Chapter 272 Battle of Skin Yang
A dozen cavalrymen from Shangjun took advantage of the chaos to pass through the camp of the Qin army and asked for help from Handan of Zhao State.Although Li Xian caused confusion, it didn't take long for several people to be discovered by Qin soldiers.

Then there was a chase all the way, and in the end, only three of the Zhao cavalry managed to escape, rushed out of the encirclement of the Qin army, and then rushed all the way to the Yellow River ferry.

In the big camp of the Qin Army, a plain one entered the camp, and several camps surrounded a tent in the center.At this time, a group of Qin troops hurried over, and after being inspected by the guards, they entered the camp.

"Did someone send it out?" In the center of the tent, under the dim oil lamp, a tall figure sat on the main seat.

"General, it has already been sent out. The humble official did it himself. A total of three people went out. Although the three were injured, the injuries were not serious."

"Order the army to move out, keep the tents in place, and all the soldiers in the previous barracks guard the camps. If they are attacked at night and break the camp, all the nobles will be reduced by one level."


"General, do you want to recall the troops sent to attack other counties?"

"No, let them prepare to go to the bank of the Yellow River. After the Zhao army crosses the river, cooperate with the army to encircle the Zhao army."

"Here!" All the generals took orders and left.

Soon, the Qin Army camp began to move quietly. Except for the innermost camp facing Fushi County, most of the soldiers in the other camps quietly evacuated, and were replaced by one after another. grass man.A large number of soldiers left quietly taking advantage of the night.

The envoy seeking help from Shangjun hurriedly crossed the Yellow River and soon met the Zhao army, and was then sent to see the commander-in-chief, Gongzi Cheng.Young Master Cheng led the army to the expedition. He originally heard that Bai Qi led the army, and he was very vigilant. Bai Qi had long been famous for destroying the 20 troops of Han and Wei in one battle, not to mention that the Qin army's casualties were only a few thousand.

Even if he was blocked by the Huai army in Shangyangyi later, he did not suffer too much loss.Even because of the short combat time, food and grass were not consumed much.Now that Bai Qi is attacking Shangjun, Young Master Cheng is also very vigilant, so instead of rushing to rescue with all his strength, he sent a large number of scouts to investigate.

The messenger from Shangjun who came to ask for help soon came to the camp, and then reported to Prince Cheng the situation of Shangjun at this time. After learning that Baiqi's army had not only besieged Fushi County, but also sent troops to capture other cities in Shangjun. Outside Shifushi County, Qin's army was less than [-]. In addition, the loss in attacking the city for several days was not small, and they were attacked by Li Xian at night, and their morale was low. This was Zhao's opportunity.

Zhao's 20 troops faced the Qin army's less than [-]. The advantage lies with me!

Young Master Cheng, who had been worrying about being idled by the Qin army and surrounded him for help, immediately ordered the army to speed up the march and rush to Shangjun after the news from Shangjun was consistent with the news from the scouts.

The Zhao army was close to each other, and the pontoon bridge for the army to cross the river had been prepared long ago. As soon as the order was given, the army immediately set off.Ships and pontoons were built quickly.It took one day for Prince Cheng to lead 20 Zhao troops across the river, and then the army rushed directly to Fushi County.

At the same time, a large number of scouts were sent to investigate and collect intelligence.Qin Jun's scouts soon met Zhao Jun's scouts.Immediately afterwards, the scouts on both sides began to fight continuously.Although Qin Jun is not afraid of death, he is still not as good as scouts compared with Zhao Jun who has experienced Hufu riding and shooting.

The scouts of the Qin army suffered heavy casualties, and after Zhao Jun passed through the blockade of the scouts of the Qin army, he soon saw that the Qin army was gathering soldiers and retreating south.

After receiving the scout's report, Gong Zicheng immediately realized that the Qin army had discovered that Zhao's reinforcements were coming and wanted to escape.He immediately understood that what he had expected was true. The Qin army here was really less than [-].

Immediately ordered the army of cavalry to pursue and entangle the Qin army, and he led the army to arrive later.

Li Xin led the army to go there. Zhao Guo's cavalry was very fast, but it took half a day to find the retreating Qin army, and then immediately harassed these Qin troops, and then sent people to notify the army to come.

Because the Qin army had heavy supplies, and most of them were infantry, they marched very slowly under the chasing and harassment of Zhao Guo's cavalry. After walking for a day, they arrived at a place called Fuyangao that was not marked on any map at all. low-lying basin.

The Qin army camped near the basin, and by the next day, Zhao's 20 troops arrived.Young Master Cheng was overjoyed when he saw that the number of the Qin army was less than [-]. Regardless of the exhaustion of the army's continuous march, he directly led the army to attack.

Bai Qi ordered the Qin army to line up in three formations, standing on the west side of the basin. On both sides of the basin, there are more than ten meters high earth slopes, and there are many thorns on it.Zhao Jun needed to cross the basin to attack Qin Jun.The drop of this basin is not considered to be about ten meters, but the area is vast. Young Master Cheng wanted to concentrate his superior forces to wipe out the Qin army, and immediately sent a large army to attack.

It was only after the Zhao army entered the basin that they discovered that they needed to attack from their backs to face the Qin army, while the Qin army was condescending.At the same time, the Qin army, under the command of Bai Qi, slowly retreated, and the two flanks of the Qin army surrounded the Zhao army.

Zhao Jun was eager to attack, and when he found out that the army was attacking, it was too late. The attack of tens of thousands of troops was blocked by Qin Army with the help of terrain.Coupled with the terrain of the basin, the army could not line up at all, and the Qin army on the left and right wings kept shooting crossbows, bows and arrows, and the Zhao army was beaten and retreated.

This battlefield was naturally carefully selected by Bai Qi. Although the basin is flat, the gentle uphill slope of hundreds of meters is extremely unfavorable for the attacking soldiers.

The two wings of the Qin army kept throwing bows and arrows, crossbow arrows, and the arrows fell into the Zhao army's formation as if they didn't need money. There were so many Zhao troops in the basin that it was too late to dodge.

The Qin army on the two wings was like two powerful arms, restraining the Zhao army.Originally, Zhao Guo's elite cavalry was trapped in the formation and completely lost their mobility.The cavalry of this era were not good at fighting frontally, and they were completely useless when they were surrounded by the Qin army.

From the very beginning, Zhao Jun thought that Qin Jun was going to escape, and kept chasing him all the way, and he didn't pay attention to Qin Jun in his heart, while Qin Jun led Zhao Jun into his trap step by step.

At the same time, the Qin army that had originally 'attacked' other cities in Shangjun also appeared one after another, completely besieging the 20 Zhao army in the basin.

Seeing this situation, Young Master Cheng desperately wanted to break through, but fell into Bai Qi's trap, how could he give you a chance?Zhao Guo's army attacked several times in a row, but was blocked by Qin's army.

Zhao Jun suffered heavy casualties, but was unable to break through the siege, and more than [-] Zhao Jun were trapped in it.Although Zhao Jun brought a lot of luggage, there was no water source in the basin at all.People can live for five days without food, but they cannot live for three days without water.

What's more, people can bear it for a few days, but horses can't bear it for even a day.

Young Master Cheng realized the crisis of the army and immediately organized manpower to break through the siege. However, the Qin army had been prepared for a long time. The chariots were connected with chains and covered with wooden boards. Hundreds of chariots were like city walls. breach.

(End of this chapter)

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