Chapter 267 Bloodletting Tactics
The breeze blew from the horizon, picking up a few withered yellow leaves, but it could not disperse the haze on the battlefield.The rumble of war drums spread throughout the fields, and the shouts of killing were deafening.The whistling wind brought a strong smell of blood.

The battlefield is full of corpses, broken and damaged weapons, and overturned chariots.

The fierce battle lasted from morning to evening, and the fighting sides had rotated several times, but the outcome was still undecided on the battlefield.

With this intensity of fighting, Huai and Qin had been fighting on this narrow land for ten days.Both sides suffered heavy casualties, but the outcome was still undecided.

This battlefield is inherently narrow. One side of the battlefield is the Yellow River, and the other side is the rolling mountains. Only the area between the mountains and the Yellow River can carry out large-scale battles.

Bai Qi and Le Yi have been competing here for nearly two months.Because the terrain of the battlefield is narrow, only so many troops can be invested. If there are more, even the formation of troops will not be able to be used.

Of course, on the surface, it seems that the casualties of the two sides should be close, but only Le Yi knows that Huai's casualties are less than Qin's.After all, Huai State's weapons and equipment are better, and because Huai State pays more attention to medical skills, especially surgical skills, the chance of soldiers being killed or injured on the battlefield is lower than that of Qin State.

In this era without antibiotics, sometimes the body is cut with a small wound, and sometimes it will lose its life.Thanks to the tradition of emphasizing medical skills in the Zijue era, the death rate of Huai country soldiers after injury was [-] to [-]% lower than that of other countries.

The combat casualty rate of cold weapons is about [-]%, many of which are injuries, but because there are no antibiotics, the mortality rate of wounded soldiers is extremely high.Almost [-]% of the casualties, while Huai country's casualty rate was only [-]%.This ensures that more veterans can survive.

Recruits and veterans are two completely different concepts.

The Qin army and the Huai country fought here. Because of the superiority of equipment, the Qin army suffered more casualties. After the doctor's treatment, the death rate of the Qin army was much higher than that of the Huai army.

This kind of situation is not obvious for a while, but after a long time, it will be very obvious.

Le Yi has changed his mind about quick victory after seeing how elite the Qin army is and how flawless Bai Qi's command is.It is basically difficult for generals of their level to make mistakes, and it is almost impossible to use various strategies.What follows can only be a contest of national strength between the two sides.

Bai Qi wanted to gather superior forces to break through Shangyang, and then occupy Hangu Pass.The terrain of Hangu Pass is difficult, and the number of people in each attack is limited, but this also results in that the number of defenders will not be too many, after all, there is not much room for the city wall.If the rear of Hangu Pass can continue to replenish, it will be a refueling tactic.Moreover, Hangu Pass consumes less and is convenient to replenish.

However, if they attacked together, Hangu Pass would be cut off for logistical replenishment. After replenishment, as long as the attacking party is willing to pay casualties and is willing to fight for consumption, all the people can be exhausted.The reason why Hangu Pass is difficult to break through is that apart from the dangerous terrain, another reason is that you can always get logistical supplies, and you will never lose money if you fight for consumption and casualties.

Le Yi firmly held Shangyang City in his hands, preventing the Qin army from forming a pincer attack on Hangu Pass, and then fought with the Qin army here.Even Maojindu, an important place for the Qin army to transport food and soldiers, was not attacked in order to turn this place into a bleeding port and continue to bleed Qin.

At first, Bai Qi wanted to fight the Huai army, but after this battle lasted for ten days, he keenly discovered that the Huai army was lower than Qin in terms of casualties and consumption.If this consumption continues, there will only be one result, and that is that Qin will be exhausted of soldiers and food by Huai.

After seeing everything in front of him clearly, Bai Qi's face became more and more gloomy. He understood that the more it was consumed, the more detrimental it would be to Qin. He quickly made a decision in his heart and prepared to withdraw his troops.

For a commander like Bai Qi, they are very calm and rational, and they will never procrastinate after finding out that something cannot be done.After the day's battle ended, Bai Qi began to prepare to withdraw his troops.

The armies of both sides were intertwined and entangled, making it very difficult to withdraw.An army retreat can easily turn from retreat to rout.Bai Qi ordered the army to retreat alternately, covering each other, and dispatched the Tie Ying Ruishi of Qin State as a reserve team. Once the Huai army attacked, let the Tie Ying Ruishi attack.

After seeing the Qin army retreating, Le Yi immediately understood that the Qin army was about to withdraw, and immediately ordered the army to attack. At the same time, he sent a large army to attack Maojindu, trying to cut off the Qin army's retreat and swallow this Qin army.

As the back line of the Qin army, Mao Jindu has always been under the control of the Qin army.The Huai army attacked and directly sent out a crossbow formation. Three thousand crossbowmen were arranged in formations on the left and right to suppress the Qin army's archers. At the same time, they mobilized the Tengjia army in the Huai army to launch a large-scale attack.

Compared with crossbows, bows and arrows are easy to make, low in cost, flexible in use, fast in firing rate, and not bad in power, but their shooting range is much shorter than that of nuns.On the other hand, even if the Nu is difficult to wind, has a slow attack speed, is expensive, and is easy to damage, it has a long range, high precision, and powerful attacks.Although there are various shortcomings, in the eyes of the wealthy Huai army, these shortcomings are all acceptable.

After the Nu army adopted three-stage shooting, it was completely possible to suppress the Qin army in a short period of time.The rain of crossbow arrows continued to shoot out, even if he was wearing heavy armor, he couldn't resist the rush of crossbow arrows.

The three-stage shooting caused the Huai Army's crossbow formation to explode with astonishing lethality in a short period of time. The Qin Army suffered heavy casualties under the crossbow formation.The buzzing sound of the bowstring was like the call of death.The crossbow arrows easily penetrated the Qin people's armor and penetrated their bodies.If you look at it from a high altitude, you will find that the Qin army's battle formation looks like a piece has been suddenly chewed off.

The dense crossbow arrows continued to shoot, and the Qin army's formation became disorganized in just a few breaths. The soldiers of the Qin army fell down row by row like cutting leeks.

The Qin army is well-organized and the criminal laws are harsh, but they are still human beings with flesh and blood, and it is impossible to break through the limits of human beings.They will still fear, die, and panic. They were suppressed by the strict Qin law before, and when these emotions accumulate to the limit, they collapse.

Young Master Kang watched the Qin army being defeated by the Huai army's elite all-out attack, and then the elite rattan armor army charged and broke through the Qin army's defense line in an instant. He was shocked and quickly commanded the army to continue to resist.But the Huai Army had been prepared for a long time, and the Tengjia Army raised their crossbows one after another, and shot at the Qin Army rushing up.

This kind of hand crossbow is less powerful and difficult to cock, but it has excellent armor-breaking effect at close range and is specially used by the Tengjia Army when attacking.It can break the enemy's battle formation in an instant, causing chaos, allowing the Tengjia Army to take the opportunity to break into it.

(End of this chapter)

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