Chapter 368

If Wang Jing wants to reform, he must establish his prestige. No matter whether Zhao Qi is deceived or not, as the emperor's envoy, he patrols the world on behalf of the emperor, which is the emperor's face.

Yang Zhao killed people, which was a slap in the emperor's face.Even though Wang Jing knew there was something fishy about it, the matter had already been done.

Forgiving Yang Zhao, this restructuring became a dead letter, and the emperor's prestige suffered a huge blow, not to mention that he had only been on the throne for only three years.If Yang Zhao is killed, his mother will definitely be unhappy, and it will also be a huge blow to the family side of the royal family.

It's a complete conspiracy.

In the end, Wang Jing made his choice with a gloomy face.

Wang Ce went to see his uncle Yang Zhao in person and explained the matter to him.When he found out that he was being plotted against, he immediately burst into tears.

"My sister once advised me to keep a low profile, not to be reckless, and to be cautious after returning to the fiefdom. Unfortunately, I was arrogant at the time, which eventually led to today's disaster. It's too late to regret it!"

Yang Zhao cried loudly, then took a shower and changed clothes. After driving the servant out, he told his son that he would come back in an hour to collect his body.

In the ninth month of the third year of Tianming of the Daqian Dynasty, Shouguang Hou killed an angel, committed suicide, and was buried in Zhi. His son succeeded him.

Wang Jing asked Yang Zhao to commit suicide to save his last dignity.But things did not end with Yang Zhao's death.

Wang Jing has not forgotten those behind the scenes. These people dare to plot against him. How could Wang Jing let them go so easily?

The secret guards and the power of the court were mobilized with all their strength under Wang Jing's will. With this kind of power, what else could be hidden?Conspiracies and tricks can only be used secretly. If they are put on the table, they will be dead.

Although after Yang Zhao committed suicide, those people realized that things were completely out of control, and they began to clean up their hands and try to clear up the relationship, but how could such a thing be really cleared up?

What's more, do you think the emperor can't do anything without evidence?

The rats hiding in the dark corners had no power to resist when faced with the search by the court and the secret guards.

Although he knew the instigators behind it, Wang Jing did not deal with them on this charge.These people wanted to stop the Embroidered Clothes Envoy because they were worried that their exploits and exploits would be discovered.

He wanted to stop it through Yang Zhao, but in the end Wang Jing would rather force Yang Zhao to commit suicide than promote the embroidered clothes.For the first time, everyone in the court was afraid of the new king.

As the secret guards and the court pursued, more and more people behind the scenes were discovered. These people who secretly acted not only included nobles and powerful people from Shandong, but also people from nearby Nanyang were involved.

After seeing the news, Wang Jing was furious and directly ordered the embroidered clothes envoys to go to Nanyang and Shandong to investigate these people thoroughly.

There were many people involved in this matter, including some nobles and local powerful people in Nanyang, and even a group of officials when Wang Ce was the prince.

These ministers and ministers in the East Palace who were originally expected to be Conglong's meritorious officials after Wang Ce ascended the throne, because Wang Ce was deposed as the crown prince, their original merits of Conglong were gone and their future was gone.

At that time, Wang Ke sent these people to serve in prefectures and counties. As a result, these people could not accept such a big gap and were dissatisfied with Wang Jing.

When he saw the investigation results, Wang Jing was also shocked and immediately ordered a thorough investigation.

"I use my weak crown to ascend to the great treasure. Since I became emperor, I have been tossing and turning every day, unable to sleep, and working hard, not daring to slack off for fear of letting down the benevolence of my ancestors and causing the decline of the great cadres. The late Emperor Kao Taizongwen taught me carefully As a result, I treated the people kindly, allowing them to settle down in their own homes and live a prosperous life. For three years, the world has been relatively stable.

However, there are still people in the world who do not have enough to eat and do not have enough clothes to cover their bodies. I am deeply confused. Taizong was benevolent and frivolous in corvee and low in gifts. How could the people be like this?

So I established the Embroidered Clothes Envoy to patrol the country, and supervised each other with the patrolling censors to find out whether there were noble families or officials in various places who were bent on personal gain, perverting the law, and preying on the common people.

As I expected, Emperor Taizongwen's tolerance allowed these people to act wantonly. For their own selfish desires, these people oppressed the people wantonly, robbed the people of their fields, robbed the people of their food rations, and treated the people as arbitrary bullies. Pigs and dogs.

They enjoy wealth and honor, and are well-dressed and well-fed every day, but they still want to seize the people's wealth. They enjoy the wealth of Daqian, but they are destroying the foundation of Daqian.

I am very heartbroken. The country of Daqian has been corrupted by such people. Now I have issued a decree to track down these people in the world.

Although I am kind, this kind of kindness should not be extended to them. Regardless of whether they are relatives of the emperor or the founder of the country, as long as they are involved, they must be dealt with strictly.Those who may or may not be killed must be killed, those who may or may not be exiled must be exiled, and those who may or may not be punished must be sentenced.

Order people to spread it all over the world, and the envoys will hear about it! "

Wang Jing issued an extremely severe edict, and everyone felt the emperor's murderous intention from this edict.

Less than 50 years after the founding of Daqian, the country was strong and the imperial power was at its most prosperous, and the emperor's will was implemented.

Countless Tingwei Tiqi set off from Luoyang City and traveled to various parts of the world. The governors and magistrates from various places looked at the approaching angels with trepidation, their expressions changed, and then orders were issued one after another.

When the order to arrest was issued, many noble and powerful houses were forcibly broken open by the soldiers, and then the arrogant and wealthy noble men in the past were put in shackles and arrested.

It is no lie that the emperor was angry and laid down millions of corpses.

However, during the Wang Luo period, Daqian promoted exile and exiled criminal people to barbaric areas, allowing these people to go and develop.

So this time, except for the main criminal who was asked to be killed, everyone else was exiled to the Western Regions, Lingnan, Southern Fujian, Southwest and the Yan Kingdom in Liaodong.

This time Wang Jing issued an edict, and a large number of people were affected. These noble families, officials, and powerful people all had groups of servants at home, vast fertile fields, and there were hundreds or even thousands of people in any family.Preliminary estimates suggest that tens of thousands of people will be distributed.

There is an endless stream of people on the road from Luoyang to the Western Regions, Liaodong, Southern Fujian, Lingnan and the Southwest.

Wang Jing even took advantage of this opportunity to clear out some ministers who had affected his control of the court.

Wang Jing has been on the throne for three years. At first, the government decrees were undecided. Everything was as old as before. There was no order for three years.Many of the ministers were slack on him, but who knew that Wang Jing would directly initiate such a move.

With the help of this incident, Wang Jing cleaned up a wave of powerful people from various places, and the court gained a large amount of land.Wang Jing ordered his people to return all the land that had been taken by robbers to himself, and the remaining land was given to the original tenants for cultivation.

If these tenants have no land at home, the land will be rewarded to them after five years of farming.Through this method, the number of households in the country directly increased by thousands.

(End of this chapter)

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