Chapter 3 Flooded Zhou Army

Zhou army camp.

Although they suffered a defeat during the day, the Zhou army quickly adjusted. After all, these Zhou troops fought all the way from Haojing to the East, and they have experienced countless battles and have sufficient experience.

The night was dark, except for the soldiers on patrol, the other soldiers were already sound asleep. In the big tent of the Zhou army, Shan Hou was discussing the tactics of battle for tomorrow with several lieutenants.

Although blocked by the Huai River, the remnant army of the Yin and Shang Dynasties was only 600 people.The Zhou army can completely rely on the superiority of numbers to cross the river from multiple locations. When the army is encircled, the remnants of the Yin and Shang Dynasties will have no way to escape.

At this moment, there was a rumbling sound in the distance, like ten thousand horses galloping.Zhou Jun's camp was suddenly disturbed, and countless people woke up from their sleep and looked around in a panic.

"Is this the sound of chariots rolling? Where did so many chariots come from?"

"No, this is not a chariot!"

Outside the big tent, Shan Hou shouted and asked: "Light up the torches, quickly set up the formation."

Soon a large number of torches were lit, illuminating the camp clearly, and at this moment, everyone finally saw the torrential flood sweeping in like a mountain, and everything it passed was washed away.

"Flood, it's a flood, run!" the sharp-eyed soldier shouted, and the surrounding Zhou army suddenly panicked.

"It's a flood, Shanhou, go away." Shanhou's retainers shouted loudly, desperately pulling Shanhou to rush out of the camp, but at the critical moment, the whole camp was already in chaos, and tens of thousands of people swarmed out , stepping on each other, there is no way to escape.

At the same time, the torrential river flowed down, and the waves several feet high crashed down. The camp wall was swept away like straw in front of this landslide-like flood.But in the blink of an eye, the camp turned into a swamp, and a large number of soldiers and supplies were submerged in the water. Even soldiers who could swim disappeared when they were swept up by the ferocious waves.

The torrential flood came overwhelmingly, and all the things in front of the flood, whether it was chariots, tents or soldiers, were all submerged in it. Only a few were lucky enough to find the raft and hug it to escape the catastrophe.

When Shan Hou saw this situation, his face turned ashen in an instant, tens of thousands of elites were buried by him, how could he have the face to meet Dazai and King Cheng?Immediately, he drew out his long sword and wanted to kill himself, but was stopped by his servants.

Tens of thousands of Zhou's troops were washed away by the flood, and countless people wailed in the flood.The entire banks of the Huaihe River became a swamp country.

On the south bank of the Huai River, Zijue watched the flood rush down, destroying the Zhou army's camp, extinguishing countless campfires, and screaming and shouting endlessly.But in a blink of an eye, it was completely submerged by the flood.

The sky was getting brighter, and the morning sun pierced the darkness. Looking around, I saw that the surrounding tens of miles had completely turned into a swamp country.

As for that week's army camp, it was washed away by the flood long ago, and tens of thousands of troops fed all the fish and turtles.However, there are also some lucky ones who ran to the heights and survived.

Zijue drew out his sharp sword and shouted: "The Zhou army is defeated, we will attack immediately, kill the defeated soldiers, and collect supplies!"

"No!" The soldiers around responded in unison, and then immediately manipulated the raft to hunt down.

Six hundred soldiers and thousands of old and weak were all dispatched on dozens of rafts, and began to besiege and kill the remnants of the Zhou army guarding the isolated island, while collecting supplies.Although these materials have been soaked in water, many of them can still be used after being dried.

After the flood passed overnight, tens of thousands of troops were washed away by the flood. Shanhou finally gathered more than a hundred soldiers, but because of the flood, almost all of these people were unarmed, let alone armor. drowned.

Seeing Shan Hou, everyone couldn't help feeling sad, and cried loudly: "Your Majesty, it's over, it's over, ten thousand troops are lost here!"

Hearing this, Shan Hou also felt sad, but he still comforted him: "The Yin thief is already fading away, so what if he wins this time? In the end, he will still be blown down by the autumn wind like the fallen leaves, and our country will be like the sun. "

But before he finished speaking, he heard several soldiers shouting: "Look, Your Majesty, the Yin thief is coming!"

"The thief Yin is chasing after him!"

"Your Majesty, let's go, the servants will lead people to stop them!"

