A Millennium Aristocratic Family Starting from the Shang Dynasty

Chapter 381: Protecting the Xiongnu Zhonglang General and passing through the grassland

Chapter 381: Protecting the Xiongnu Zhonglang General and passing through the grassland
The Xiongnu's vitality was severely damaged, and it was basically impossible to recover their strength within ten to twenty years. After seeing the capture of the Great Chanyu, King Youxian of the Xiongnu was so frightened that he moved the palace overnight and moved the royal court to Yuerhai further north to avoid it. The great strength of the army.

The Daqian court also began to shift national power from war back to development.

The three armies captured a total of 10,000+ Huns. Wang Jing did not kill these Huns, but scattered them all, and then redivided them into dozens of small tribes of about 3000 people.

The Huns were defeated and moved north, freeing up the grasslands.If the grassland cadres do not occupy these grasslands, then others will occupy them. The Huns will leave, but there will be other small tribes on the grasslands.

If left alone, within a few years, the strength of these small tribes will grow rapidly, and eventually they will once again become a danger to Daqian.

Wang Jing discussed with his ministers and finally decided to build cities on these grasslands, and then arranged for the captured Huns to occupy these tribes.

These small tribes were placed on the grasslands near the Great Wall, and Wang Jing also ordered the establishment of five surrender cities on the grasslands outside the Great Wall to manage these tribes.

Shoujiang City can be used to avoid wind and snow in winter, and it is also convenient for collecting taxes.

Wang Jing ordered that every year these Xiongnu tribes must turn in one cow, five thousand sheep, or other skins, sinews, horns, etc. per household.At the same time, these tribes need to convert to King Haotianwen.

Wang Jing cannot trust those officials. They may not dare to go too far towards ordinary people, but they will definitely bully the Huns.

The court stipulated that the amount to be collected was one cow and five sheep. These people dared to charge several times this amount.Wang Jing deliberately collected the money from each household in order to divide the Xiongnu tribe.

The former Xiongnu tribe practiced slavery. Except for a few nobles and soldiers, many of the remaining people were slaves and needed to herd cattle for their masters.Also act as cannon fodder during battle.

Now Wang Jing split them all into households and reorganized tribes. The tribal leaders were appointed by the court and no longer had the right to live or kill.

The power was divided to the city of Sujian, which was not only responsible for collecting taxes, but also needed to deal with many disputes among the Xiongnu tribe.

The court's market was also open in the surrender city, where merchants could trade with herdsmen.

Wang Jing ordered the establishment of a Zhonglang general to protect the Xiongnu, with a rank of two thousand stones, and two school captains, Sima and others.It is said that the general is protecting the Huns, but in fact it is used to monitor the Huns.

The five surrendered cities were also under the jurisdiction of the Xiongnu Zhonglang General, and taxes were required to be paid every year.Wang Jing appointed his younger brother Wang Jia as Zhonglang General to protect the Huns, and asked him to guard the Huns.

After settling the Xiongnu tribes in the grasslands, as long as they spend two years smoothly, there will basically be no major problems. Wang Jing announced that the tax exemption will be tax-free for three years, which is enough for these Xiongnu tribes to save a share of their family property, and then they will Taxes can be collected.

For the 10,000+ Huns, the imperial court could collect 10,000+ cattle and sheep every year, and these cattle and sheep could supplement meat for the common people.

After the Xiongnu harassment ceased, Daqian developed even more rapidly. Advances in farming technology and medicine allowed Daqian's population to grow very rapidly.

The war between Daqian and the Xiongnu did not have much impact on the people.The family fortune left by Emperor Qianwen Ke was too strong.

Nearly 40 years of recuperation and rest had saved Wang Jing an extremely rich fortune. In addition, the war did not last long, the court did not increase taxes on the people, and the world was still peaceful and even more prosperous.

In the 20th year of Daqian's destiny, 20 years since Wang Jing ascended the throne, and more than five years since the war against the Xiongnu ended, thanks to peace, abundant food harvests, and no major natural disasters, the population of Daqian reached an astonishing 500 million. .

In just 20 years, the population of Daqian increased by 700 million.If you include the hidden population of nobles, powerful officials, and wealthy officials, the current population of Daqian is likely to exceed 6000 million.

Such a large population also makes Daqian feel crowded. The wasteland in many counties in the Central Plains has been reclaimed. At the same time, because aristocratic families, nobles, and powerful people continue to annex land, the contradiction between people and land in these counties has become more and more prominent.

In order to accumulate strength and deal with the Huns over the years, Wang Jing has not strictly implemented many systems. Therefore, the nobles, powerful officials, and wealthy officials have violated many rules over the years, and they have even become more and more excessive in the past two years.

They began to hide their land, evade taxes, or seize people's land, collude with officials to seize land, illegally reduce taxes, etc.

Seeing this situation, Wang Jing naturally understood that it was time to deal with these people.What's more, the imperial court has been immigrating to the four counties of Hexi in the past few years. These nobles, powerful officials, and wealthy officials who are domineering in the local area just need to tidy up before moving there.

Luoyang, the divine capital, Qianyuan Palace, the great court meeting.

Wang Jing was sitting on the throne, and the ministers below were arguing about something.

