Chapter 334 Counterattack against Xiang Yu
Chen She and Wu Guang rebelled, but there was not much response from Qi, so they went to Zhao.And it soon spread in Zhao.

At the same time, the nobles of the six countries also rose up, wanting to take the opportunity to rebel and carve up Daqian.Dozens of noble families revolted in various places. In just one month, the world was at war.

Wang Ke began to face such a severe situation one month after he ascended the throne, which made many officials and nobles in the Daqian court couldn't help but worry.

After all, the prince had just ascended the throne. If he couldn't handle it, it would be a serious matter. Of course, there were some conspirators among them. For a while, there were many disturbances in the court and different opinions.Every day there was a lot of quarrels, you said you wanted to calm down the chaos, he said you wanted to appease each other, and they attacked each other.

Although Wang Ke had only been emperor for a month, he had already begun assisting in government affairs a few years ago. Later, Wang Luo even handed over [-]% of the affairs of the court to Wang Ke.

In fact, Wang Ke has basically been the "full regent" since the autumn of the 13th year of Qianyuan, and there is only one name difference between him and the emperor.

Therefore, he was very skilled in handling government affairs, and the situation in front of him, which seemed to be against the whole world, did not scare him at all.

In Qianyuan Hall, Wang Ke was listening to Meng Tian's report.

"Your Majesty, you have ordered various places to guard the city, and at the same time, the garrisons in various places have also begun to take action. Most of the local nobles from the six countries rebelled. After Emperor Gaozu purged them, their strength was greatly reduced. Even if they rebelled, their impact would not be great. .”

Wang Ke nodded and said: "I ordered all the troops to prepare to quell the rebellion. This time, only the culprits will be killed, and those who are kidnapped can be dealt with lightly. Now there is a lot of waste to be done, so it is better not to kill too many people, and those who are coerced are just right. Leave it to the three imperial uncles."

"General, who do you think should be entrusted with the task of countering the rebellion?" Wang Ke asked Li Mu.

"Fenwei Captain Zhang Han is loyal, brave and resolute, and is skilled in military tactics. He can use them to defeat the enemy!" Li Mu said.

"The imperial edict is to promote Zhang Han to the rank of General Pingdong and lead an army of [-] to quell the rebellion of the Six Kingdoms!" Wang Ke immediately appointed Zhang Han as a general after taking the exam.

After Zhang Han received the edict, he was very excited, thanked him profusely, and immediately led his army to prepare for the expedition.

At the same time, Wang Ke also announced a general amnesty for the whole country, announcing that only the chief culprits of the rebellion would be killed, and the crimes of other accomplices would be reduced.Let these people lay down their arms and surrender.

At the same time, he announced the abolition of all previous tax increases, reduced taxes to a period of one year in Qianyuan, and announced interest rates for the people.Then he promoted frugality and burial, and once again emphasized the abolition of human sacrifice, announcing that there would be no forced labor for three years.

It also pardoned the death row prisoners in prison and instead exiled them to three places: Liaodong, Southern Fujian, and Yunnan.

Even Wang Luo's mausoleum has very few burial objects. Apart from a crown and robe, there is only a piece of beautiful jade, nine bronze tripods symbolizing his status, with his life's achievements and demerits inscribed on the bronze tripods, and some bamboo slips. .Apart from that, there are thousands of lifelike soldier figurines guarding the place, and there is nothing else.

The value of these funerary objects is not even comparable to those of the county officials.But this is also the tradition of Daqian, and it has been like this since the Huaiguo era.

As Wang Ke's edict was quickly transmitted to all parts of the world, many places that were ready to start an uprising soon settled down.

After all, except for careerists, few people like war.The war in the world has only disappeared for 16 years now. These people all experienced the war back then.

The disputes among the Seven Kingdoms can be said to be fought year after year, and there is not a single year without a fight.Heavy taxes are levied every year, and at the same time they have to serve as cannon fodder, transport grain and grass, and sometimes they are even asked to go to the battlefield.They don't want to go through that period of life again.Therefore, many people stopped playing after seeing the imperial edict.

At the same time, Zhang Han led 20 troops east out of Hulao Pass. At this time, Chen She had proclaimed himself king and gathered 15 troops in Zhao. He then appointed Wu Guang as the false king and led [-] troops south to besiege Xingyang.

As a result, due to the lack of engineering equipment, it could not be conquered for a while.Zhang Han led his army to arrive and saw that Wu Guang's army was sparsely camped and unevenly formed. He immediately led his army to attack. Zhang Han defeated Wu Guang's army. After three battles and three victories, he completely defeated Wu Guang and beheaded him, thus ending the siege of Xingyang. .

Then the army continued to advance. Next, Zhang Han defeated the Western Chu army Tian Zang, Li Gui and others, and defeated Wei Jiu Ying Zhan. In less than a month, he destroyed all the forces of the two nobles.

At the same time, the rate of decline of the rebel army was also unbelievable. A large number of people praised him as King Chen. He completely forgot that he was rich and noble in the past. Don't forget each other. He shouted that the princes and generals would rather have their kind, but soon He quickly thought that his own was born a noble species.

Although they held an army of more than [-] men, they almost collapsed in the face of Zhang Han's attack. The rebel army fell apart in the blink of an eye.

Zhang Han did not massacre the rebels because Wang Ke had already issued an order to kill the chief culprit.These frightened rebels surrendered one after another. Zhang Han quickly surrounded Chen She with his cavalry, captured Chen She, and then escorted him to Luoyang.

After defeating the arrogant Chen She, Zhang Han did not stop. The army swept all the way. The whole counter-rebellion was like a strong wind sweeping away fallen leaves, easily wiping out the old nobles of the Six Kingdoms.

Even if there are some difficulties occasionally, relying on the elites of the Great War, the few remaining servants of the nobles of the Six Nations and the common people coerced by their relatives are nothing more than a mob.

The Xiang clan of the Western Chu Kingdom gathered thousands of people to rebel. The head of the family, Xiang Yu, was even more brave. Zhang Han led his army to attack. He actually took the initiative and took the lead. He was really brave and invincible. Under his leadership, Zhang Han was defeated in a row. Three formations.

Fortunately, he did not have many elite men under his command. Although Zhang Han was defeated, his losses were not significant.

After seeing Xiang Yu's bravery, Zhang Han was not in a hurry to attack, but took advantage of his strength and surrounded him with a large army.A little bit of pressure on its living space.

Even though Xiang Yu is brave and invincible, his scope of activities is constantly shrinking under the encirclement of the elite.Finally, he was trapped on a small hill.

The army was besieged for several days. Xiang Yu was trapped, his troops were short of horses, and he had no water source. He wanted to break out of the siege at night, but was shot by Da Gan with a crossbow array. He was hit by several arrows and was captured.

After Xiang Yu was eliminated, no one could stop the counter-rebellion army.In just two months, Zhang Han completely quelled the rebellion in the country.

Although this war lasted only three months, it had a great impact on various places, and farming in many places was affected.

Wang Ke then issued another edict to exempt these places from taxes and at the same time transport grain from granaries in various places to provide relief to the victims.

In this rebellion, most of the ringleaders were killed. After Wang Ke learned of Xiang Yu's bravery, he deliberately kept him.

(End of this chapter)

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