A Millennium Aristocratic Family Starting from the Shang Dynasty

Chapter 348: The Split of the Academy and the Beginning of Confucian Studies

Chapter 348: The Split of the Academy and the Beginning of Confucian Studies
Daqian Tianyou has been here for 13 years.

Luoyang, Qianyuan Hall, Dachaohui.

Jingzhao Yin Zhang Xia took out a scroll of bamboo slips and wrote: "Your Majesty, since ancient times, has there been any country that has prospered without employing talented people?
The sage kings of the past dynasties are all hungry for talents. Some select talents from slaves, some come from the market, some come from fishing and salt, and there are also those who butcher dogs. However, from what I see, only a handful of talents can be achieved without studying. number.

During the Zhou Dynasty, various countries were at war, the people were in dire straits, and the population dropped sharply. Fortunately, Gaozu unified the world, and the world was able to recuperate. Thirty years have passed. Now, the population of Daqian is prosperous, and Yanran is in an unprecedented prosperous age.

How can there be no splendid culture in the prosperous age? Your Majesty established the county school to promote the literary style, flourish the culture, select talents, and make the Daqian prosperous. Therefore, the school was expanded to cultivate talents for the Daqian.

However, due to wars in various countries, many classics from hundreds of schools of thought were lost and messy, with many errors and omissions. Students everywhere had no books to read.

If we cannot understand the essence of the sages, how will future generations understand the wisdom of the sages?How can one become talented if one does not know the wisdom of the sages?

I heard that the royal family has the largest collection of books in the world, and I beg your majesty to be kind and open a library for the reading of the world's scholars. "

After Zhang Xia finished speaking, the entire hall was silent.Since ancient times, both officials and nobles or local powerful people have understood the importance of books, and every book is precious.At that time, Hui Shi, Xue Fu and Wu Cha were famous all over the world.

After the nobles, officials, and powerful people in the world got hold of books, most of them kept them in their collections, making it difficult for others to borrow them.

The collection of books of the Daqian royal family is world-famous. For more than 600 years, it has collected countless books, including all the classics of hundreds of schools of thought. The number of books in its collection is as vast as a vast ocean.

With so many books, knowledgeable people all over the world want to read them, and various schools of thought also want to borrow them.It happened that the emperor ordered the Daxing Academy to set up county schools, which gave them hope, so they took advantage of the Daxing Academy to borrow books.

Since the unification of the world, various schools and schools have begun to move closer to the imperial power. After the Confucian incident, each school also began to change its thinking and try its best to cater to it.Nowadays, every school in the world also practices Legalism, and many disciples of each school serve as officials.

It now seems that imperial policies can influence many schools of thought, but in turn these schools of thought will also influence imperial policies. Daqian is now more akin to an inclusive situation.

The states of Zhou, Qin and Wei were also products of Legalism. Li Kui and Shang Yang used the hegemonic techniques of Legalism to transform them. This was not just about suppressing them with imperial power, but more importantly, they obtained the right to interpret scriptures.

They implemented Legalist hegemony, strategies to fool the people, and ways to strengthen the country according to their own ideas. The original Huai Kingdom also promoted Legalism, but it was completely different from Qin and Wei.The Korean state of Zhao also promoted Legalism, but the results were different from those of Qin, Wei, and Huai.

Different ideas lead to different laws. At the same time, the times are constantly changing and progressing, and the law must also keep pace with the times.

Now the power of interpreting scriptures of various schools of thought is in the hands of the royal family. The nobles and powerful men in the world are coveting these classics, just to get some of the power of interpreting scriptures.

But the crux of the question is, is the royal family willing to share this part of the rights? As for taking it by force?That's because the old man has eaten arsenic and is tired of living.

There are many classics preserved in the world, and there are also a few nobles with the right to interpret scriptures.It's just that there are not as many as the royal family, especially when Wang Luo engaged in the confiscation of books from all over the world.

Wang Ke pondered for a moment after hearing the words. He knew the role of books very well.It would not be a good thing for the world if the royal family collected so many books and kept them for themselves.What was their original intention of collecting books back then?I just want the wisdom of the sages of Xia to spread throughout the world and be carried forward.He immediately said: "I understand what Zhao Qing said. The royal family has a rich collection of books. I will issue an order to guard the collection and open some books for the school to read."

Hearing Wang Ke's words, many ministers in the court suddenly became happy and worshiped in unison: "Your Majesty is merciful and will shine forever!"

Although Wang Ke agreed to open the collection of books in the collection room, which books can be released and which books cannot be released still need to be sorted out.

Just like the books left by Zijue back then, most of them will not be made available to the public. By then, most of the books written by various schools of thought will be made available to the public.

At the same time, such as military training methods, military strategies, and some of the Mohist classics will also not be open to the public.Military books are strictly restricted and can only be read by military strategists, not ordinary people.

Besides, if an ordinary person goes to read the Art of War, what do you want to do?Even those nobles and powerful people avoided military books for fear of being targeted by the royal family.

In addition to the art of war, the Mohists also attached great importance to the study of objects. These books must not be spread into the hands of barbarians.

The collection of books opened by the royal family will be transcribed again.The original library of the Academy will also be open.Now that the world is prosperous and the population is growing, it is natural to promote enlightenment and let the light of Zhu Xia continue to shine.

Wang Ke knew very well that in order for Zhuxia to continue to develop, it was necessary to open up the people's wisdom and let more and more people read. Many ideas would collide and create countless sparks of wisdom.

Various inventions and creations also appeared under this situation.If Zhuxia wants not to fall behind, it must maintain this vitality.

After Wang Ke opened the book collection, the academy became more lively.Countless nobles, nobles, officials, and powerful people want to enter and ask for letters.

For a time, the academy was full of people, and there was an endless stream of people, which also affected other people in the academy.

Qianguo Academy has many functions, including studying the theories of various schools of thought, studying the ways of governing the country, studying the ways of studying things, etc. It is also the highest academic institution in Daqian.

Now Wang Ke feels that the academy is a bit complicated.So the academy was divided into two parts, and the part that taught students and imparted knowledge was divided and re-established as Taixue, which was connected with schools in various counties.After passing the examination, the scholars of the county school can enter the imperial school to study.

The remaining part is still called Daqian Academy, and this part allows various schools of thought to discuss and learn from each other.Or debate, all schools of thought can take the stage to show off their talents.

In addition to these, the Military Academy was also independent, but it was not separated from the Academy. It was still under the Academy. It was responsible for teaching the children of the Military Academy, but it was not under the jurisdiction of the Academy.

Taking this opportunity, the Mohists' Gewu Sect and Gongshu Jia also completely separated from the academy. The Mohists in the academy only studied scriptures and no longer studied utensils. The utensil lineage was assigned to the craftsmen's supervision.

Although Jiang Zuojian is one of the nine ministers, he is directly under the jurisdiction of the royal family.After some divisions, the Academy became purer and management became much more convenient.

(End of this chapter)

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