After these matters were discussed, a censor came out and said respectfully: "Your Majesty, I inspected the country and found that local powerful people had occupied large areas of land, but the common people had almost no place to stand. They could only become tenants of powerful powerful households. Hidden from heaven and earth, the imperial court's food tax has been reduced instead of increased. I ask your Majesty to investigate thoroughly!"

When Wang Jing heard this, he frowned and said, "Where is the Taifu's order?" "Your Majesty, here is Xiao He, the Taifu's order!" Xiao He hurriedly came out of the queue.

"Is the agricultural tax this year more or less than last year? If it is less, how much less?"

"Your Majesty's agricultural tax this year is 700 million dan, 12 yuan, which is about [-]% less than last year." Xiao He said.

Wang Jing looked at the minister and said, "Now the world is at peace. There are no major droughts or floods. The people should be quite wealthy. Why are there less taxes?"

"Is there someone who is unwilling to pay taxes? Is there someone who is deliberately defaulting on taxes or deliberately evading taxes? The three prime ministers on the left and right, the Grand Secretary Nong, and the Taifu Ling, tell me why?"

Wang Jing, the internal minister who had been waiting for a long time, stepped forward and said: "Your Majesty, the taxation of the imperial court has been reduced. It is true that some nobles, local powerful people, and wealthy households have concealed their property and evaded taxes. Many policies in the imperial court are in name only. Among the counties, the farmlands of powerful households are connected with each other, and even connect counties across states, colluding with state and county officials to evade taxes."

Hearing this, Wang Jing was furious and shouted: "What? They are connected by miles and miles, connecting counties across states! You have so much land and you still evade taxes?"

Is the one-in-ten tax in Daqian very high?Is this the world of Daqian, or the world of those noble and powerful people?

Is it reasonable to own so much land and yet evade taxes? "

In fact, Wang Jing is very clear about these people's tax evasion. After all, he arranged the scene at today's court meeting.

Next to them, Prime Minister Zuo Zhang Liang, Tai Fu Ling Xiao He, and others stepped forward and said: "Your Majesty, this world is naturally a world of great power. Those nobles, powerful officials, and wealthy officials who evade taxes illegally should be severely punished!"

"Your Majesty, just paying taxes is not enough. Tax evasion and evasion over the years should be investigated. These nobles, powerful officials, and big officials must not have been in the same year. All of them should be investigated. In addition, I sincerely request your Majesty to clear the land in the world." The censor continued.

As soon as the censor's words came out, many people's expressions suddenly changed.

Although the ministers in the main hall all look grand, not all of them are clean. Many ministers from their hometowns do the same thing.

After all, many of these people have big families and big businesses. Sometimes you don’t do it, but some people will use your tiger skin to do it.

It is impossible for feudal society to require officials to focus on civil affairs. For the sake of development, Wang Jing turned a blind eye at the beginning. Now that these people have become fat, they can naturally be killed.

In order to curb annexation, the imperial court set up a tiered tax collection system for land. More taxes would be charged for land exceeding a thousand acres. Those local powerful, distinguished, and officials did not follow this standard. Such methods are used to avoid taxes and even hide fields.

These people are looking for death. The taxes set by the court are not high. If they are serious about dividing households and dividing families, the tax collection will not be much. But they just don’t want to divide households and pay more taxes. What a good thing. They all want to take advantage of it, it’s so powerful that it makes them crazy.

I thought that the court would not know if I did this, but I didn't know that the court was trying to fatten me up.

Those nobles, powerful people, and wealthy officials all have more or less close connections with powerful people in the capital or local areas, and many of them even have a lot of hidden property.

"The imperial edict is ordered to inspect the censors and the embroidery department to inspect the land across the country. Anyone who evades taxes will be severely punished!" Just when the courtiers were worried, Wang Jing issued the edict directly.

In Luoyang City, Tiqi were everywhere, heading quickly to all counties and counties in the world.The power of the Daqian court is far beyond what the local government can contend with, not to mention that there are three generals in the court, including the general, the general of chariots and generals, and the general of Zhenbei. More than 20 elite troops can be dispatched at any time.

Who dares to prick the nobles, powerful officials and wealthy officials in the prefectures and counties?Daqian Iron Cavalry is only afraid of coming overnight.I'm afraid those soldiers wish they could rebel now, so that they can make meritorious deeds in suppressing the rebellion.

A large number of embroidered garment envoys patrolled the world, and powerful families were constantly being identified in various states and counties. Wang Jing was relatively kind to the nobles. After all, these people also contributed to the court back then, but he could not treat the powerful and powerful officials. Much more ruthless.


As the hinterland of the Central Plains, there are many fields here, and it is also one of the Five Capitals, with many powerful and powerful officials.

Ying Cheng worked as an embroiderer, so he naturally wanted to climb up the ladder, so he started to investigate when he came here.

"Engagement, the Song family actually controls [-] acres of fertile land, and the amount of tax evasion is huge. He seems to be colluding with Anyang Buchao officials. At the same time, he also has land in other counties, and the land of the Zhang family and Zhao family is not inferior to the Song family. He has always They have all been big tax evaders for a long time, and these are the three most egregious ones that I have found."

"Are there officials involved? That's a good thing! Investigate it vigorously!" Ying Cheng said excitedly.

(End of this chapter)

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