Shan Hou hurriedly turned around to look around, and saw hundreds of soldiers from the Yin had already meandering over dozens of rafts. Seeing this situation, Shan Hou knew that he could not hesitate any longer, and immediately boarded the raft with a few soldiers and wanted to get away.

"Your Majesty has God's help to defeat the Zhou army, but we haven't achieved an inch of success! I really envy them that they can follow you to kill the enemy." A young boy with a childish face said enviously.

"Ming, you will be 16 years old next year, and then you will be able to fight with Your Majesty." Yu comforted.

Although the flood destroyed the Zhou army, it also dispersed the supplies and soldiers. Yu led dozens of soldiers and hundreds of old and weak to collect supplies. .

"Brother Yu, look, there is someone there, it seems to be a general!" Another boy said excitedly.

"Where is it? Where is it?" Yu hurriedly looked in the direction the boy was pointing at. Sure enough, on a mound, a group of Zhou soldiers were hiding on it, and one of them was obviously of high status.

"It's Zhou Jun, haha, brothers, we are going to make meritorious service!" After Yu saw those people, he quickly called everyone to row the surrounding rafts.

Their arrival obviously alarmed those Zhou troops. After seeing them, these people jumped onto the raft in a hurry to escape.

"Quick, they want to escape, catch up, we can't let them go!" Yu divided a part to besiege the remaining Zhou army on the mound, and the rest continued to chase the raft.

Zhou people were not good at boating, and the speed of the raft was not fast, so they were quickly chased up. Although they were only old and weak, Zhou people had no weapons, and they had been soaked in the flood for a whole night. They were tired, sleepy and hungry, so they were no match at all.It's just that everyone saw that there seemed to be a general on the raft and wanted to capture him alive.

"Ming, you lead people to harass with bows and arrows, and I will swim over with a few people with 'pan'!" Yu immediately ordered, and after speaking, he jumped into the water with a few people, and the rest of them raised their bows and arrows.

The next moment arrows rained down, the raft was not big, and there was almost no place to dodge. The people who were fleeing for their lives dodged one after another. The bamboo raft was in a mess, and some people even fell into the water accidentally. The slow speed of the raft was even worse. Almost stagnant, can only drift with the waves.

At this moment, the water surface suddenly churned, and the raft shook violently, almost capsizing, and the people on the raft fell into the water one after another.

At this moment, several figures suddenly sprang out of the water, like water ghosts, with quick movements, grabbed Shanhou and the others, and pushed them into the water without any explanation. Shanhou and the others could not stand still without any resistance The power was dragged into the water, everyone was terrified, struggling to escape, but there was nothing they could do.

When these people rolled their eyes one by one and had no more strength to resist, Yu then arrested them all.

Qufu, the capital of Yan Kingdom.

Dazai Zhou Gongdan and Tai Gongwang once again summoned the princes of all parties to prepare to divide the princes in the east.

This time, a large number of meritorious officials need to be rewarded for the second subjugation of merchants. It is impossible for the army of the Zhou Dynasty to be stationed here for a long time.

In the main hall, Dazai Dan was discussing matters with Taigong Wang, and this time the purpose of the Eastern Expedition had been achieved.

Now Yan Kingdom, the most powerful country in the east where the Yin Shang stayed, has been broken, and the Yin Shang in the whole world has no power to resist anymore.However, although the rebellious Yin Shang Fangguo was destroyed, there are still a large number of Yin Shang adherents who need to be dealt with.

It is not advisable to let it go. Those rebellious nobles have been wiped out. The soldiers who participated in the Eastern Expedition this time have not been rewarded. It can also disintegrate the survivors of the Yin and Shang Dynasties, and at the same time, these feudal princes can also guard the remaining survivors of the Yin and Shang Dynasties nearby.

It has to be said that the enfeoffment system is indeed the most suitable system for the current situation.

"Emperor Yin has no way, and he abused the world. Fengming Qishan, Bangzhou will be prosperous."

Zhou Gongdan performed the king's affairs on his behalf, and Tai Gongwang presided over the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven. Once again, he reiterated that Bang Zhou was the master of the world, and all rebels against Yin and Shang survivors needed to be punished.

"The king of Zhou is the son of heaven, sacred and noble, and inviolable. It is the destiny of Zhou to break through the Yan Kingdom this time, and Yin and Shang have lost the favor of heaven."

