Chapter 314
The war machine of the Daqian Dynasty was launched, and it took only half a month for the 30-strong army to be assembled.At the same time, grain and grass from various places were also transported to designated locations.

Because the transportation of grain and grass consumes a lot of money, during the Huaiguo era, Huaiguo built granaries near some Chidao hubs with convenient transportation and where large armies were stationed, and transported the taxed grain and grass from surrounding counties and counties here.When the army needs to be mobilized, it will be allocated nearby.

The advantage of this is that it can save time and reduce the consumption of grain transportation. The disadvantage is that corruption is prone to occur. Once the local army rebels and seizes the granary base, it will cause serious consequences.

Therefore, Daqian strengthened the inspection censor system, and these granaries were the focus of attention.At the same time, in order to prevent the officials stationed in the granary from practicing favoritism and malpractice, they will be replaced every four years.

The Xiongnu invaded a vast area, from Yan to the west to Qin. This time they summoned 20 troops from Jinling, and the remaining [-] were in Qin and Yanzhao.Daqian is not good at cavalry. Including Yanzhao, there are only one hundred thousand, and many of them are mounted infantry.

Before leaving, Wang Luo asked: "General Zhengbei, are you sure of victory?"

Li Mu understood Wang Luo's thoughts and immediately said: "Your Majesty, it is not difficult to defeat the Huns this time, but it is impossible to defeat the Huns in one battle."

"Your Majesty is not in the north and does not know the way of life of the Xiongnu. They live in a tribal form, unlike the Xia kingdoms that have cities. It is difficult to find their main force."

"Unless the Huns army enters the hinterland of Zhuxia Land, we have a chance to annihilate them all. Otherwise, it will be too difficult to find the main force of the Huns on the vast grassland."

Wang Luo frowned after hearing this: "Do you have any strategy to destroy the Xiongnu?"

"If the treasury is full, and there are [-] elite cavalry, which can be equipped with one person and three horses, and sufficient logistics, we can continuously sweep the grassland for several years to defeat the Huns."

The strength of the Xiongnu soldiers is actually not very strong. It is very difficult for the army to attack the grassland. First of all, it is the guide. Above the grassland is a vast grassland with few roads and no conspicuous coordinates. It is easy to get lost.

Secondly, the Hu tribes migrate all year round. If they want to attack the grasslands, the most difficult thing is to find these Huns.

Wang Luo understood that if he wanted to completely defeat the Huns, he would have no chance unless he was willing to use the divine weapon of destiny to make a blizzard fall on the grassland.

The grassland area is huge, and it would take at least a few to cover the entire grassland, but he has already used the Divine Artifact of Destiny, and if he uses it again, he will basically die suddenly on the spot.

Since the Xiongnu cannot be defeated in one battle, this time he will be beaten hard to teach the Xiongnu a lesson.

Li Mu personally led the army northward and passed through Chidao. It only took the army a month to reach the border of Zhao.

The land of Yanzhao has special terrain for defending against the Hu people in the north.The Yanshan Mountains, the Taihang Mountains and the Luliang Mountains are northern barriers, so the Hu people's march south was not smooth sailing.

The army moved north, but the Huns came faster than expected. As soon as Li Mu's army passed Jinyang and headed north, the Huns had already crossed the border and entered the land of Zhuxia.

The vanguard of the army soon encountered some Huns, and the two sides fought fiercely for a while. The Huns and Dagan's cavalry fought with each other, causing heavy casualties. Worried about being entangled by Dagan, they patted their horses and left.

When Li Mu learned that the Huns had actually entered Yan territory, he immediately detached half of his cavalry into two groups, and divided his troops into two detours to cut off the Huns' retreat.

Because there are many mountains in the north, Li Mu can be said to have a good grasp of the terrain here. There are not many accessible roads, and there are beacon towers at key points in various places. Combined with the information from the secret guards, he can quickly determine the area where the main force of the Huns is most likely to gather. .Then the troops were ordered to rush to the predetermined position.

The 30-strong army is composed of elite troops, with an armor rate of [-]%.Among them, there are tens of thousands of elite crossbow troops and rattan armor troops.In a head-on confrontation, the Huns were no match at all. "Brothers, a good man should immediately seek the title of Marquis and the title of wife. For now, follow me and kill him!"

Meng Tian led his army to attack, and the shouts of killing resounded throughout the world. The Huns charged from left to right, using their bows and cavalry to shoot back and forth like the wind, but the large army formation remained motionless.

Li Mu commanded the army to approach slowly and calmly responded to the battle. The Huns' cavalry did not dare to attack the army formation at all.As time went by, the Huns suddenly discovered that the area of ​​activity was getting smaller and smaller. At some point, Daqian's army formed an encirclement.

The Huns sensed something was wrong and immediately wanted to break out of the gap and evacuate.The Huns' cavalry equipment was not good. More than [-]% of the Huns were equipped with simple wallets, and many Huns even did not even have leather armor.

Iron armor is very rare, and arrows are mostly made of bone or bronze.The only advantage is that there are so many horses that come and go like the wind.

Seeing that the Huns wanted to escape, how could Li Mu give them this chance?
There are also [-] cavalry in the Central Plains, but they can't even do one person and two horses, and the quality of the horses is not as good as that of the Huns.At the beginning, Huai State relied on horseback and infantry to dominate the world.

"Uncle Yang Ping, you lead five thousand cavalry, attack from the left, and cooperate with General Meng Tian to block the Xiongnu army."

"Xu Chengbo, you lead five thousand cavalry to attack from the right, and cooperate with the infantry to prevent the Huns from breaking through from the right."

Wei Ran immediately led the cavalry to charge from the left.

Military orders were issued one after another, Li Mu's powerful command ability was displayed, and the Daqian soldiers fully displayed their fangs at this moment.

"Quick! Rush out! Don't be surrounded by them!"

When the Huns saw that Daqian's army wanted to encircle them, they immediately sent a large army to break out.But by this time, it was already too late.

"Since we're here, let's all stay!" Li Mu said with a cold face as he watched the Huns continue to attack the military formation.

"I have long heard that General Zhengbei's military skills are like a god, and today I saw that he is truly worthy of his reputation! I am afraid that the one hundred thousand Huns will be wiped out in this battle." Wang Yun praised.

Li Mu smiled slightly and said: "The military advisor is ridiculous. Mu has gained His Majesty's trust and allowed Mu to lead an army of 30. This battle will definitely let the Huns know how powerful they are, so that the Huns will not dare to go south to herd horses!"

"I would like to follow General Zhengbei to pacify the Huns!" the generals shouted excitedly.

As the army encircled them, the [-] Huns no longer cared about their casualties and rushed into the Daqian army formation. However, Li Mu had already expected it and sent the slave army to suppress the formation. Thousands of cavalry rushed into the formation, but they crashed into the crossbow formation. Thousands of crossbowmen continued to fire, and crossbow arrows were like rain.

The Huns' leather armor was like paper and could be penetrated easily. The Huns fell down like grass under the large crossbow array.

Thousands of cavalry charged desperately, and before they could get within thirty steps, most of them were killed or wounded. The remaining Huns collapsed and fled in confusion.

(End of this chapter)

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