Chapter 259 Tun Qi, make household Qi Min

By building plank roads, opening up roads, and using work-for-relief methods, the Huai State not only repaired the roads in Hanzhong, but also provided relief to the people in Hanzhong. It also allowed the Huai State to take the opportunity to win over the people of Hanzhong.

At the same time, the construction of plank roads also allowed Huai State to firmly control Jiangdu and Hanzhong.

Jiangzhou City is the bridgehead for attacking Bashu, while Hanzhong is the bridgehead for attacking Qin's Wei River Plain. With these two important places in hand, it is much easier for Huai State to attack Qin.

Qin State, Xianyang.

Qin State finally began to deal with Yiqu State after sending protons to seek peace with Zhao State and defeating Han and Wei.Yiqu State attacked Qin State and got a lot of spoils.Relying on mobility and flexibility, Qin has nothing to do with it.

It's just that after the Qin State concentrated its superior forces, cooperated with the city, and pressed the Yiqu State step by step, the area of ​​activity of the Yiqu State's army in the Qin State became smaller and smaller.

Seeing this situation, King Yiqu finally didn't dare to stay any longer. Taking advantage of the Qin army's encirclement, he forcibly broke through one of the lines of defense and escaped from Qin State. However, this forced breakout also caused the army of Yiqu State to lose a lot. Small.

With the escape of Yiqu Kingdom, the war in Qin Kingdom is finally over.

This time the Qin State launched a war to attack Western Chu, but only captured the land of Brazil, and ceded Shangjun itself. At the same time, it was besieged by the five countries, which can be said to have suffered heavy losses.

However, Huai State, who had agreed to attack Western Chu together with him, ate a mouth full of oil and took all the land of Hanzhong and Jiangzhou, and all the treasures accumulated by Western Chu State for a hundred years also fell into the hands of Huai State. The country is very dissatisfied.

Just when Qin State was thinking about whether he could get some benefits from Huai State, the envoy of Huai State came to Xianyang.

In Xianyang Palace, King Si of Qin is summoning the envoy of Huai State.

"What's the purpose of your visit?" King Qin asked directly.

The envoy of Huai State saluted him, and then said: "Since King Qin signed an alliance with Huai State, why did he go back on his word and lure Qi State to attack Huai State?"

Qin Wangsi's face changed slightly, and then he said with a dry smile: "Your envoy, the state of Qin never tried to lure Qi to attack Huaihe River, where did your envoy hear about it? This is definitely a rumor, and it is to destroy the relationship between Qin and Huai! "

"Dare to destroy the friendly relationship between Qin State and Huai State, the widow suggests that this person should be put to death directly!"

"King Qin, my king sent his son Ji to attack Qi and defeated the Qi army. The officials of Qi State all said that it was Qin State who lured Qi to attack Huai. Is this also a rumor?" Huai State envoy sneered.

The other ministers in the hall said one after another: "The people of Qi are cunning, this time must be a trick of the people of Qi."

"Really? King Qin, what can you do with all your tricks?" The Huai country envoy sneered, "Swapping the county for Brazil is considered a bit of money."

"Does the King of Qin recognize this covenant?" The envoy of Huai State took out a piece of silk and asked.

Seeing the brocade silk, everyone was stunned.Even the covenant has been obtained, how can this be denied? Thinking of this, King Qin couldn't help but glared at Zhang Yi.

"Your envoy, there is some misunderstanding here. This covenant is made by the people below. I don't know it!"

Qin Wang opened his eyes and spoke nonsense, completely denying it.

Regarding this situation, the envoy of the Huai State had expected it a long time ago, and immediately said: "Sure enough, they are the generation of Rong and Di. They don't care about credibility. What happened to the State of Qin today, the State of Huai will remember it."

After saying that, he bowed his hands and left directly.

King Qin was furious when he saw the envoy of Huai State being so rude, but there was nothing he could do.

When the envoy of Huai State returned to Jinling, Wang Xu learned that Qin State had endured Huai State's humiliation and ridicule. This made Wang Xu's plan to anger King Qin and make him angry fail.

But Wang Xu wasn't disappointed either. Originally, this matter was just an idle move. It would be best if it succeeded, and nothing would be lost if it didn't.

Since the Qin State did not raise troops in anger, Wang Xu asked the soldiers to continue to be on guard.Qin State occupies a dangerous pass and wants to conquer difficulties. Wang Xu just wants to lure Qin State out, and after defeating it, take advantage of the situation to attack it.

After the negotiation with Yan State was completed, Prince Ji began to lead the army to conquer the remaining cities of Qi State.These cities of Qi State were dispatched to attack the Huai River.There are not many soldiers in the remaining cities.

Huai State besieged these cities to prevent them from uniting, and then began to conquer them one by one.

This time Huai State surrounded more than 30 cities, and Young Master Ji was not in a hurry to attack. Although Huai State's siege equipment was powerful, the losses would not be small if they captured so many cities in succession.

After the son Ji besieged him, he adopted an aggressive strategy to inform these people of the fall of Qi and the death of King Qi, and used various methods to disrupt their morale and so on.In the end, it took three years to conquer all these more than 30 cities.

All the southern cities of Qi were occupied.

Next, the Huai State implemented reforms in these newly occupied areas. Since the current Qi King ascended the throne, the Qi State has increased taxes several times in a row.Moreover, because Qi State did not abolish the Shiqing system, many nobles and nobles in Qi State occupied a large number of acres.

The life of ordinary people was difficult. After Huai State conquered these cities, it directly confiscated all the fiefs and fields of the nobles and nobles, and then reorganized the people in the city into households.Then the land is allocated to the people according to the size of the population for cultivation.

At the same time, the Huai State will also abolish a large number of exorbitant taxes and implement the new tax law of the Huai State.

The system of household registration and Qimin was implemented in Huai State very early.The household registration system provides great convenience for the management of the country. Through the statistics of name, age, identity, appearance, place of origin, property wealth, etc., Huai State can know the population of the country.

It is very helpful for catching spies and criminals.At the same time, the biggest function of registering households as Qimin is to help the country collect taxes.

In order to limit the emergence of large households, Huaiguo forcibly divided households with a population of more than five adults.At the same time, in order to curb the annexation of land by large households, Huai State collects taxes based on household registration and land property.

When the land of each household does not exceed [-] mu, the tax is [-]%, if it is more than [-] mu, and less than [-] mu, it is [-]%; , more than [-]% of [-] mu.

This tax system was used to force the common people and the powerful to separate their families.Although some large and powerful households evade taxes through the operation of false household division, this kind of tax evasion can only exist for a while. After all, people are greedy, and it will not take long for the false household division to become real household division.

The Huai State also implemented household registration for the Baiyue and barbarians in the south, but the operation was somewhat different.It is also through the household registration system, and it is much more convenient for the Huai country to recruit soldiers and labor.

(End of this chapter)

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