A Millennium Aristocratic Family Starting from the Shang Dynasty

Chapter 389: Zhu Xia pioneered and revived, and once again divided feudalism and founded the country

Chapter 389: Zhu Xia pioneered again and once again divided feudalism and founded the country

Although Old Man Li is reluctant to let go of his child, he understands that this is the child's own choice.Although traveling thousands of miles is hard work and even life-threatening, is this not an opportunity to leap over the dragon's gate?

At the same time, Wang Jing was also constantly revising the country's policies and preparing to enfeoff some members of the royal family. Several of his sons were also included in the enfeoffment.

Although those places are still barbarian lands or have poor climate and environment, these can all be transformed.When Daqian was not strong enough to control so many places, he used the enfeoffment system to control these lands.

After the imperial court digests and integrates the lands on the original borders, it can try to integrate these areas.And because the Zhu Xia remnants and the local princes were all members of the Daqian royal family, there was no barrier.

With the presence of Zijue and the blessing of the ancestors, there will be no problems in these places.There will be no situation like that of Bangzhou. After the princes were enfeoffed, the princes grew bigger, and finally the countries fought in chaos for hundreds of years.

The enfeoffment system during the Zhou Dynasty could be said to be the best and most appropriate system based on the level of production technology at that time. However, King Wu Jifa and Zhou Gongdan did not expect that the Emperor of Zhou would degenerate so quickly.

Wang Jing used various methods to inspire, encourage, and guide the people to go out and enfeoff the royal family.It's because this country and nation needs people like them.They need to leave the prosperous Central Plains, leave the gentle countryside, and go thousands of miles away.

Wang Jing understood that this was not fair to them anyway, so he compensated with his title.

Kucha City in the Western Region.

As Daqian occupied this place, Wang Bo carried out some reforms in Qiuci City, encouraging caravans, fighting against sand bandits and savages blocking the road, building inns, opening up roads, and encouraging trade.

The implementation of these policies not only restored prosperity to Kucha City, but also made it even more prosperous.Qiuci Kingdom used to be a powerful country in the Western Region, and it did a lot of bad things. It collected taxes many times, took advantage of others, bullied other small countries, etc.

At the same time, some reforms were carried out in Kucha Kingdom, either explicitly or covertly, such as encouraging intermarriage between Kucha women and Gan people.A school was built in Qiuci to teach the Yayin of Daqian and some cultural books of Daqian.

Let the common people in Kucha City and the children of wealthy businessmen come to school. All food and accommodation in Kucha School will be taken care of by the Western Regions Protectorate, and a portion of the taxes from Kucha City will be allocated every year.

Kucha School is open to ordinary people in Kucha, and they are encouraged to let their children come to study.

The total population of Qiuci Kingdom is only [-], and there are only a few thousand children in the whole country. The Western Region Protectorate can definitely afford to support them.

The academies of Qiuci Kingdom mainly teach these people to learn the elegant music and writing of Qian Kingdom, as well as some poetry and history. In three years, those children can basically learn the elegant music of Qian Kingdom.As for the next step, you need to pass the exam to continue studying.

Only those who have achieved academic success can hold some official positions in Kucha City.

Wang Bo imposed an order that all documents in the Kingdom of Kucha must be written in Kucha and Qian languages.The people in the city were asked to learn the elegant music of Qianguo.

Of course, in order to reduce the resistance of the people of Kucha, Wang Bo rewarded the people of Kucha who took the initiative to learn the Yayin of Qianguo and made rapid progress.

Wang Bo did not use orders such as massacre and coercion to erase the original culture of Kucha, but made subtle changes through various policies and rewards.His policy in Kucha only had to last two generations and was basically successful.

At that time, those who learn the culture of Daqian and speak the elegant music of Qian country will not be much different from the common people of Daqian except for their slightly different appearance.

What's more, Wang Bo's long-standing integration plan encourages Dagan soldiers to marry Qiuci women. Maybe dozens or hundreds of years later, the race here will be almost the same as that of Dagan.

At the same time, Wang Bo was still promoting the faith of King Haotianwen in Kucha, sweeping the original Kucha people's original beliefs into the trash.Through various methods, Qiuci was fully controlled from economic, political, religious, literary and other aspects.

After taking control of Kucha, Dagan's influence further expanded in the Western Regions.

Qiuci Kingdom is located south of the Tianshan Mountains and belongs to the middle line of the Silk Road.The Silk Road has two lines, the north and the south. The north line goes to the north of the Tianshan Mountains, passing through Lake Barkol, Tiele, Suiye City and all the way to Rome.

The middle line passes through Qiuci, Gumen, Kuqa, crosses the Pamir Plateau, and enters Persia from Dawan.

The southern route takes the south of the Hanhai Desert, close to the Kunlun Mountains, and takes Loulan, Hotan, and the south of the Pamir Plateau to enter India.

In general, each of the three routes has advantages and disadvantages.However, because of Tianci City, most of the Daqian caravans took the central and northern routes, and not many southern routes.

After Daqian took control of the Qiuci Kingdom, other small countries in the Western Regions no longer dared to defy the rule.Daqian's influence continued to expand, and at the same time, a large number of expedition athletes traveled thousands of miles to the Western Regions every year.

Wang Jing even sent his eldest son out.

Wang Jing's eldest son was not born to the queen. Although he was not a legitimate son and did not have the right to inherit the throne, he was equally noble. Moreover, after more than ten years of teaching by Wang Jing, the eldest son Wang Xiang was very similar to Wang Jing.

There are even rumors circulating in the court that His Majesty wants to make the Emperor's eldest son the Crown Prince.

After hearing these rumors, Wang Jing remained calm on the surface, but secretly ordered the secret guards to conduct a strict investigation to find out who spread the rumors.

Wang Jing has been busy developing territory in the past few years, and has relaxed some supervision over the nobles and officials in the country. These people are now starting to interfere in the prince's issues.

There is nothing new in the world, let alone rumors like this?There are some clues after all.Soon the secret guards found out who was behind the scenes.

Wang Jing directly sent these people to the Western Region Protector's Palace in the morning on the next day for being disheveled and impolite before the emperor.

The atmosphere above the court immediately became solemn.Wang Jing knew that the people he was dealing with today were just pawns, but he just wanted to tell these people what would happen to those who dared to cross the line.

At the same time, Wang Jing also began to suppress the officials, relocated some of the families they protected, and cut off their wings.

Wang Jing was ready to move these people to the Western Regions. At the same time, Wang Jing ordered Wang Xiang to be named King Zheng, and the fiefdom was northwest of the Protectorate of the Western Regions and north of the Tianshan Mountains.

Wang Jing knew Wang Xiang's ability very well, and it was precisely because of his ability that he sealed him in the northwest. In this northern Xinjiang, far away from the Central Plains, it is impossible to stand firm without sufficient ability.

At the same time, Wang Jing handed over three thousand expedition athletes and two thousand elite cavalry to him as his bodyguard.At the same time, he ordered Wang Bo, the Liang King of the Western Regions Protectorate, to provide him with food, grass, soldiers and horses to assist him in founding the country in northern Xinjiang.

In the 28th year of Tianming in Daqian Dynasty, King Zheng Wang Xiang was 24 years old. He led an army and thousands of powerful people who moved north to the west.

(End of this chapter)

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