A Millennium Aristocratic Family Starting from the Shang Dynasty

Chapter 244 Bian He's Jade, Sui Hou's Pearl

Chapter 244 Bian He's Jade, Sui Hou's Pearl

Yan country.

Bangzhou is one of the oldest states. After King Wu conquered Shang, King Wu enfeoffed his younger brother Ji Shi in Yandi. Later, Yan Kingdom expanded, annexed Ji Kingdom, and moved its capital to Jijing. Since then, Yan Kingdom has been thriving here. .

As one of the oldest states in Zhuxia, Jijing has experienced ups and downs for 500 years. The spots on the city and a large number of traces of knives and axes bear witness to the history of the city.

Among the Xia, the Yan Kingdom has always been weak because of its remote location and harsh environment.Later, after fighting against Qi State, he took advantage of Qi State's attack on the Huai River to attack Qi State, and later waited for Qi State to become strong, and lost a lot of land by Qi State in the first battle.

If it were not for the help of Zhao and Wei, Yan would have perished.

Over the years, the State of Yan has been poor and weak, and the current king of Yan is greedy for enjoyment, and has entrusted all major state affairs to the Prime Minister, which has led to the Prime Minister's sole power in the State of Yan.

The powerful Xiangguo was originally able to govern the country, but not long after, Xiangguo's son began to eliminate dissidents and wanted to completely control the court.

But this approach was opposed by those nobles and officials, so Zizhi used his power to suppress those nobles who opposed him.

Those nobles who dared to resist were quickly eliminated by Guo Xiangzi, and the remaining nobles saw this situation and did not dare to confront it openly.By this time, almost the entire Yan Kingdom was under his control.

On the outskirts of Jicheng.

Flags are flying, chariots are rumbling, and dozens of chariots are going on autumn hunting.Yan Wang Yi happily chased his prey in a chariot.

At this moment, there was a sound of wild beasts roaring in the forest.King Yi of Yan was overjoyed, and immediately ordered the royal hand to drive there.I saw the vegetation falling down, and several wild boars rushed out from the grass.

King Yi of Yan was overjoyed, and he raised his hand and shot at it with a bow and arrow. The wild boar received the attack, instead of flinching, it rushed directly towards the chariot.Seeing that the distance between the two sides was getting closer, at this moment, the chariot suddenly jolted violently. The body of the chariot almost flipped over. Yan Wangyi's body shook, and he fell directly from the chariot to the ground.

Yan Wangyi, who was dizzy from the fall, just got up when he saw a big wild boar weighing two to three hundred catties rushing towards him. The wild boar's tusks were one foot long and extremely fierce.

In the next second, before Yan Wangyi had time to dodge, his whole body was like a rag doll, and was directly knocked out by the wild boar.By the time the surrounding guards came to rescue him, Yan Wang Yi had already been dead for a long time.

The sudden death of King Yi of Yan has completely detonated the contradictions in the country of Yan. The crown prince and the nobles of the country of Yan have long been dissatisfied with the son of Xiangguo, and the son of Xiangguo is even more unwilling to give up the rights in his hands. The conflict between the two sides can only end with the death of one side .

The bloody storm of Yan State had little impact on the Central Plains countries.After King Huai put Jiuding of King Yu into the Imperial Temple, he rewarded the three armies and announced that next year's tax would be halved. The entire Huai country was beaming with joy.

After the Huai State got the Nine Dings of King Yu, many ministers wrote congratulatory letters one after another. One of the officials wrote a letter saying: "It is the destiny of the king to get the Nine Dings of King Yu. I heard that in this world, besides the Nine Dings of King Yu, there are also Sui Zhu. Hebi is known as the most precious treasure in the world."

"The state of Chu got Heshibi in the past, and it was very prosperous for a time, and the area was thousands of miles away. Now our Huai country has two thousand miles of mountains and rivers, and the summers are the most prosperous. How can there be no treasures? Please make an order to order all counties in the world to present treasures to the palace."

Wang Kan was touted as ecstasy during this time, but Xiangguo Sun Bin was very calm. Just when Wang Kan was about to agree, he took the lead and said: "Your Majesty, Suizhu and Bi are rare treasures. How can they be used by all counties?" Can it be? If this edict is issued, all counties will have to search mountains and rivers in order to search for treasures, costing countless but getting very little."

"Your Majesty is a benevolent king, how can you mess up your fate next time? The destiny is in Huai, and treasures have spirits, so they will naturally appear."

Wang Kan was reminded, and immediately reacted, and immediately agreed to Sun Bin's advice.

"Your Majesty, I have heard that the Marquis' Pearl was once in Sui Kingdom. This treasure is a rare treasure. How could it be enjoyed by Suijun? Please also order your Majesty to offer the treasure."

It is said that the Suihou pearl was presented by a spirit snake, and Suihou rescued a big snake. Later, the snake brought a bright pearl. This pearl is as crystal clear as jade, and it fluoresces by itself. One piece can illuminate the entire hall. It is a rare treasure.

In the past, Suiguo formed an alliance with the four kingdoms of Zhonghuang and Huang to fight against Chu. Later, Chu was destroyed by Huaiguo, and Suiguo was also annexed at that time.

At that time, the King of Chu also wanted to get the Suihou Pearl, so he fought several battles with Suiguo, but he still didn't get it. Later, Suiguo was destroyed, and the Suihou Pearl also disappeared, but Duke Huai didn't go into it.

Wang Kan immediately said: "Destiny lies in virtue, not in treasures. Our Huai country is favored by destiny, and we have treasures to accompany us."

After Wang Kan was reminded by Sun Bin, he did not let officials from all over the place search for treasures, but in order to please King Huai, the officials from all over the place would naturally not let them go.

Although I dare not search on a large scale, there are still small-scale searches.Especially the city where Suijun is located.

At the beginning, Duke Huai left a city for Suijun to sacrifice, but it does not mean that this city is yours, it is just that the tax of this city is distributed to him, and the officials of Huai State are in charge of the city.

In this case, it is conceivable to live a life with you.

The news above the court was spread intentionally or unintentionally, and Sui Jun, as the king of subjugation, naturally paid close attention to these news.After learning that Huai State had obtained King Yu's Jiuding, many people believed that Huai State had already received the destiny.

The same is true for Suijun. After learning that the king wanted the Suihou pearl, Suijun hesitated a little and prepared to offer the pearl.Many people in the family disagreed when they learned that Suijun was going to present the treasure.

Suijun said: "The treasure of destiny, is it that we and other subjugated people can keep it? If we force it to stay, I'm afraid there will be a catastrophe!"

Everyone was silent, Suijun immediately invited the sheriff to present the treasure.

The county guard was overjoyed when he saw the Suihou pearl, and quickly sent someone to escort the Suihou pearl to Jinling.

After Wang Kan got the Suihou's pearl, he was very happy. This pearl is indeed beautiful, and it can be called unparalleled in the world.Immediately issued an edict to reward three hundred households in Suijun Shiyi, and allowed their offspring to enter the school to study.

Wang Kan enshrined the Suihou Pearl in the Taimiao, and this treasure is indeed somewhat miraculous.

[Suihou Beads (Treasures of the World): Legend has it that the orbs presented by the spirit snakes are crystal clear and jade-like, the treasure of destiny, which cannot be obtained without destiny, and is invulnerable to all poisons. 】

[Treasure of Destiny: The country that has obtained the destiny can increase luck by obtaining this treasure. 】

[Hundred Poisons: Wearing treasures, medical research speed +1]

(End of this chapter)

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