Chapter 37
Many of the soldiers' family members in the Han army were in the capital, and when they learned that their family members were being treated like this, they were all furious.

These soldiers clamored to go back, but the general in charge of the army, Han Yue, was so angry that he immediately arrested these soldiers and beheaded them all. And said that this is a rumor spread by Huai people, and anyone who talks about it will be shot to death.

In order to prevent soldiers from talking about this matter, Hanyue stipulated that soldiers should supervise each other, and those who reported would be rewarded, and those who did not report would be guilty of the same crime!
Although Hanyue dealt with it in a timely manner, the news of the capital still spread at an alarming speed.

What's more, people's mouths are stronger than Fangchuan's. Such a brutal ban will only make rumors spread quickly in private.

Rumors cannot be suppressed by prohibiting them. The more they are prohibited, the more outrageous their spread will be.What's more, people flee with their families every day. It is self-evident what the real situation is.

Sure enough, within a few days, the news spread throughout the barracks.The undercurrent in the barracks has turned into a crater, and it will erupt at some time.

Han Yue also noticed the delicate situation in the camp, so he had to strictly order the attendants to be on guard, and at the same time summoned the nobles and nobles to gather the private soldiers of the nobles.

Wei Ping has been paying close attention to the Han country barracks on the opposite side. After noticing the changes in the Han country barracks, he immediately asked the army to prepare.

It was night, some soldiers in the camp of Han Kingdom quietly gathered together.

"Head, I have an old mother and younger siblings in my family. Now that the country is short of food, I want to go back."

"Going back is death. If you want me to say, just kill those bullshit nobles and take the food!"

"We are going to fight Huai Country to the death, but those people are bullying my family, I will kill them!"

"Head, just tell us what to do, we will listen to you!"

A group of soldiers talked in a hurry, and everyone's eyes were full of anger.He deeply hates the nobles in the country.

The strong man with a calm face sitting in the middle looked around for a week, then slapped his thigh and said, "Those nobles don't treat us like human beings and wantonly bully us, so why don't we turn against him and join the Huai people!"

"If you oppose him, go to the Huai people!"

"Back to him!"

"Back to him!"

This sound was like a signal, which directly detonated the anger of everyone.Immediately afterwards, these soldiers shouted, rushed out of the tent, and rushed towards the nobles' tents shouting.The riot of these soldiers detonated the entire camp in an instant.

The soldiers who had accumulated countless grievances rushed out of the camp one after another, and then spontaneously gathered like those noble camps and rushed over.

The private soldiers of the nobles who heard the movement around the noble camp came one after another, and when they saw the soldiers in the camp rebelling, they immediately retreated to form a defensive formation.

The angry soldiers raised their weapons and rushed directly to fight, and there were shouts of killing for a while.The noble private army is well-trained and better equipped, but their number is much smaller than that of ordinary soldiers, so they can only form formations to keep those angry soldiers out.

As soon as the two sides came into contact, the battle was extremely fierce. Those soldiers were brave and fearless. Even if the noble private soldiers formed an formation, they were beaten back again and again.Many soldiers even saw that they were defending in an formation and could not break through for a while, so they lit torches and threw them over like camp tents, trying to burn them to death.

A large number of soldiers surrounded and killed the private soldiers of the nobles, and the entire barracks was in chaos.

The shouts of killing alarmed the Huai country soldiers at the first time, and then in a short period of time, the Huai country soldiers gathered together.Wei Ping saw the gas fire in the tent of the Han state camp, and the sound of fighting was loud, and he immediately understood that his time had come, and without hesitation, he immediately ordered the army to fight.

Wei Ping led the army to surround the camp of Han State, and then easily broke open the tents, and ordered people to shout: "The heavenly soldiers of Huai State have arrived, and those who descend will not be killed!"

The army shouted, "The heavenly soldiers of the Huai Kingdom have arrived, and those who surrender will not be killed!"

The sound pierced through the sky, like a mountain roaring and a tsunami, clearly audible to the entire camp.Then Wei Ping ordered the army to advance, and the Han soldiers surrendered wherever they passed.

But in the middle of the camp, the fighting was still going on, and the fire attack method of Han soldiers was extremely effective. The fire ignited, billowing black smoke filled the air, and smoked the private soldiers of the nobles so much that they couldn't open their eyes, let alone line up, without a battle With an advantage in formation and not as many people as the opponent, these noble private troops were soon defeated.

A large number of nobles began to flee with their private troops, and the scene was extremely chaotic.

After Wei Ping led the army to accept the surrender of Han soldiers, a large number of nobles had been killed.Only a few nobles survived, and the [-] troops of the Han Kingdom were wiped out.

After Wei Ping attacked Han's camp, he didn't stop. Instead, he collected the weapons of these soldiers, left 5000 guards behind him, and then rushed to the capital of Han with all his troops.

The army of Han State fell apart overnight, and Han State did not react at all, and then suddenly discovered that the army of Huai State had already approached the city.

At this time, Hanhou turned pale with fright, and hurriedly summoned the nobles to prepare to defend the city.But at this time, Hanhou realized that the army in his hands had fled one after another.Because of the soaring food prices, these soldiers were short of food at home and had fled one after another.Only a small number of troops directly under the royal family and noble private troops remained.

The country of Han never expected that the army of the Huai country would arrive suddenly, and they were not prepared at all.Without enough soldiers, the Marquis of Han did not dare to go out of the city to fight Huai, so he had to gather troops to defend the city.

But by this time, the patience of the people in the city towards these nobles had reached its limit.

"Today the Huai Kingdom is besieging the city, and all the food in the city is occupied by the nobles, and they force us to defend the city! They occupy the food, force us to sell the family property at a high price, and end up with nothing, and now they force us to defend the city and die. Forget it, if you die, how can you die in such humiliation, shouldn’t those princes and nobles deserve to die? Kill them for revenge!”

Everyone shouted: "Revenge, revenge!"

A large number of exploited and penniless people were completely ignited.They all took sticks and farm tools and besieged the noble's mansion.At this time, the private soldiers of the nobles were sent to guard the city, and there were not many private soldiers guarding the house. Facing thousands of angry people, how could these people make their opponents?

Countless people rushed up and beat these people to death, and then a large number of people rushed into it and beat to death those nobles who were usually high above them.

Riots broke out in the city, and the army guarding the city panicked when they saw the chaos in the city. Wei Ping immediately sent troops to attack the city without any hesitation.

The Han army has lost its morale, how can it be stopped?The army rushed down and broke it directly. The Han army scattered and fled, and the Huai country broke Han.

(End of this chapter)

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