Chapter 359 The Prince
Wang Ke drove the noble princes back to the feudal country as quickly as possible.Even the reasons he gave were reluctant, but no one dared to go against his will.

By doing this, he was completely paving the way for the next emperor. He was driving these people away now. After the new emperor ascended the throne and took control of the court, he would let the new emperor issue an edict and pardon them.

In this way, not only the court was stable, but the new king also showed kindness to these princes, which could be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Wang Ke finally chose his second son Wang Jing as the prince. Wang Jing is 14 years old. Although he is not an adult, he is equally smart.And let him follow him to observe the government.

After some actions, it helped pave the way.

On the other side, the secret guards came back from the summons. After half a year of investigation, they finally investigated the incident of the prince's landslide.The prince's accident was not man-made, it was indeed an accident caused by the weather.

But even so, Wang Ke did not relax his vigilance, and still let the secret guards, inspection censors, Jinyang Order and other officials continue to investigate.Find a few 'chickens' at the same time and kill them to scare the monkeys.

As for saying it's none of their business?The prince was injured here, don't you have any responsibility?If the work is not done well, what can we do if we don’t clean it up?
Prince Wang Ce finally saved his life under the treatment of the imperial doctor, but one leg was lost.From now on I can only use crutches.After learning the news, Wang Ce's whole person changed.The young man who was originally confident, gentle, and ambitious suddenly became depressed.

After all, almost anyone is unwilling to accept it after hearing that he or she has suddenly broken his leg.

He was unwilling to accept the result of his broken leg, and wanted to vent his anger on the people around him who were beating and scolding his attendants and maids.Any healthy person will do this after a sudden change.The more outstanding a person is, the more decadent he will be in this situation.

When the prince returned to Luoyang, Wang Ke could hardly believe that this was his son.Wang Ce's whole body was completely drained of energy, his eyes were ashen, and he had completely lost his previous charm.

Wang Ke asked people to take him back to the palace and let everyone else leave, and then said to him: "In the past, King Wen of Zhou was imprisoned and expanded the "Book of Changes", Confucius was embarrassed and annotated the "Spring and Autumn", and Zuoqiu lost his eyesight in both eyes. , then there were "Guoyu" and three hundred "Poems", most of which were written by sages to express their anger."

"You just lost a leg, and you are so confused and helpless. I originally hoped to entrust you with important tasks, but with your current appearance, how can you take on such a big responsibility?"

"You are the heir of Prince Wen. If you don't do anything, how will you meet Prince Wen a hundred years later?"

When Wang Ce heard this, his originally ashen expression changed.

"Father, now that my leg is broken and I have become a cripple, what use is it to me?"

"Your brother is young and inexperienced. I originally wanted you to assist him, but it's okay not to say it now. You can go back and have a good rest!" He said and turned around to leave.

Wang Ce's eyes suddenly lit up, and he quickly reached out to grab Wang Ke's sleeve and said, "Father, I am willing to assist my brother and prosper the country!"

Seeing that his son Wang Ce recovered, Wang Ke finally breathed a sigh of relief and was very pleased.

He has great affection for his eldest son and does not want to see him decline.At the same time, he also wanted his eldest son to assist the government and help his second son through the most difficult period when he just ascended the throne.

After arranging his eldest son, Wang Ke began to arrange the government affairs. He promoted his brother-in-law Yang Zhao to serve as a guard, in charge of Luoyang city defense and the forbidden army outside the city.

The army of Luoyang City is divided into three parts. The first part is the palace guard. Half of this part is served by the Yulin Guards and the other half is held by the nobles' sons. The second part is the Yulin Guards. One part is responsible for guarding the inner city and the other part is stationed at Shanglin Garden. .

The third part is the Forbidden Army. The Forbidden Army specifically refers to the army that guards the capital. It numbers [-] and rotates every two years.Having Yang Zhao serve as a guard is equivalent to controlling half of Luoyang's military power.Wang Jing is very smart and learns quickly, which makes Wang Ke feel relieved.Wang Ke couldn't see Wang Jing's six-dimensional attributes. If he could check it, he would find that Wang Jing's six-dimensional attributes were the most outstanding among the royal generation, even better than his brother.


As an emperor who does not need to command an army, this six-dimensional attribute is already very good. It can be said that if he serves as emperor, he must be a wise king.

Wang Ke vigorously cultivated Wang Jing, and after a year of inspection, he finally made him the prince.The replacement of the prince in the court did not cause much change in the court. After all, this was something that had been expected for a long time.

Originally, the prince's subordinate officials were sent to prefectures and counties as officials, but Wang Ke re-selected some officials for Wang Jing to serve as the prince's subordinate officials.

The transition to the position of prince was smooth.

Because the previous education given to Wang Jing was not the way to be a king, so after Wang Jing was confirmed as the prince, he needed to make up for these lessons.

Because Wang Ke was worried that Wang Jing didn't know the sufferings of the world, he often took time to take him to the people and let him see with his own eyes the cornerstone of Daqian and the thousands of people who provided him with food and clothes.

Wang Ke took Wang Jing all the way out of Luoyang and came to the Nanyang Plain. There are countless farmlands here, and countless farmers are working hard in them.

When the carriage stopped, Wang Ke said to Wang Jing, "Do you know why I brought you here?"

Wang Jing said: "Father wants his children to understand the sufferings of the people!"

Wang Ke smiled and said: "Yes, that's not right! The people you see now are not the lowest in the world. Although they work hard, they can eat enough, have clothes to wear, and have savings in life. They can still survive for a month. Eat meat once or twice, but there are many people in the world who are not as good as them.”

"You are a kid who has great ambitions and wants to achieve unprecedented achievements. This is right."

"Why are you doing these things? Do you want to make people's lives better, or do you want to leave your name in history?"

"Of course there is no conflict between the two. I hope you will read more and learn more, and think twice before you act. One of your decrees may cause these ordinary people to go bankrupt. I hope you will be a good emperor."

"These people look poor and weak, but they are the ones who support Dagan. If they can't survive, Dagan will be finished."

Wang Jing nodded with a serious expression.

"Father, I know!"

"If you want to do big things, I have left some for you. You also know that the Western Regions are rich and prolific in gold, silver, jade and jewelry. I have no chance to incorporate the Western Regions into the Great Qian, so I will have to rely on you in the future."

PS: There is another chapter in the evening.

(End of this chapter)

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