"You follow the destiny, break the Yin for the second time, Bangzhou will be favored by heaven, Fengming Qishan, King Wu will defeat Zhou, Zhou people will get the destiny, Yin Shang's destiny will fall, our country Zhou will win the world, this is the flow of destiny."

"Today we are waiting to destroy the Yan Kingdom, but there are still a large number of Yin and Shang survivors rebelling in this land. Although the Bangzhou army is strong, it cannot stay here for a long time. Therefore, I have ordered the king to entrust the meritorious officials here, so that you can take the place of the emperor. Herdsmen, guard one side."

Many nobles who were kneeling below heard this, and they immediately showed joy. At this time, Yan Kingdom, the most important country in the Yin Shang Dynasty, had been conquered, and the survivors of the Yin Shang Dynasty suffered heavy losses. up.

Next, enfeoffment and founding the country, because there are still Yin Shang Fangguo who surrendered, Taigongwang and Dazaidan enfeoffed a large number of meritorious people around Yanguo, and at the same time Taigongwang enfeoffed in Pugu's hometown, Jianguo Qi.Dazai Dan enfeoffed the old place of Yan State and founded Lu.In addition, this time, more than a dozen states were entrusted to guard this place.

In order to prevent the Yin and Shang survivors from rebelling, the two deliberately built the feudal state here.Of course, as Sangong, the two need to return to Haojing to sit in town and assist Chengwang.King Cheng was young and needed the support of Taigongwang and Dazaidan, so he couldn't leave him for a long time.The eldest son can only be left here to build the country.

But just as the distribution was about to end, a herald hurried in.Seeing the messed-up look of the herald, the two of them felt something bad in their hearts.

Immediately, Dazai Dan waved his hand lightly, and an attendant beside him hurriedly stepped forward to take the herald to the side hall.Fortunately, the rewards in the hall have come to an end, after a while, Dazaidan and Taigongwang hurried over.

"What happened?" Dazai Dan asked directly.

"Shanhou pursued the rebellion of Yin and Shang. On the banks of the Huaishui River, the enemy attacked halfway. Shanhou was frustrated. It was the Ye Yin people who dug the Huai River, and the army was flooded. Only a few hundred people fled back."

After Tai Gongwang and Dazaidan heard the herald's words, their faces were a little ugly, and after questioning the herald for a while, they asked the attendants to take him down to rest.

"Shanhou was defeated, and the emperor's six armies lost thousands! The army went on an expedition for two years, and the soldiers missed their hometown, but they couldn't delay any longer. But who will deal with those Yin and Shang rebels?" Dazai Dan asked.

Taigongwang understands Dazai's predicament. Although the army is in dire straits, they have traveled thousands of miles and been away for two years. Let these princes join hands to encircle and suppress, the rebel army has more than [-] people, the disease of mustard moss, occasional victory has nothing to do with the overall situation."

"Our country Zhou has already won the destiny, and the Yin and Shang rebels will be completely crushed in the end!"

Hearing Taigongwang's words, although he still had some doubts in his heart, as Taigongwang said, Bang Zhou has already been appointed by heaven, and those Yin and Shang rebels are just clowns, and they are left to the princes to deal with.After thinking about it, Dazai Dan was a little worried.

Immediately said: "East to the sea, west to the river, south to Muling, north to Wudi, five lords and nine uncles, we can really conquer them."

After saying this, Tai Gongwang's heart was also shocked. This is to give him part of the rights of the emperor.

Dazai Dan continued: "There are four poles and eight wildernesses in the world. The Son of Heaven is in the middle and commands the Quartet, but there are Dongyi, Xirong, Beidi, and Nanman in the Quartet, and there are Qi, Yan, Sui, and Shen. They are the strong branches of the states, and the Son of Heaven You need to guard the Quartet and conquer the barbarians."

Under the order of the king, envoys need to be sent to meet the emperor every year, and offer captives and goods to the emperor.The king ordered to relocate every three years, and if the meritorious service was insufficient, he would be relocated to other princes.

Dazai Dan originally planned to announce these things after returning to Haojing, but after Shanhou's defeat, he handed over the right to conquer Dongyi to Qi State in advance.

It's just that after making this decision, Dazai Dan suddenly felt a little strange, but he didn't know why.

After all, the important affairs of the country are at the sacrificial ceremony, and there are sayings that only weapons and names should be used, and people should not be faked.Although Dazai Dan assigned part of the power and status of conquering the Quartet to the princes, which eased the military pressure on Emperor Zhou, but in the long run, the authority of Emperor Zhou declined.

