If they could be reasonable, the state of Chu would have carried out the reform long ago, and there would be no such thing as today.

Meat eaters are contemptible, this sentence is not for words.

Greed, short-sighted, power struggle.These people do one thing after another that makes people look stupid.You think it's all wrong, but from their point of view, it's right.Their approach is completely in keeping with their class.The ass decides the head.

These nobles would rather die later than hand over power to Qu Qing.

Several great nobles of the Chu State immediately said: "Your Majesty, it's not that we don't want to, but we can't trust Qu Qing! I am willing to lead an army to guard Yingdu together with the enthroned officials. As long as we guard Yingdu for a while, the Allied Forces of the Three Jin Dynasties and The Qi army will come to rescue, and when that time comes, the Huai country will naturally retreat without a fight!"

The King of Chu gave up completely, these insects are worthless to save!

The state of Chu has suffered consecutive defeats, and the morale of the soldiers has been low. They have already become frightened birds. How can they be the opponent of the army of the Huai state?Expecting them to hold Yingdu is just a daydream.

(End of this chapter)

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