Chapter 286 Han Fei and the Emperor’s Art

Tian Dan was already over sixty years old when he came to Huai State. Although his body was still very good, his spirit was not very good.After all, he had been working hard to strengthen Qi all his life, but in the end he was forced to leave by the King of Qi.His current state is similar to a collapse of faith.

No one can stand the idea of ​​persisting for a lifetime, but in the end it is just a fart.After Tian Dan came to Huai State, Wang Chong, who had a hobby of collecting, just spent some money to support himself and did not expect him to lead troops to fight.

However, after Le Yi knew that Tian Dan was coming, he went to see him. After all, in a sense, the two of them were old rivals.

At that time, Le Yi led his army to win consecutive battles and conquered 72 cities in Qi State in two years. Under the attack of Yan State and Huai State, Qi State had only one lonely city left.If Le Yi was given a few more years and King Yan Zhao died of illness later, Qi might have been destroyed.

Tian Dan was the person who guarded the last isolated city of Qi. After Zai Leyi fled, he defeated Yan in one battle and regained the lost territory.Two opponents want to meet in this situation. I have to say that history is really ironic.

The two old men in their 60s became friends after a few contacts.Because Le Yi is old, although he still holds the position of prime minister, he doesn't care much about things anymore.

After Zhao State entered the Central Plains, its national power increased greatly, and in order to resist the pressure of Huai State, the relationship between Qin State and Zhao State became increasingly closer.Both Qin and Zhao were aware of the threat from Huai.Fan Ju, the prime minister of the Qin State, even personally advised him to abolish the policy of distant diplomacy and close attack that he had previously advocated.Changed to unite Zhao to fight Huai.

Originally, Zhao wanted to bring Wei and South Korea over, but due to the relationship between Qin and South Korea and Wei, it never succeeded.Of course, there are also many secret guards who contributed to this.

Wei and South Korea had declined due to Qin's invasion of a large amount of land. Since they were unwilling to participate, Qin didn't pay much attention to it. Instead, it began to form an alliance with Yan and Qi to fight against Huai.Yan State finally agreed, but Qi State was unwilling to join because of conflicts with Zhao State.

Wang Chong was very aware of the alliance between the three kingdoms. He had sent secret guards several times in an attempt to sow discord between the two, but was instead discovered by Qin and Zhao.Fan Ju, the Prime Minister of Qin State, and Lin Xiangru, the Minister of Zhao State, all advised the monarch to crack down on Huai State's spies at home.

This makes it very difficult for Huai State to carry out activities in Qin and Zhao. Fortunately, Huai State has been established in both countries for hundreds of years, and it can be said to be deeply rooted in both countries.What Qin and Zhao had cleaned up was only the most superficial layer.

Even some Huai Kingdom's secret guards have held some grassroots official positions in the two countries.Although the actions of the two countries caused some trouble to Huai State, they did not damage the foundation of Huai State's secret guards.

After Wang Chong annexed Bangzhou, he began to open his mouth to South Korea.South Korea had already been annexed by Huai and Qin in the past, and now only half of South Korea's land remains.

The current King of Korea could only survive in the cracks. In order to prevent Qin from advancing eastward, South Korea sent Zheng Guo to Qin.It was suggested that the Qin State dig ditches to irrigate the Guanzhong Plain of Qin State.

The State of Qin saw through South Korea's plot, but willingly fell into the trap and invited Zheng Guo to build ditches in Guanzhong to divert water.After the Qin State lost Shuzhong, it was about to recuperate and recuperate. It pretended not to know about South Korea's strategy and fully supported Zheng Guo's ditch plan.

So ten years later, the construction of the Zheng Guo Canal was completed, the Guanzhong Plain was irrigated by the Zheng Guo Canal, and a large number of grain fields achieved bumper harvests.The State of Qin supported the entire State of Qin with only the land in Guanzhong.On the other hand, South Korea's strategy succeeded and failed.

The King of Han sent Han Fei as an envoy to Huai State. After some exchanges between Wang Chong and Han Fei, he felt that Han Fei was a great talent.Han Fei is also a great talent in Legalism. Although Han Fei studied the knowledge of Han Legalist Shen Buhai, Han Fei, who is talented and intelligent, is innovative and his talent far exceeds that of Shen Buhai.

Seeing such a great talent, Wang Chong naturally wanted to keep him.Han Fei's teachings were very different from those of Huai's Legalists. Wang Chong asked him to stay in the academy and write books, and at the same time, he prepared to incorporate his teachings into other schools of thought.

Han Fei's theory absorbed the thoughts of Legalist sages such as Shang Jun and Shen Buhai, and was inclusive and combined Legalist methods, techniques and trends.The law refers to the sound rule of law, and the power refers to the power of the princess, and the king must control the military and political power alone.Art refers to the strategies and means of controlling officials, controlling political power, and implementing laws and regulations.

In this way, the status of the monarch can be maintained and the people below will be prevented from committing chaos.

This set of doctrines can be said to be the culmination of Legalism. It can not only be used for reform, but is also a complete book of imperial art. It is a book that teaches the king how to govern and how to control court politics and the army.

Wang Chong agrees with his theory, but he also found the shortcomings of this theory, that is, this theory has high requirements for the qualifications of the monarch. talent.Otherwise, even if you learn the art of the emperor, it will be useless.

In other words, if you want to learn and use this emperor's art flexibly, you must have 85 or more points in political strategy and internal affairs.Those who are below this number will learn in vain and will not be able to learn at all.

Of course, in addition to these, Han Fei's theory clearly stated for the first time that "the law is not a noble", which means that "the emperor breaks the law and the common people are equally guilty."Of course, although Han Fei didn't say it so straightforwardly, Wang Chong could see what he meant.Huai State has implemented the rule of law in recent years, but has not fully achieved this.

Han Fei advocated that "the ministers should not be spared from punishment, and the good deeds should not be spared from the common people." 'Huai State has always been implementing this.These theories of Han Fei immediately aroused fierce debate among Confucian scholars after arriving at the Huaiguo Academy.Han Fei took the stage and debated with Confucian students one by one, refuting one Confucian student after another. The grand scene of decades ago once again appeared in the Huaiguo Academy.

Over the years, Confucianism has been promoting the idea that "punishment is not as good as for officials, and courtesy is not as good as for common people." 'In recent years, other Confucian doctrines have not been promoted much by the powerful, but this one has been recognized by almost all the powerful.

However, neither the Huai State nor the Qin State will implement this article.Wang Chong has read many books left by his ancestors in power since he was a child, which clearly records what those powerful and powerful people did.

If they really agree that they cannot become doctors, these nobles and ministers will be really unscrupulous.

As for Han Fei's theory, Huaiguo absorbed useful parts from it.From the day when the Huai State was established, the Huai State has always been good at learning. It can be said that it is advancing with the times.

(End of this chapter)

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