Chapter 320
The morning light of the morning sun shines on Shangyang Palace, and the entire hall looks magnificent.Standing at the highest point of Shangyang Palace, you can clearly see a wide avenue coming straight from it.

A group of guards hurried towards the palace. Those who saw this group of guards immediately lowered their heads or walked elsewhere to make way for them.It seems that even the clear sky has become a little hazy at this moment.

After all these people disappeared, some whispers came.

"Who is going to be unlucky again?"

"I don't know, there are always some people who don't have long memories."

"Your Majesty!" Secret Guard Li Chong came forward and knelt down and said, "We have found 100 people who have just finished their labor and returned from the Great Wall."

"What's going on?" Wang Luo asked.

"Your Majesty's guess is correct. Sure enough, there is a problem with the food and grass." Li Chong said.

"I was ordered by Your Majesty to question these people. I heard from these people that the food they eat every day is indeed from the government, but the food is mixed with a lot of bran, sand, stones, and salt. There was almost none, and the food distributed when we left was not enough, and a lot of it was moldy."

"Where are those grains? Bring them to me."

"Here." Li Chong said, taking off a pocket from his waist and opening it.

A musty smell appeared in the air, and there were a lot of black mold spots on the grain in the bag. In addition, there were a lot of stones and gravel in the grain. Wang Luo only made a rough estimate, and almost half of it was many.

"Have you ever weighed how much gravel and gravel there is in this grain?"

"Reply to Your Majesty, [-]% to [-]%."

"Okay, that's great." Wang Luo laughed angrily and said, "Is this how they fool the people and me?"

The servants in the main hall immediately fell to their knees and trembled.

"Your Majesty, calm down!"

"Immediately send people to check the granaries across the country!" Wang Luo said: "If anyone dares to stop them, they will be captured immediately. In addition, we will send people to call the patrol censors over, and everyone will stay there waiting."

Wang Luo said in a cold tone: "Take my edict and tiger talisman, and mobilize five thousand troops to go together."

Wang Luo knew very well that if there was a problem with the granary, it would also mean that there was a problem with the patrol censor, and it was not just the local powerful who could pull these people into trouble.


Following Wang Luo's order, more than a dozen teams of cavalry quickly left Luoyang and flew away. At the same time, there was a commotion in the military camp, and an army of 5000 people also left the camp.

The secret guards were very fast. After receiving the order, they came to Handan as soon as possible, then took control of all the granaries in Handan, and then sent out personnel to prepare for the inventory of the granaries.

Seeing this posture, the grain farm governor turned pale with fright.

"Zhao Changling, right? Your Majesty has an order, let me check the granary, Zhao Changling opens the warehouse!"

Zhao Cangling looked at the five people standing in front of him with their swords in hand. He looked panicked and asked tremblingly: "Shangguan, which one should you open?"

"As long as there is food, open everything!"

Zhao Cangling was extremely reluctant, but looking at the looks of these people, as long as he refused even a little bit, he would be struck by a sword at the next moment.Zhao Cangling had no choice but to take people to open the warehouse.

There are more than a hundred warehouses here. Each granary can store at least 50 shi of grain, and a total of [-] shi of grain. It is the main granary used to supply the border troops and the Great Wall construction site in the north.Zhao Cangling opened the warehouse and saw tall stacks of grain piled on top of the warehouse. There were piles of grain inside. Everything seemed normal.

There are more than 20 granaries in the entire grain field, which together contain a hundred thousand shi of grain.This amount of food is no different from the recorded quantity, and even slightly exceeds it.

Li Chong looked at the records on the bamboo slips and frowned. This was completely different from what he imagined. How could the granary be full?He always felt something was wrong.

"Shangguan, the granary has also been inspected. Can it be closed?" Zhao Cangling next to him said with a flattering look.

Li Chong looked ugly and said immediately: "Come here, take out all the food in the granary!"

"Shangguan, Shangguan, these grains cannot be taken out at will. Once taken out, they will easily get insects and mold. When the time comes, the official will not be able to bear this responsibility." Zhao Cangling quickly dissuaded him.

"Get out of the way. If the food becomes infested with insects and mold after being taken out, I will naturally carry it."

After saying that, he directly asked people to enter the granary and move the grain out.

Dozens of people went into battle together, and the food in the granary was moved very quickly.The grains were piled directly on the spot, and soon a hill was built.

"General, there is something discovered here!" At this moment, a voice suddenly came from the granary.

Li Chong stepped forward directly, and everyone around him immediately moved aside.I saw that all the bulging grain above the granary had been moved out, and the center had been dug down to a depth of about two meters.

"What did you find?" Li Chong asked.

"Partition, general, there is a partition under this granary!" He ordered the soldiers to clear away the surrounding grain, revealing the black wooden boards underneath.

Li Chong stepped forward and tapped lightly on the wooden board. There was a thumping sound from inside. It was obvious that the bottom was empty.

Seeing this, Li Chong looked gloomy, then walked to the granary, and said: "dig them all!"

Zhao Cangling next to him fell to the ground softly.

Soon all the granaries were dug out. Among the twenty granaries, except for a few that were full, the other granaries were all one layer above and held up by partitions below.

The entire 20-stone granary was in deficit by more than [-] yuan.

Li Chong's face was extremely ugly, and he immediately controlled all the people in the granary to prepare for inspection and screening.

After Wang Luo received the news, his face was extremely ugly, and he immediately captured all the officials in the granary for review.Soon the result of the matter was sent to Wang Luo.

Almost all the officials in the entire grain farm were involved. These people, local officials, and families of ministers began to use various methods to report damage to the grain warehouse, using reasons such as mildew and insect infestation to flood the grain and reduce the number on the books. .

After a while, after seeing that no one noticed, these people became bolder and bolder, and began to transport the grain directly, and then used partitions to make it look like the warehouse was still full.

Then when the grain is transported, the remaining grain is mixed with a large amount of bran, gravel, and gravel and transported there.When it was time to prepare for the inspection, these people borrowed grain from the wealthy families in advance to fill the gap, and then returned the grain after the inspection censor left.

Therefore, every time the inspection censor came here to check, the warehouses were full of food.

This time, Li Chong also acted too quickly. These people had no idea and were caught off guard.Otherwise, these hundreds of thousands of stones of food would just disappear without a trace, and no one would know about it.

The flight was delayed for 4 hours and the airport code was coded. Let's just make do with it.

(End of this chapter)

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