A Millennium Aristocratic Family Starting from the Shang Dynasty

Chapter 261 Divorce Ji Leyi and Run to the Huaihe River

Chapter 261 Divorce Ji Leyi and Run to the Huaihe River
Prince Cuo inherited the throne of King Yan, because the reason for his enthronement was not honorable, so Yan Wangcuo was very guilty of facing Le Yi, and his relationship with Le Yi was not good, so he didn't want to let Le Yi survive.

As for the rise and fall of the country, in his opinion, these are not as important as his own life, but because Le Yi's current contribution is too great, he dare not do it without reason.

But the strange thing is that Tian Dan actually found out about this news, so Tian Dan sent spies to Jicheng of Yan State to spread rumors: "There is only one city in Qi State that has not been conquered so far. Is this city difficult to conquer?"

"Not long ago, Xiangguo had conquered dozens of cities, and even Qi Guoguo only took a month. How could there be only one city left but could not be conquered?"

"Hey, then tell me why it's been three years and the last city of Qi has not been captured yet?"

"It is said that in Qi, Xiangguo lightly pays taxes, lowers taxes, and punishes bullies. He is loved by the people of Qi, and the people of Qi support him very much."

"Hiss, you mean?"

"I didn't say anything!"

"Yes, yes, we don't know anything."

Because the rumors were true or false, many people believed them, and the spread was extremely fast. However, within a mere month, the entire Jicheng had become known to everyone.

Soon Wang Cuo of Yan also heard these rumors, and King Cuo of Yan, who had doubts about Le Yi, was even more panicked, worried that Le Yi would really become king on his own, so he quickly sent his confidant generals to Qi to replace Le Yi, and Le Yi was ordered to return home.

After Yan Wangcuo sent an envoy, Le Yi's family in Jicheng immediately got the news. When they heard the rumors in the city, everyone in Le Yi's family felt that something was wrong. After the news of Yi Bingquan and Le Yi's return to China, his expression changed drastically.

"Mother, father is in danger this time, if he returns to Jicheng, he may die!" Le Yi's son Le Jian said.

Le Yi's wife is also very knowledgeable. She understands the cruelty of court battles, and a careless move can lead to the destruction of the family: "King Zhao and your father are confidantes, and you can trust your father. The current king doesn't trust you, let alone your father." After 20 years of governing the Yan Kingdom, you have accomplished great feats in destroying the country and expanding the land thousands of miles away. This rumor is extremely strange, someone is trying to kill your father!"

"Mom, what should we do?" Le Jian asked anxiously.

"Now you are going out in disguise. There are fast horses in the manor outside the city. Go to Qidi in the starry night and let your father go!"

"But, mother, what do you do when I'm gone?"

"Don't worry about me. If you and your father escape, then I will be safe. If you and your father don't escape, then our family will die!" Le Jian's mother said calmly.

Hearing what his mother said, Lejian immediately understood, so he disguised himself in the dark, and with the help of his father's connections, he quietly left the city, took out a horse from the farm outside the city, and rushed to Qi State at night.

Le Jian didn't dare to stop, and hurried to Qi, and although Yan State reformed, it was far less stringent than Qin State, and did not need guidance. In addition, Le Yi was still the prime minister of Yan State at this time, and Le Jian passed all the checkpoints easily. All the way to the state of Qi unimpeded.

After seeing his father Le Yi, Le Jian immediately said: "Father, the King of Yan wants to regain the military power, and has already sent someone to take over, and he wants father to return to the country. Father must not go back!"

"What happened to the middle school?" Le Yi's expression changed, and he immediately thought of something.

"Rumors are everywhere in the country today, and they all say that my father wants to separate the Qi country and make himself king!" Le Jian said hastily.

After Le Yi heard it, he slapped the table heavily: "Damn it, it's those old nobles and spies of Qi!"

"After 20 years of reform and strengthening of the country, seeing that the Yan Kingdom is about to rise, it is a pity that the success fell short!"

"Father, as long as you are fine, you will have a chance in the future!" Le Jian comforted him. As for letting his father become king on his own, or leading an army to fight back, Le Jian had never considered it at all. He knew very well that even if King Yan wanted to If you kill your father, your father will not do it.

After all, the country of Yan was established by his father's 20 years of painstaking efforts, not to mention that King Yan Zhao and his father are confidants, so it is even more impossible to destroy the country of Yan.

"Where's your mother?" Le Yi quickly calmed down and asked.

"Father, mother is safe. As long as we escape, mother will be safe and sound!" Lejian said.

Le Yi nodded and said: "It seems that Yan Guo can't stay anymore!"

"Where is father going?" Le Jian asked.

Le Yi thought for a while and said: "Zhao State! Zhao Wang is determined to reform, and he must go to Zhao State to show his ambition!"

"Father, it's better to go to Huai country!" Le Jian said
"Huai country?" Le Yi was a little surprised.

"If my father goes to the State of Zhao, the King of Zhao will be happy to receive him. However, since Yan and Zhao are adjacent and the State of Zhao is strong, there will inevitably be friction with the State of Yan. How will my father deal with it then? How can the King of Zhao use my father again?"

"My son has a good friend who is a disciple of Prince Huai. If we go to Huai, my father will be able to show his ambitions. Moreover, Huai is located in the south. It does not border Yan, and will not fight Yan." Le The doorman whom I met in the past is naturally the secret guard of Huai country.

In fact, as early as Le Yi defeated Qi State in the first battle, Huai State raised Le Yi to the highest level.After the death of King Yanzhao, the dark guards started to act. The rumors of the Yan Kingdom could spread so fast, which was due to the dark guards.

With the help of the hidden guards, Le Yi naturally couldn't stay in the country of Yan anymore. As for Le Jian, the dark guards of the Huai country would naturally not let it go. The most important thing is to invite Le Yi to Huai country at the critical moment.

The reason why the dark guards have been deployed in Yan country for so long is for today's scene.

Hearing this, Le Yi was silent for a moment, and then said: "Then go to Huai country!"

Le Yi immediately recruited all his own soldiers and confidantes, and then informed everyone that King Yan wanted to take over his military power and invite him back to the country for questioning.

These personal guards and confidants were furious when they heard the words, and asked Le Yi to lead his army back to settle accounts with King Yan.These arrogant soldiers are not the king of Yan.

"Okay, after all, the kingdom of Yan is what the king and I worked hard for. I don't want to do that, so I want to go south to the country of Huai. Are you willing to go with me?"

"We will go wherever Xiangguo goes!"

"Yes, let's go with Xiangguo!"

"Okay, time is urgent, I'll leave soon!" Le Yi said decisively.

Le Yi left Commander Yinhu Talisman, left a letter, and arranged for various military camps to be on duty, then left the camp with his personal guards and confidants, and hurried south.

(End of this chapter)

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