Chapter 304 Building the Divine City
After unifying the world, Wang Luo did not relax, and even felt that now was the time to show off his talents.A series of restructuring made Qianguo very busy.

After three years in power, Wang Luo keenly discovered that there was a clear tear between the north and the south of Daqian, and his control over the north was significantly lower than that of the south.

In addition to the fact that the Huai Kingdom ruled the south for a long time and ruled the north for a short time, another reason was that Jinling was southward.This is not a good thing for a country.At the same time, after there was no war in the Central Plains, Daqian vigorously promoted farming and medical skills, and the recovery speed of the Central Plains was astonishing.

Due to the climate, water and soil, there are a lot of miasma and diseases in the south. Even though the Huai State attaches great importance to the promotion of medical skills, due to the era, the mortality rate of the population is still very high. Therefore, the population growth rate in this era is not as high as that in the Central Plains. .

It's okay now, but if time goes on, this situation will become more and more serious, and there may even be divisions and confrontations.This is naturally not allowed by Wang Luo.

Above the main hall, Wang Luo was discussing with the ministers.

"Your Majesty, the Central Plains is recovering very quickly. There is no miasma, high temperature and other factors. Coupled with the abundant food harvest, the population has recovered very quickly."

"I suggest building a Chi Road to connect the north."

"Your Majesty, the construction of Chidao is difficult and time-consuming. Once something unexpected happens, it will be easily interrupted. I suggest moving the capital."

"Move the capital? Absolutely not. Your Majesty, Jinling is the place of destiny. The dragon veins gather together and it has the aura to rule the world. How can we move the capital! What is your intention?"

"It's nonsense. Moving the capital is in compliance with the destiny of heaven. In the past, when Pan Geng moved to Yin, the great merchants prospered, and when the Huai Kingdom moved to Jinling, the great cadres became what they are today. How can the world remain unchanged?"

Wang Luo watched the officials in the hall continue to argue, thinking quickly in his mind, calculating the gains and losses.Soon, Wang Luo made a decision and raised his hand slightly. When the chamberlain next to him saw it, he quickly said loudly: "Quiet!"

Many ministers with red faces and ears quarreling in the main hall quickly stopped and waited for Wang Luo's instructions.

"The land of the Central Plains is related to the country's foundation, so we must be cautious. I am preparing to move the capital. At the same time, I have ordered craftsmen to serve as supervisors and prepare to build Chidao again."

The ministers in the main hall did not expect that Wang Luo actually wanted to move the capital and build Chidao at the same time.This is indeed the best way, but there is also a problem, that is, it is very expensive.

At the same time, the impact of moving the capital was too great.You must know that when the capital was moved from Huai'an to Jinling, the resistance it encountered was very high. A large number of officials and nobles were unwilling to move the capital. They were worried that their own interests would be damaged, so they opposed it. Now that the capital is moved from Jinling, the resistance will be even greater.

Wang Luo was very aware of these difficulties, but he did not take them seriously.His prestige alone was enough to force the move of the capital.

Although Wang Luo allowed the ministers to speak freely, no one in the hall dared to refute his decision.Since he unified the world, Wang Luo has become more and more powerful.

Everyone in the hall looked at me and I looked at you. No one dared to object and immediately bowed: "Your Majesty is wise."

After deciding to move the capital in parallel with the construction of Chidao, everyone in Daqian began to prepare for it. At the same time, debate began about where to move the capital.

After some screening, the important officials of the imperial court selected Daliang (Kaifeng), Anyang, Luoyi, Jinyang, Xianyang and other cities as candidates.Wang Luo agreed after reading it.But the specific city to choose has not yet been decided.

Each of these cities has advantages and disadvantages, and Wang Luo was hesitant for a while.Daliang was the capital of the Wei State. After King Hui of Wei moved the capital to Daliang, he built cities, dug ditches, and diverted water from rivers to irrigate farmland.Therefore, Daliang quickly prospered. It was a prosperous place with a prosperous population and numerous grain fields. It was indeed a good place. In addition, there was the Bian River nearby, so water transportation was convenient.

But there is also a problem. There is no danger to defend here, and it is also easy for people to dig up river embankments and divert water to the city.Finally, after some discussion, the beam was eliminated.

The second discussion is Anyang. Anyang is located in the Central Plains. It also has many fertile fields and a prosperous population. It is also the old capital of the Yin and Shang Dynasties. Anyang is said to be a good place, but the roads here are not convenient enough and it also faces the same problems as Daliang. , the terrain is open and there is no danger to defend.

In comparison, the terrain of the three cities of Luoyi, Jinyang and Xianyang is much better.

There are eight passes around Luoyi, and four passes in Xianyang. Jinyang is located between Taihang Mountain and Luliang Mountain. The two mountains leave a large area of ​​land in the middle. The terrain is like a valley. As long as the two ends of the valley are guarded, Jinyang will be safe.

It can be said that these three cities have dangerous passes to defend, and they also have enough land to grow food.Luoyi has the Nanyang Plain, Xianyang has the fertile wilderness, and Jinyang also has the land east of the river.

However, the roads in Jinyang are rugged, too close to the north, and transportation is inconvenient. If the capital is moved to Jinyang, the Huai Kingdom's rule over the south will be weakened. This is what Wang Luo does not want, so Jinyang will also be eliminated.In the end, only two cities, Xianyang and Luoyi, were left.

In the main hall, the ministers kept debating around the two cities, but no one could convince anyone.Mainly because these two cities were both excellent, Wang Luo was a little hesitant for a while.

"Your Majesty, do you want to continue going south, or do you plan to go north?" Left Prime Minister Han Fei asked respectfully.

Wang Luo said: "How about north, how about south?"

Han Fei said: "To the north, we can move the capital to Xianyang. This place is close to the north and is very convenient for sending messages or sending out armies. However, once the country is weak, it will be easily attacked by barbarians."

"To the south, the capital will be moved to Luoyang. Luoyang has convenient water transportation and developed transportation. The Nanyang Chidao has been built, and the army can go directly from Nanyang. At the same time, Luoyang is not far from the north. Although it is not as good as Xianyang, it can still take care of both."

Wang Luo immediately made up his mind and said: "Luoyi has dangerous mountains and rivers, thousands of miles of fertile land, and convenient transportation. Then move the capital to Luoyi!"

"The imperial edict changed the name of Luoyi to Luoyang and called it the divine capital. Han Fei, the left prime minister, was appointed the order of Luoyang and was responsible for the construction of Luoyang. When the construction of the new city was completed, the capital was moved to Luoyang."

"The imperial edict ordered Anyang to be the B capital, Xianyang to be the Xijing, Huai'an to be the capital, and Jinling to be the N capital."

"The imperial edict ordered the entire country to collect 20 laborers to build the city of Luoyang."

As Wang Luo issued the order, the entire Daqian movement immediately began to move, money and food from various places also began to be transferred to Luoyang, and a large number of civilians were recruited.At the same time, criminals and criminals from all over the country were also sent to Luoyang.

Han Fei led the master craftsman and supervisor to Luoyang and began to explore the terrain.Because there was already Luoyi, the capital of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, it was much easier to build a new capital this time.Han Fei needs to expand Luoyi.At the same time, some of the people in the city were moved away.

(End of this chapter)

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