Dazai Dan is very aware of the consequences of doing so, but this is the best way at present.

Backward productivity and poor transportation cannot support Zhou Tianzi to rule the four poles and the wilderness, so this method of appointing princes from all directions is undoubtedly the best way.As long as the emperor of Zhou does not mess around in the future, Bang Zhou's world will not be chaotic.It's a pity that this is just wishful thinking. The corruption of power and the degeneration of meat eaters are always unexpectedly fast.

At the same time, Wang Jue, who was far away by the Huaishui River, suddenly felt something strange, and then found that the Luck column on the system panel had changed.

[Battle of the Huaishui River: You successfully stopped the elite Zhou army with an exhausted army of thousands of people, defeated the Zhou army by relying on water attack, and captured countless prisoners!Your reputation has been improved, your enemies are more hostile to you, the survivors of the Shang Dynasty regard you as hope, you get 2000 luck points, and the victory in the battle of Huaishui allows you to successfully gain a foothold in the land of Huaisi and rebuild Fangguo foundation.More survivors of Yin and Shang came to join you. 】

With the change of the system panel, the Battle of Huaishui was completely over.At this time, three days have passed since the Zhou army was flooded that night. The Huai River began to retreat at dawn. After the rain stopped, the Huai water would soon recover. Capture captives.

He is now preparing to re-establish the country, so it is far from enough to rely on the more than [-] Yin and Shang survivors in front of him, so he plans to capture these Zhou army prisoners and use them as slaves.

After a flood, more than half of the tens of thousands of troops were dispersed, and countless people drowned. Even those who survived by chance were frightened by the power of the sky, and then were arrested by the army sent by Zijue.

After the flood, Zijue not only sent a large number of people to capture the prisoners, but also asked people to collect supplies from the Zhou army. Although these supplies had been soaked in water, there were still many usable things after drying.

When there is no more organized army except his army, the war is completely over.

After a flood, although they were victorious, they did not get much spoils. Most of the [-] shi of food was soaked in water, and more than [-] people were captured. As for the rest, except those who drowned, they were washed away by the flood. Yes, the few lucky ones who escaped are basically all here, and they also captured Shanhou.

In this era, nobles can be redeemed, and Zijue wants to use him in exchange for those survivors of the Shang Dynasty who were captured as slaves.Since coming here, if you want to develop and grow, you must have a large enough population.The current population is only five to six thousand people, and it is simply too difficult to rely on this population for development.

This Shanhou also made a lot of contributions to Bang Zhou, and it is not difficult to exchange for hundreds of Yin Shang adherents.

Although he won the battle of Huaishui, Zijue was not so arrogant that he thought he could defeat Bang Zhou and rebuild Yin Shang.The general trend of this world has been considered stable after Bangzhou divided the world. If he insists on going his own way, he will definitely be crushed by the annual rings of history in the end.

Now he is weak, if the distance is too close, Bang Zhou's army can come and attack him at any time, so he can't establish a country here, and needs to continue to go south.

In the land of Huaisi, the most powerful Fang country is Xu country.Xu Guo was conferred by King Yu of the Xia Dynasty, and had nothing to do with Bang Zhou, and was even a bit vile.The relationship between Xu Guo and Yin Shang is not bad, and Zijue plans to re-establish Fang Guo in Huainan.

Of course, he originally wanted to cross the Yangtze River, but he heard that the south of the Yangtze River is the territory of Wu State.This country of Wu is also a country surnamed Ji, which was established by the elder brother of King Wen of Zhou and has been passed down for five generations.If he migrated further south, he would definitely conflict with Wu. Although Wu was not strong, his strength was even weaker and he could no longer suffer any losses.

After defeating the Zhou army, Zijue didn't stay long, and continued to migrate south, preparing to settle down near Daze.And during this period, because after he defeated the Zhou army, many Yin Shang survivors who escaped after the collapse of the Yan Kingdom began to defect to him.

At the beginning, there were only a few people, but later thousands of people came, and it was very lively for a while.


Zhou Gongdan formulated various strict systems and etiquette for Bangzhou, restrained the princes, supported Bangzhou, and hoped that Bangzhou would continue.It's a pity that history has long given us an answer, the corruption of rights and the degeneration of meat eaters are always amazingly fast. "Ancient Chinese History The Western Zhou Dynasty"

(End of this chapter)

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