Chapter 34 Greed
Zijue sat cross-legged in the void, watching Wang Lin's operation.He never thought that Wang Lin would use it to this extent just relying on some book knowledge he left behind.

The use of economic means and the greed of human nature will hollow out the foundation of Han Kingdom.Wang Lin's six-dimensional attribute internal affairs: 91, strategy: 95, strategy: 88, commander: 78, force: 75, charisma: 90; for a monarch, it is already top-level.

Zijue watched him use tactics to disintegrate the alliance of Shandong vassals, and the Kingdom of Han became a thing in his pocket, waiting to be harvested.

With such an excellent descendant, I believe this time will definitely bring him extraordinary luck benefits.

Two years passed quickly.The continuous selling of grain at low prices and the purchase of silkworm cocoons, weapons, bronze, and cloth at high prices for five years made Han Kingdom very prosperous.

Of the farmland in the entire country of Han, only about [-]% are still growing food.The rest were either replanted with mulberry trees or jute.

Wang Lin looked at the information in his hands. After so many years of infiltration, Han country has long been infiltrated by Huai country into a sieve.Looking at the information in his hand, maybe Hanhou might not necessarily know his country better than him.

"Ten percent of the land is planted with grain, and even if we continue, we can't reduce it." Wang Lin said with a smile.After all, not everyone is blinded by desire.There are always some people who are sober, and these people have never given up growing food.

But so what if you're awake?How can the output of [-]% of the farmland meet the needs of the entire country?
"Your Majesty, in order to make money, the nobles of the Han Kingdom even sold the bronze weapons in the kingdom's reserves." Shang Rong said respectfully.

As the executor of the whole plan, Shang Rong can be said to have participated in the whole plan. He watched Han people pull out the seedlings, plant mulberry trees and jute, and push himself into the abyss little by little.Now he respects Wang Lin like a god.

"How much food is there in Han Kingdom now?" Wang Lin asked.

Shang Rong said: "We still have less than two months' worth of grain in our hands, but Han Kingdom still has some grain in reserve, but it will last a month at most."

"Now there are still four or five months before the grain harvest. Even if the grain harvest is good, the country of Han is not enough to feed everyone. The order goes down. From today on, no grain will be sold to the country of Han. Also, pay attention to the country of Xu, don't let the country of Xu take the food Sell ​​them!" Wang Lin said directly.

Hearing this, everyone was overjoyed. As the king's confidants, they had been waiting for this day for a long time.

"Order Wei Ping to lead the army to the south, but don't attack the country of Han, wait until they run out of food and collapse on their own before attacking!"

"Here!" A strong man next to him responded loudly.

"Order the navy to dispatch. There is no single order. Not a grain of grain is allowed to enter the Han country. At the same time, if the people of the Han country escape by boat, they will all be arrested!"


Following Wang Lin's order, Huai country's war machine immediately began to operate.Wei Ping led an army of [-] troops to the south.The Huaiguo navy on the banks of the Yangtze River also began to dispatch.

The outage of food in Huai country soon affected the price of food in Han country.

Wei's Food Company.

Many people came to buy grain early in the morning, but the grain store had just opened.The price of grain, which was originally extremely low, doubled directly.

The people of Han, who are used to the low food prices, looked in disbelief and shouted, "Yesterday the price of food was only ten yuan, why did it rise to twenty yuan today?"

"Yes, are you deliberately raising food prices?"

"Yesterday, the food price was only [-] yuan, but today it has doubled. You must be making trouble!"

For a while, everyone on the street condemned, and soon attracted the attention of others. After hearing that the price of grain had doubled, everyone couldn't sit still, even if they had grain at home, they immediately gathered around.

Food is related to everyone's belly. After hearing that there is a problem with food, the whole street is full of people who come to buy it in just a quarter of an hour.

"Everyone, it's not me who wants to increase the price. This month's grain has not arrived. I don't know the specific reason. The grain price increase is not my decision alone. All grain stores in the city have increased!"

"No more food?" Hearing this, the people who were still arguing at first rushed to buy food without caring about other things.

At this time, everyone can no longer care about the increase in food prices.

The news of the food shortage spread throughout the city in a very short time, and all the people ran to buy food.So many people rush to buy, not to mention the lack of food, even the abundance of food will have serious consequences.

Originally, there was only less than two months' worth of grain left in the city. After the people frantically bought it, the price of grain rose steadily. In just one morning, the price of grain rose all the way from ten yuan to a hundred yuan.

What was even more shocking was that in the afternoon, all the food in the city was sold out!
There was no food for sale, which directly caused panic among many people who hadn't bought food yet, and they didn't know who shouted: "They are lying, they must have food!"

"Rush in!"

"They want to starve us! Get in there!"

They have been queuing for most of the day, and because there is no food, the spirits of these people have been tense, and they only need a little push to detonate these people.

The commotion quickly appeared and spread at an extremely exaggerated speed.A large number of people who did not buy food joined them.

By the time officials reacted, riots had spread throughout the city.Some people even started attacking other people for food.

Seeing this situation, the king of Han Kingdom and the nobles knew that they could not let the matter go on, and immediately dispatched troops to control the city.

The rioting people could not be the opponents of the heavily armed army. Wherever the army passed, a large number of people who were robbing food were killed, and many people who were sober hid in their homes.

Soon the army took control of the city, but even so, there were still a large number of casualties in the city.

After taking control of the city, the monarch of the Han Kingdom hurriedly summoned his officials to discuss.At this time, the king of Han already knew that there was not enough food.Although there is still a lot of grain stored in the grain depot, it is not enough for the whole country to eat.

"Your Excellencies, we already know everything. Now there is a shortage of food in the whole country. If we can't find food as soon as possible, the army will be in chaos by then!"

"Your Majesty, this subject will send someone to Huai Country to buy grain."

"Go to Huai country to buy grain? Hehe, Huai country suddenly cut off the food supply, even if they go to Huai country to buy grain now, they won't buy it!"

"Not for sale? You mean Huai country did it on purpose!" Su Mo's face changed slightly.

"Don't you understand now? Huaiguo deliberately sells grain to us at a low price, and then buys cocoons and cloth at a high price, in order to make us reduce grain cultivation, and then suddenly cut off the grain when it is not harvested. What a ruthless scheme! So ruthless Heart!"

"In the past five years, the people of our country have been seeking profit, pulling out the seedlings and planting jute and mulberry trees. Now [-]% of the land is planted with jute and mulberry trees. This is the scheming of Marquis Huai!"

Ten years of layout, five years of implementation, once annexed, Huai State merged with Han. —— "Historical Records Huai Family"

(End of this chapter)

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